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Moderated by Erik Sandewall. |
Michael ThielscherA Theory of Dynamic Diagnosis |
mentioned above has been submitted to the Electronic
Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, and the present page
contains the review discussion. Click here for
explanations and for the webpage of theauthor, Michael Thielscher.
Overview of interactions
Q1. Rob Miller (3.11):
Michael, a question regarding the relative likelihoods of different components failing: It seems to me that, in the absence of specific domain knowledge to the contrary, it's right to prefer explanations of system failure which are minimal in terms of the number of failures of individual components, other things being equal (this is one aspect of how your main example works, if I've understood correctly). But you also mention that good diagnosis is able to "take into account a priori knowledge of differences in the likelihood of components to break" (an example might be the knowledge that relays are more likely to fail than resistors). Could you say a little more about this in relation to your approach? Would you perhaps use more than one ab predicate, with some sort of prioritised minimisation between the predicates? A1. Michael Thielscher (3.11):
My theory does indeed respect domain knowledge of the kind you
mention. This knowledge is formally represented by a partial ordering
among the instances of the (unique)
Q2. Marie-Odile Cordier (23.12):
I have three main comments on this paper :
1) The example on page 4-6 is quite interesting
and highlights very clearly what happens when
dealing with interactive faults (
What it clearly highlighted, in my opinion, is that
"minimizing abnormality" cannot be used when dealing
with interactive faults. Most research papers on
diagnostics suppose implicitly that faults are independent and
equiprobable, and in these cases, "minimizing abnormalities"
is a good way of selecting the most probable diagnoses.
However, as soon as you are dealing with interactive faults
the preferred diagnoses have no good reason (no probabilistic
foundation) to be the minimal ones.
In the example, the probability of The key point is that "minimization" (minimizing abnormalities) is not a good preference strategy in case of interactive faults. This seems to me to be the very reason why one doesn't get the expected results in this example. Another point concerns when this "preferring" step has to be done. The author argues that it has to be done at the starting point and uses the example as a justification. I don't contest this fact (see below), but I contest that it follows from the example.
From the following example, it can be seen that "minimizing abnormalities"
is not a correct solution even if it is done at the starting state.
Let us suppose that it is known that 2) The term "dynamic diagnosis" is used throughout the paper to denote diagnosis on systems on which you are performing actions (tests). As far as I understand, the systems are supposed to be static ones; they are not supposed to evolve by their own; they don't have any proper dynamic behaviour. The only way to make them change is to perform actions. This is the reason why you can predict the resulting state by looking only to the effects of the action. Unpredictable events are not taken into account, for exemple faults (or more simply evolutions of the system) that occur during the sequence of actions. The term "dynamic diagnosis" is then misleading, at least for the diagnostic community for which dynamic diagnosis usually means diagnosing systems evolving in time by themselves, without explicit exogeneous events making them change. In this context, the problem which is proposed is very similar to that of postdiction : knowing some observed facts resulting from an action (or a sequence of actions), you want to infer the actual state of the system. Faults cannot happen during the sequence of actions, and then dealing with an action or a sequence of actions makes no difference. Consequently, it is quite justified to apply the "preference step" on the initial point. You have to determine the most probable sequences of steps (or histories, scenarii, trajectories?) starting from initial states, leading to some final states in which observations are true, and corresponding to a given sequence of actions. There are no unknown events; there is no uncertainty in the actions; no uncertainty wrt their effects; the only uncertainties concern the initial states. The preference between sequences depends directly on preferences on initial states, which explains why the "preference step" concerns the initial states.
