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Ph.D. courses 2024ht

OBS! Doktorander antagna vid LIU har företräde till IDAs doktorandkurser. Är du grund/masterstudent vid LIU alternativt extern doktorand var vänlig skicka en förfrågan om deltagande till examinator samt informera om vilket program/vilken högskola du är antagen vid.


Code  Name Open  
  Logic II (CUGS Core) Open for registrations  


Code  Name Open  
  AI & Robot Ethics Open for registrations  
  Analysis of Communication Networks Open for registrations  
  Causal Inference with Graphical Models Open for registrations  
  Computing in times of extinction Open for registrations  
  Current Topics in Societal Safety, Security, and Crisis Management (Fall 2024) Open for registrations  
  Multi-agent Systems Open for registrations  
  Real-Time and Dependable Ethernet Communication with IEEE TSN standards Open for registrations  
  Sequential Decision-Making at Airbus: The Beluga Challenge Open for registrations  

Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies