Title: | A Bootstrapping Model for Children's Vocabulary Acquisition using Inductive Logic Programming. |
Authors: | Ikuo Kobayashi, Koichi Furukawa, Tomonobu Ozaki, and Mutsumi Imai |
Series: | Linköping Electronic
Articles in Computer and Information Science ISSN 1401-9841 |
Issue: | Vol. 6(2001): nr 018 |
URL: | http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/2001/018/ |
Abstract: |
This paper proposes a computational model for children's word
acquisition based on inductive logic programming. There are three
fundamental features in our approach. Firstly, we incorporate cognitive
biases developed recently to explain the efficiency of children's
language acquisition. Secondly, we design a co-evolution mechanism of
acquiring concept definitions for words and developing concept
hierarchy. Concept hierarchy plays an important role of defining
contexts for later word learning processes. A context switching
mechanism is used to select a relevant set of attributes for learning a
word depending on the category which it belongs to. On the other hand,
during acquiring definitions for words, concept hierarchy is developed.
Thirdly, we pursue resemblance to human brain in functional level.
We developed an experimental language acquisition system called WISDOM (Word Induction System for Deriving Object Model) and conducted virtual experiments or simulations on acquisition of words in two different categories. The experiments shows feasibility of our approach. |
Keywords: |
Intended publication 2001-08-30 |
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