List of contents of
Computational Intelligence
Volume 10
Published by
- j-ci-10-1
- Eric Neufeld:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Here's the AI.
Pages 1-2.
- j-ci-10-3
- Henry E. Kyburg Jr.:
Believing on the Basis of the Evidence.
Pages 3-20.
- j-ci-10-21
- Fahiem Bacchus, Adam Grove, Joseph Y. Halpern, and Daphne Koller:
A Response to "Believing on the Basis of the Evidence".
Pages 21-25.
- j-ci-10-26
- Craig Boutilier:
Believing on the Basis of Qualitative Rules: Commentary on Kyburg.
Pages 26-32.
- j-ci-10-33
- Peter Cheeseman:
On Accepting Acceptance.
Pages 33-38.
- j-ci-10-39
- James P. Delgrande:
On a General Approach to Hedged Reasoning.
Pages 39-45.
- j-ci-10-46
- Jon Doyle:
Inference and Acceptance: Comment on Kyburg's "Believing on the Basis of the Evidence".
Pages 46-48.
- j-ci-10-49
- James H. Fetzer:
Evidential Probabilities Are Not Enough.
Pages 49-52.
- j-ci-10-53
- Moisés Goldszmidt:
Hedges, Background Knowledge, and Evidence: A Reply to Kyburg's "Believing on the Basis of the Evidence".
Pages 53-56.
- j-ci-10-57
- I. J. Good:
Contribution to the Discussion of Henry E.
Pages 57-58.
- j-ci-10-59
- Robert F. Hadley:
Justification, Probability, and Consistency.
Pages 59-62.
- j-ci-10-63
- David Israel:
Commentary on Kyburg.
Pages 63-69.
- j-ci-10-70
- Isaac Levi:
Hedging Acceptance.
Pages 70-76.
- j-ci-10-77
- Ronald Loui:
Kyburg and Volkswagens.
Pages 77-78.
- j-ci-10-79
- Charles G. Morgan:
Evidence, Belief, and Inference.
Pages 79-84.
- j-ci-10-85
- John L. Pollock:
The Role of Probability in Epistemology.
Pages 85-91.
- j-ci-10-92
- Prakash P. Shenoy:
Discussion of Kyburg's "Believing on the Basis of Evidence".
Pages 92-93.
- j-ci-10-94
- Phillipe Smets:
Believing on the Basis of the Evidence: Answer to Kyburg's Paper.
Pages 94-98.
- j-ci-10-99
- Lynn Andrea Stein:
Philosophy as Engineering.
Pages 99-102.
- j-ci-10-103
- Michael P. Wellman:
Kyburgian Acceptance: A Rejection, Hedged.
Pages 103-106.
- j-ci-10-107
- Henry E. Kyburg Jr.:
Logic, Science, and Engineering.
Pages 107-115.
- j-ci-10-117
- Jayant Kalagnanam, Max Henrion, and Eswaran Subrahmanian:
The Scope of Dimensional Analysis in Qualitative Reasoning.
Pages 117-133.
- j-ci-10-134
- James H. Martin:
MetaBank: A Knowledge-Base of Metaphoric Language Conventions.
Pages 134-149.
- j-ci-10-150
- Wlodek Zadrozny:
Reasoning with Background Knowledge - A Three-Level Theory.
Pages 150-184.
- j-ci-10-185
- Lance A. Ramshaw:
Correcting Real-Word Spelling Errors Using a Model of the Problem-Solving Context.
Pages 185-211.
- j-ci-10-212
- Subbarao Kambhampati:
Exploiting Causal Structure to Control Retrieval and Refitting during Plan Reuse.
Pages 212-244.
- j-ci-10-245
- Qiang Yang and Cheryl Murray:
An Evaluation of the Temporal Coherence Heuristic in Partial-Order Planning.
Pages 245-268.
- j-ci-10-269
- Wai Lam and Fahiem Bacchus:
Learning Bayesian Belief Networks: An Approach Based on the MDL Principle.
Pages 269-294.
- j-ci-10-295
- Paul O'Rorke:
Abduction and Explanation-Based Learning: Case Studies in Diverse Domains.
Pages 295-330.
- j-ci-10-331
- Christine Froidevaux and Jérôme Mengin:
Default Logics: A Unified View.
Pages 331-369.
- j-ci-10-371
- Stuart M. Shieber:
Restricting the Weak-Generative Capacity of Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars .
Pages 371-385.
- j-ci-10-386
- Owen Rambow and Young-Suk Lee:
Word Order Variation and Tree-Adjoining Grammar.
Pages 386-400.
- j-ci-10-401
- James Rogers and K. Vijay-Shanker:
Obtaining Trees from their Descriptions: An Application to Tree-Adjoining Grammars.
Pages 401-421.
- j-ci-10-422
- Tilman Becker:
A New Automaton Model for TAGs: 2-SA.
Pages 422-430.
- j-ci-10-431
- David J. Weir:
Linear Iterated Pushdowns.
Pages 431-439.
- j-ci-10-440
- Yuichi Kaji, Ryuchi Nakanishi, Hiroyuki Seki, and Tadao Kasami:
The Computational Complexity of the Universal Recognition Problem for Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars.
Pages 440-452.
- j-ci-10-453
- Robert Frank and Anthony Kroch:
Nominal Structures and Structural Recursion.
Pages 453-470.
- j-ci-10-471
- Anne Abeillé:
Syntax or Semantics? Handling Nonlocal Dependencies with MCTAGs or Synchronous TAGs.
Pages 471-485.
- j-ci-10-486
- Bernard Lang:
Recognition can Be Harder Than Parsing.
Pages 486-494.
- j-ci-10-495
- Mark Johnson:
Logical Embedded Push-Down Automata in Tree-Adjoining Grammar Parsing.
Pages 495-505.
- j-ci-10-506
- Yves Schabes:
Left to Right Parsing of Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars.
Pages 506-524.
- j-ci-10-525
- Gertjan van Noord:
Head-Corner Parsing for TAG.
Pages 525-534.
- j-ci-10-535
- Guido Minnen:
Predictive Left-to-Right Parsing of a Restricted Variant of TAG (LD/LP).
Pages 535-548.
- j-ci-10-549
- Peter Poller:
Incremental Parsing with LD/TLP-TAGs.
Pages 549-562.
- j-ci-10-563
- Gisela Pitsch:
LL(k) e-Parsing on Coupled-Context-Free Grammars.
Pages 563-578.
- j-ci-10-579
- Karin Harbusch:
Toward an Integrated Generation Approach with Tree-Adjoining Grammars.
Pages 579-590.
- j-ci-10-591
- Anne Kilger:
Using UTAGS for Incremental and Parallel Generation.
Pages 591-603.
- j-ci-10-604
- Gen-Ichiro Kikui:
A Semantic Head-Driven Generation System for Feature Structure Tree-Adjoining Grammars.
Pages 604-618.
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