This scheme is a restricted case of a most general scheme in which you
take into account the possible occurences of events (as faults) interleaved
with the actions, the probability of such events, and the probability of an
action to produce some effects. Selecting some of these scenarii according
to preference criteria corresponds to what we called "event-based diagnosis"
in [Cordier 94 3) The last point concerns the ramification problem and the use of a causal model to predict the effects of an action. I realize that this point is not the main subject of this paper, since it is devoted to diagnostics. However, an important point related to this paper is to examine whether it can be applied when dealing with dynamic systems. This theory of action based on causal relationships is very attractive as long as you are looking for the effects of an action or a sequence of actions, and as long as the concerned system has no proper evolution. Fluents which are not affected by an action are then supposed not to change, by virtue of a minimal change principle. But as soon as you are concerned with dynamical systems, (which is not really the case in the paper), such a causal model would probably not be sufficient and you will need a "transition model", describing the way things evolve along time. This happens for example if you want to model the dynamics of a system, or the possible events as faults that occur as you are monitoring a system, or the natural ageing of components. An answer could be that there cannot be changes without causes, but most of the time you don't want to model these causal chains or you are not even able to model the primary causes of such evolutions (for example, the ageing of components or the sudden occurence of a fault), but you want nevertheless to take them into account as far as possible.
The basic idea of the proposal we made in [Cordier 95
A2. Michael Thielscher (9.1):
I want to thank Marie-Odile for the very detailed comments, the pointers to related literature, and for the interesting questions. Let me answer the latter in turn.
The main matter of concern in my paper is to point out a crucial
aspect of generalizing theories of diagnosis to what I call the
dynamic case: Component failures, which usually are considered
abnormal, may naturally arise in the course of time as direct or
indirect effects of actions (or events, for that matter). As a
consequence, it is inappropriate to simply apply minimization
strategies that are suitable in the static case equally to all states
that arise during the diagnosis process. Rather it is necessary to employ
the `static' strategy only once, namely, initially. This allows to count
as perfectly normal any component failure that is effected later on.
Now, in the paper I have pursued one particular `static' minimization
strategy, namely, where it is required that if there is a difference in the
a priori likelihood of component failures, then it needs to be explicitly
stated so. This is not the case in the scenario and reasoning process you
described: The a priori likelihood of
Concerning the second remark, I admit that for the diagnosis community the
term "dynamic" might be misleading, at least at first glance. To begin
with, in the area of formalizing reasoning about actions and change it
has become common to call "dynamic" any system that may exhibit different
states in the course of time, no matter whether state changes are brought
about by exogenous action or by natural events that happen inside the
system. The striving motivation for me adopting this term was to contrast
the contents of the paper to Reiter's work on diagnosis
[j-aij-32-57]. But apart from
that, many results have been established that show how approaches to
reasoning about actions can be generalized to the case where actions
are performed in self-evolving systems. (See, e.g., [c-ijcai-95-1956],
[c-kr-96-2], [mb-Shanahan-97],
to mention a few.) The gap between dynamic systems which idle unless
actions are performed, and those that are self-evolving turned out less deep
than one might have expected. In particular, the theory of causal
relationships (and the axiomatization on the basis of the Fluent Calculus)
has very recently been extended to allow for natural events aside from
exogenous, volitional actions [Thielscher 98
This leads to my answer to your third remark. An example taken from [Thielscher 98 (clock IS x+1) causes (timer IS t-1) if (timer=t and t>0)which says that whenever the global clock ticks, then the timer counts down until it reaches zero. This shows that causal relationships do not depend on the performance of actions but just on the occurrence of effects, which might just as well be the consequence of natural events inside the system. Now, the motivation for using a causal description rather than an explicit transition model is that only the former corresponds directly to a natural and "elaboration-tolerant" (see [c-fcs-98-198]) description of actions and events, effects and change. (Notice that via the theory of causal relationships, any causal description implicitly determines a transition model.) Generally, research in the area of commonsense reasoning about actions is largely motivated by the conceptual gap between a natural description of causes and effects, and the corresponding transition model. The Ramification Problem, for instance, has to be understood in this way, and so is of course an issue in case of self-evolving dynamic systems just as well (see again [Thielscher 98
C2-1. Anonymous Reviewer 2 (3.5):
I have only one complaint which has been already raised by Marie-Odile Cordier during the discussion phase (point 2): the theory assumes that the system may change its status only because of some action. However, faults cannot happen during the execution of actions. Because of this, it is reasonable to "minimize abnormalities" in the initial state. However, are the assumptions reasonable? In your reply to Marie-Odile, you say that you see no fundamental obstacle in extending the theory to "natural events aside from exogenous, volitional actions". Some more words (a section with an example?) about how to do it will be of great help. C2-2. Michael Thielscher (7.5):
I hope that the following remark constitutes
a satisfactory reply to your question.
