PhD Course Literature
Autumn 2003
Books, Selected chapters of:
- Distributed Systems, Sape Mullender (Ed.), Addison Wesley, 1993.
- Introduction to distributed algorithms, Gerard Tel, Cambridge
- Distributed algorithms, Nancy Lynch, Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.
Articles (and handouts):
- Distributed Computing, models and Methods, Chapter 18,
Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990.
- Fundamentals
of fault-tolerant distributed computing in asynchronous environments,
Felix Gärtner, ACM computing surveys, Vol. 31 (1), March 99.
- Impossibility
of distributed consensus with one faulty process, M.
J. Fischer,
N.A. Lynch and M. S. Paterson, Journal of ACM, vol 32, No 2, April 1985.
- Consensus in asynchronous distributed systems: A concise guide
tour, R.
Guerraoui, M. Hurfin, A. Mostefaoui, R. Oliveiera, M. Raynal, A.
in Distributed Systems, LNCS 1752, Springer Verlag, 2000.
- An overview of fault-tolerance using software replication
Nadjm-Tehrani, D. Szentivanyi, Technical
Report (pdf 332kb), March 2001.
- Unreliable
failure detectors for reliable distributed systems, T.D.
and S. Toueg, Journal of ACM, vol. 43 No.2 March 1996.
- The process group approach to reliable distributed computing,
Communications of the ACM, 36(12), December 1993.
- Lightweight Causal and Atomic Group Multicast, K.P. Birman, A.
Schiper, and P. Stephenson, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 9(3),
August 1991.
- Group Communication in Partitionable Distributed Systems, Ö.
R. Davoli, and A. Montresor, LNCS 1752, January 2000.
- Reaching
agreement in presence of faults, M Pease, R. Shostak, and L.
CACM, vol 27, p228-234, April 1980.
Other reference literature:
IFIP WG 10.4 Document: Dependability, Basic concepts and Terminology
A. Avizienis, J.-C. Laprie, B. Randell, Fundamental
Concepts of Dependability, Technical report CS-TR-739 at University
of Newcastle, 2001.
Draft Manuscripts:
By the end of the course you should be able to understand some of the
latest position papers in the area: LNCS
2584, January 2003.
Last Modified 03-11-21
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani