List of contents of
Computational Intelligence
Volume 9
Published by
- j-ci-9-1
- Arie Ben-David:
The Relation between Ordinal Problem Space Sizes and the Maximum Number of Ordinal Classification Rules.
Pages 1-10.
- j-ci-9-11
- Alex Kean and George Tsiknis:
Clause Management Systems.
Pages 11-40.
- j-ci-9-41
- Dimitris Plexousakis:
Semantical and Ontological Consideration in Telos: A Language for Knowledge Representation.
Pages 41-72.
- j-ci-9-73
- Craig Boutilier:
On the Semantics of Stable Inheritance Reasoning.
Pages 73-110.
- j-ci-9-111
- Guy Lapalme and Fabrice Lavier:
Using a Functional Language for Parsing and Semantic Processing.
Pages 111-131.
- j-ci-9-132
- Peter van Beek, Robin Cohen, and Ken Schmidt:
From Plan Critiquing to Clarification Dialogue for Cooperative Response Generation.
Pages 132-154.
- j-ci-9-155
- Mostefa Golea and Mario Marchand:
Polynomial Time Algorithms for Learning Neural Nets of Nonoverlapping Perceptrons.
Pages 155-170.
- j-ci-9-171
- Yang Xiang, David Poole, and Michael P. Beddoes:
Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks and Junction Forests for Large Knowledge-Based Systems.
Pages 171-220.
- j-ci-9-221
- Colin Williams and Tad Hogg:
The Typicality of Phase Transitions in Search.
Pages 221-238.
- j-ci-9-239
- Gerry Kelleher and Linda van der Gaag:
The LazyRMS: Avoiding Work in the ATMS.
Pages 239-253.
- j-ci-9-254
- Fangzhen Lin:
An Argument-Based Approach to Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Pages 254-267.
- j-ci-9-268
- Patrick Prosser:
Hybrid Algorithms for the Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
Pages 268-299.
30-Jul-97 12:05