The article mentioned above has been submitted to the Electronic
Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, and the present page
contains the review discussion. Click for
more explanations and for the webpage of the
authors: Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller.
Overview of interactions
Q1. Michael Thielscher (24.10):
Antonis and Rob,
I have a question concerning the notion of initiation and termination
points in case ramifications are involved. If my understanding of
your Definition 14 is correct, then there seems to be a problem with
undesired mutual justification. Take, as an example, the two
dead whenever ¬ alive
| |
¬ alive whenever dead
| |
Suppose there are no other propositions, in particular no events, then
H(0) = {alive, ¬ dead}
| |
H(1) = {¬ alive, dead}
| |
seems to satisfy all conditions for being a model. The two uncaused
changes justify each other: 0 is an initiation point for dead since
0 is a termination point for alive , and vice versa.
Finding some least fixpoint, which you mention after the definition,
seems therefore vital for the correctness of the definition itself.
However, the corresponding operator must not have an interpretation
as argument. So I would think that instead of defining the notions of
"initiation and termination points for F in H relative to D "
one should define "initiation and termination points for F relative
to D ," that is, without reference to some H .
A1. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (30.10):
Hello Michael,
Thanks for your comments about Definition 14 of initiation
and termination points. You are of course right to say that
the definition requires the least fixed point construction,
so perhaps we should have made this explicit within the
definition itself. We omitted this from the paper in an attempt
not to overload the definition with too much formalism, but
perhaps its omission is causing more rather than less confusion.
(Hudson Turner emailed us a comment similar to yours
a little while ago.)
So yes, the initiation and termination points are defined by
a least fixed point construction (along the lines we say after
the definition). The version of the definition that makes this
explicit is unfortunately a little too full of mathematical
notation to write here in plain text or html format; please
refer to the latex/postscript version of this message at
You'll see that the operator corresponding to the least fixed point
does indeed have an interpretation as argument. But there's no
problem with this, because the interpretation is already fixed at
the beginning of the definition. It's necessary to include this
argument in order to deal with preconditions of c-propositions.
For example, consider the following domain (with time as the
Take initiates Picture when {Loaded}
| |
Take happens-at 2
| |
¬ Picture holds-at 1
| |
We want 2 models, one in which Loaded is true at 1, and one in
which Loaded is false at 1. In the former model, 2 should be an
initiation point for Picture , but in the latter it shouldn't.
Q2. Tom Costello (28.10):
In your paper you have three types of proposition, h, t and
c-propositions. In your definition of an interpretation, you give
enough information to establish truth conditions for t-propositions.
The following is the obvious truth condition for t-propositions.
A t-proposition, F holds-at T , is true in an interpretation
E , if E(F, T) = true .
However, you do not seem to have enough information to give truth
conditions for h or c-propositions.
Consider the domain language with one time-point 0 and one fluent
F and one action A . Then the domain description,
A happens-at 0
| |
F holds-at 0
| |
has one model, (F, 0) |-> true
The domain description
has the same model. However, these two descriptions differ on the
h-propositions. Thus from an interpretation you cannot determine the
set of true h-propositions.
For a logic to model distinct sets of propositions by the same
structure is problematic for many reasons.
As a general point, A type languages are not sufficiently formal in
defining when a proposition in true in a model. This has led to
errors like the above in A -type languages. Some papers have used a
function from sequences of actions to sets of fluents, rather than a
labeled transition function/relation from sets of fluents to sets of
fluents, to give semantics to action languages. The former collapses
domain descriptions that differ on causal propositions, while the
latter does not. Giunchiglia, Kartha and Lifschitz are an example of
the use of the latter. I know of no paper that explicitly gives truth
conditions for all propositions in an A -type language.
A2. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (30.10):
Hello Tom,
Thanks for your comments and observations.
Regarding your specific comments about the Language E , then
you're right - from a formal point of view there is no
concept of truth or falsity as regards h- and c-propositions.
So, from the definitions, it doesn't even make sense to talk
about "the set of true h-propositions". For your example,
the semantics simply "disregards" the h-proposition
A happens-at 0 , because the occurrence of A at 0 that this
represents at the syntactic level has no effects.
There's no problem with this from a formal point of view, but
it does mean that E , and languages like it, are very restrictive.
That's why they're perhaps best regarded as stepping-stones
towards formalisations or axiomatisations written in fuller,
general-purpose logics. (However, and as we hope we and others
have illustrated, they do have a use in discussing and
illustrating approaches to particular issues - in our case,
to ramifications - in a relatively intuitive and uncluttered
way, and also in proving properties of classes of logic
programs.) This is where work such as that of Kartha
(translating A into various versions of the Situation Calculus)
is valuable. In the case of the Language A , Kartha's translations
bring out the fact that there is an implicit completion of
causal information ( A 's e-propositions) in A 's semantics.
