List of contents of
Journal of Logic and Computation
Volume 4 (1994)
Published by
- j-jlc-4-1
- Esther König:
A Hypothetical Reasoning Algorithm for Linguistic Analysis.
Pages 1-19.
- j-jlc-4-21
- Frank Wolter:
Solution to a Problem of Goranko and Passy.
Pages 21-22.
- j-jlc-4-23
- Harold Simmons:
The Monotonous Elimination of Predicate Variables.
Pages 23-68.
- j-jlc-4-69
- James Harland:
A Proof-theoretic Analysis of Goal-directed Provability.
Pages 69-88.
- j-jlc-4-89
- Leopoldo E. Bertossi:
Circumscription in Data Logic for Data Type Specification.
Pages 89-96.
- j-jlc-4-109
- Betti Venneri:
Intersection Types as Logical Formulae.
Pages 109-124.
- j-jlc-4-125
- Heinrich Wansing:
Sequent Calculi for Normal Modal Propositional Logics.
Pages 125-142.
- j-jlc-4-143
- Jürgen Dix and Martin Kummer:
Herbrand's Theorem for Nonstandard Inference Operations.
Pages 143-156.
- j-jlc-4-157
- Andreas Polyméris:
Conjunctive Normal Forms In Three-valued Propositional Logics.
Pages 157-174.
- j-jlc-4-175
- David J. Pym and James Harland:
A Uniform Proof-theoretic Investigation of Linear Logic Programming.
Pages 175-207.
- j-jlc-4-217
- Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger:
Rewrite-based Equational Theorem Proving with Selection and Simplification.
Pages 217-247.
- j-jlc-4-249
- Robert F. Stärk:
Input/Output Dependencies of Normal Logic Programs.
Pages 249-262.
- j-jlc-4-263
- William P. R. Mitchell:
Expressiveness for Highly Netsed Expressions in Linear Temporal Logic.
Pages 263-272.
- j-jlc-4-273
- Suzanne Zeitman:
Unforgettable Forgetful Determinacy.
Pages 273-283.
- j-jlc-4-285
- Marcello D'Agostino and Marco Mondadori:
The Taming of the Cut.
Pages 285-319.
- j-jlc-4-337
- Iain A. Stewart:
Logical Description of Monotone NP Problems.
Pages 337-357.
- j-jlc-4-359
- Stefano Baratella:
A Modal Approach to Negation as Failure Rule.
Pages 359-373.
- j-jlc-4-375
- Irène Guessarian and Marcos Veloso-Peixoto:
About Boundedness for some Datalog and Datalog ¬ .
Pages 375-403.
- j-jlc-4-405
- Eric Monteiro:
Linear Logic as CSP.
Pages 405-421.
- j-jlc-4-423
- Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, and Marco Schaerf:
Deduction in Concept Languages: from Subsumption to Instance Checking.
Pages 423-452.
- j-jlc-4-467
- Edwin P. D. Pednault:
ADL and the State-Transition Model of Action.
Pages 467-512.
- j-jlc-4-513
- Rob Miller and Murray Shanahan:
Narratives in the Situation Calculus.
Pages 513-530.
- j-jlc-4-531
- James F. Allen and George Ferguson:
Actions and Events in Interval Temporal Logic.
Pages 531-579.
- j-jlc-4-581
- Erik Sandewall:
The Range of Applicability of some Non-monotonic Logics for Strict Inertia.
Pages 581-615.
- j-jlc-4-617
- Joachim Hertzberg and Sylvie Thiébaux:
Turning an Action Formalism Into a Planner - a Case Study.
Pages 617-654.
- j-jlc-4-655
- Fangzen Lin and Ray Reiter:
State Constraints Revisited.
Pages 655-678.
- j-jlc-4-679
- Lenhart K. Schubert:
Explanation Closure, Action Closure and the Sandewall Test Suite for Reasoning about Change.
Pages 679-700.
- j-jlc-4-701
- David Morley, Michael Georgeff, and Anand Rao:
A Monotonic Formalism for Events and Systems of Events.
Pages 701-720.
- j-jlc-4-721
- Ernest Davis:
Knowledge Preconditions for Plans.
Pages 721-766.
- j-jlc-4-767
- Sam Steel:
Action Under Uncertainty.
Pages 767-795.
- j-jlc-4-797
- Alvaro del val and Yoav Shoham:
A Unified View of Belief Revision and Update.
Pages 797-810.
- j-jlc-4-811
- Johan van Benthem, Jan van Eijck, and Vera Stebletsova:
Modal Logic, Transition Systems and Processes.
Pages 811-855.
- j-jlc-4-859
- Christophe Fouqueré and Jacqueline Vauzeilles:
Linear Logic and Exceptions.
Pages 859-875.
- j-jlc-4-877
- Mehmet A. Orgun and William W. Wadge:
Extending Temporal Logic Programming with Choice Predicates Non-determinism.
Pages 877-903.
- j-jlc-4-905
- Reiner Hähnle:
Short Conjunctive Normal Forms in Finitely Valeud Logics.
Pages 905-927.
- j-jlc-4-929
- Arnon Avron:
Some Properties of Linear Logic Proved by Semantic Methods.
Pages 929-938.
- j-jlc-4-939
- Mads Dam:
Process-Algebraic Interpretations of Positive Linear and Relevant Logics.
Pages 939-973.
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