This is the basic idea in the paper
which I mentioned in my answer to Cordier's question to which you refer:
The happening of a (non-exogenous) event is considered a property
of a world state and thus is formally treated as a fluent. Hence it
can be (directly or indirectly) caused by actions or other events. In the
aforementioned paper we have
shown that minimization of event occurrences had better be conducted
in the initial state only. Now, here is a (sketchy) idea for combining
this approach with the present theory of dynamic diagnosis: Suppose we
introduce binary fluents Q3. Wolfgang Nejdl (27.12):
One basic remark about the title and intention of your paper: When I first read your paper, I had some difficulties in connecting your work to the usual diagnosis literature, as you basically refer only to papers about reasoning about action and change (which is ok, considering the content, but should be changed, considering the title). Also, the current title is somewhat misleading, as the term "dynamic diagnosis" in the diagnosis community is usually reserved for systems which monitor and diagnose continuous and/or time-varying systems. I would have suggested something like "diagnosis and actions" or similar within the title. Anyway, here are some more specific questions, which came into my mind, while I was trying to comprehend your approach.
1. It seems to me, that one main problem (chapter 2) you are
considering are dependent failures like " 2. A second thread which seems to emerge in chapter 4 is the integration of test actions. Have you thought about which test actions one should take, or is this only a side issue in this chapter? 3. Also, could you comment some more about the relationship of your approach to the one of Sheila McIlraith? Best regards, Wolfgang Nejdl A3. Michael Thielscher (9.1):
Let me now give answers to the questions by Wolfgang Nejdl. One of them also concerns the use of the term "dynamic systems" and so has already been considered in the answer to the previous question. The references before refer to the bibliography of that answer. As for the motivation for using causal relationships, this is entirely due to the dynamic aspect. The past decade or so of research in reasoning about actions has revealed that state constraints, being static in nature, may however also give rise to indirect effects of actions (or events)-- yet it is usually challenging to determine exactly to which effects. In fact, state constraints often lack information needed to tell `real' indirect effects from `phantom' effects, which would never occur in reality. Causal relationships do provide this necessary additional information. (See the first three sections of [j-aij-89-317] for a detailed introduction to this problem and for the motivation behind causal relationships.) As for the problem of determining suitable test actions, this is indeed a side issue in the present paper. I merely want to show that the theory does in principle support the search for such actions. A detailed account would mean to develop a sophisticated search strategy and to make precise how the relative usefulness of possible actions is to be judged. This would clearly go beyond the scope of the present paper, but is definitely of interest and could very well be the topic of a follow-up paper. Finally, to the relation to Sheila's approach. First of all, there is a difference from a very general point of view. Her approach starts with a particular axiomatization strategy, namely, the Situation Calculus. My intention was to focus on a high-level theory of dynamic diagnosis, prior to considering the problem of a suitable first-order axiomatization. The latter I have briefly tackled in the section on a (provably correct) Fluent Calculus-based axiomatization. At least for a large part of the high-level theory, Sheila's axiomatization may very well prove correct, too. Some more specific remarks as to differences in the expressiveness have been made in the discussion part of the paper. In addition to this it is worth mentioning that much work has been done on the pros and cons of Situation Calculus in general compared to alternative axiomatization strategies (among which are the Event- and the aforementioned Fluent Calculi; see, e.g., [mb-Shanahan-97] or [j-aij-89-317]).
Q4. Anonymous Reviewer 2 (3.5):
I would like if the theory were adjusted to cover this small
"defect": According to the definition of "action law" (page 11) the
set A4. Michael Thielscher (7.5):
The following straightforward generalization of Definition 2 could handle your example without affecting any other part of the theory. Rather than stipulating that action laws themselves satisfy the consistency criterion, the latter shall be a requirement of applicable instances of these laws. In this way the statement Move(x,f,t) transforms {Loc(x,f),-Loc(x,t)} into {Loc(x,t),-Loc(x,f)}would satisfy the definition of an action law, and actions of the form |