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Interaktiva och kognitiva system (HCS)

Seminars on

Theoretical Issues In Cognitive Science (TIICS)

Spring 2025

The seminars are open to faculty, graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in theoretical issues in Cognitive Science. We primarily read and discuss papers addressing theoretical issues in this field, primarily recently published theoretical papers but also occasionaly classic papers in the area.

Participants are expected to have read the paper(-s) to be discussed prior to coming to the seminar.

Details of papers to be discussed can be found in the schedule below.

On our first seminar  each semester we usually also decide on themes and topics for the rest of the semester. Details will be sent in advance to the TIICS email list.

The TIICS seminars are organized by Nils Dahlbäck (IDA, Fredrik Stjernberg (IKOS) and Sam Thellman (IDA)

Unless otherwise stated or links are provided, the papers can be downloaded from LiU's library. Please contact Nils Dahlbäck if you cannot access a copy of the paper.

If you want to recieve email nformation on TIICS please contact Nils Dahlbäck



Date Time Place Topic/text
12 feb 13.15- 14.30 Allen Newell

Rozendaal, M., van Beek, E., Haslager, P., Abbink, D., and Jonker, C. (2020)

Shift and Blend: Understanding the hybrid character of computing artefacts on a tool-agent spectrum.

HAI’20 November 11-13 2020

26 feb 13.15- 14.30 Allen Newell


11 mars 15.15-16.30 Allen Newell


Hannah Pelikan, Mathias Broth & Leelo Keevallik (2022)

When a Robot Comes to Life: The Interactional Achievement of Agency as a Transient Phenomenon

Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality. 2022 Vol. 5, Issue

ISBN: 2446-3620; DOI: 10.7146/si.v5i3.129915

Please not the this paper should be read on a screen

Please note change och date and time

26 mars 13.15- 14.30 Allen Newell
9 april 13.15- 14.30 Herberrt Simon
E.-building (IDA)
23 april 13.15- 14.30 Herberrt Simon
E.-building (IDA))
7 maj 13.15- 14.30 Herberrt Simon
E.-building (IDA)
21 maj 13.15- 14.30 Herberrt Simon
E.-building (IDA)
4 juni 13.15- 14.30 Allen Newell

Sidansvarig: Arne Jönsson
Senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-07