Title: | Foundations for the Situation Calculus. |
Authors: | Hector Levesque, Fiora Pirri, and Ray Reiter |
Series: | Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science ISSN 1401-9841 |
Issue: | Vol. 3(1998): nr 018 |
URL: | http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1998/018/ |
Abstract: |
This article gives the logical foundations for the situations-as-histories
variant of the situation calculus, focusing on the following items:
Keywords: |
Intended publication 1998-12-22 | Postscript |
Info from authors | |
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Editor-in-chief: editor@ep.liu.se Webmaster: webmaster@ep.liu.se |
29-Jun-98 16:48 |