Much the same thing is true of h- and c-propositions in E .
(This is why adding truth functions for h- and c-propositions
in E models would be trivial but rather superfluous).
We discussed this in more detail in our first paper on E (in
the Journal of logic Programming). As we've said in both papers,
it's our intention to explore these issues further by developing
translations analogous to Kartha's for E . You might also
be interested to look at the papers by Kristof Van Belleghem,
Marc Deneker, and Daniele Theseider Dupre, who have developed a
language ER similar in many respects to E ,
but more expressive and
with a correspondingly more complex semantics (which includes
truth conditions for the equivalent of h- and c-propositions).
(We've described this briefly in Section 5 of our paper.)
As regards your general point about " A type languages", it
would be interesting to get some comments from
" A type people" about
this. Perhaps "not sufficiently expressive" is a better phrase
than "not sufficiently formal". (On this general theme, Mikhail
Soutchanski made another good point in the recent ENAI when he
pointed out that it's much easier to combine theories of action
written in classical logic with other commonsense theories, e.g.
of space or shape, than if specialised logics are used.)
C2-1. Alessandro Provetti (10.11):
Dear Antonis and Rob,
I'd like to comment on Tom's example about the role of h-statements
in A -languages. In the language L of Baral et al.
the theories:
have different models.
Assume that there are other fluents than F , the former has models which
differ one to another by the interpretation of the initial state
(except -of course- for F ) while agreeing on the fact that nothing
happened at all.
The latter yields the same models as far as the initial state is concerned,
but all of them sanction that A has happened. As a result, the
latter theory implies the formula A occurs-%at S0 .
It appears to me that the equivalence of the two theories above under
E -semantics does not mean in general that A -style
semantics cannot account for h-propositions.
You may want to comment on this in the paper or -possibly- proceed to work
on the entailment associated to E .
Hope this helps.
Alessandro Provetti
C2-2. Tom Costello (11.11):
Dear Antonis and Rob, (and Alessandro)
While the languages
L0 and L1
of Baral et al. give truth conditions
for propositions stating happens , precedes and holds ,
they do not give truth conditions for causes propositions.
Like Baral and Gelfond, and
Kartha and Lifschitz their models are functions from sequences of
actions to (sets of) states. Because of this they conflate domain
descriptions that are not conflated by models that are functions from
states to sets of states ( Res etc.).
Consider the following domain description, stated in A .
or in L0
These have the same functions from sequences of actions to sets of
states as,
A causes F
| |
A causes G if not F
| |
initially F
| |
or in L0
A causes F
| |
A causes G if not F
| |
F at S0
| |
However, if we consider functions from states to sets of states, then
these have different models. Thus domain descriptions that were
distinguished by A , are conflated by later languages.
These later approaches conflate models that intuitively differ.
I agree with Alessandro that E type languages can give semantics to
h-propositions. My complaint is that current approaches fail to give
semantics to all their propositions. As A and E type
languages do not
have a proof theory, save by being translated into other approaches,
it seems strange that they do not even have a model theory for all
their propositions. In Antonis and Rob's case they lack truth
conditions for some of their propositions, and worse, it seems that it
is not even possible to define truth conditions. The same problem
arises for causal statements in Baral et al., Baral and Gelfond, and
Kartha and Lifschitz. Other models of A type languages do not have
this problem of collapsing domain descriptions A considered distinct,
for causal statements, for instance, E. Giunchiglia, N. Kartha and
V. Lifschitz, "Representing action: indeterminacy and ramifications".
Therefore, I argue that action language models should define truth
conditions for all their propositions, and further, should ensure that
intuitively different models are distinct.
C2-3. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (12.11):
Hi Tom,
You wrote:
In Antonis and Rob's case they lack truth conditions for some
of their propositions, and worse, it seems that it is not even
possible to define truth conditions.
As we said in our original answer to your question, it's trivial
to extend the semantics of the Language E to include truth
conditions for h- and c-propositions, but superfluous (to the
main themes of the present and previous papers). However,
for the record, you can do this by defining an interpretation
as a tuple <H, J, K> . H is as before, J is a function
Actions × Time-%points ·---> { true , false }
| |
and K is a function
Actions × Fluent-%literals ×
| |
2 Fluent-%literals ·---> { true , false }
| |
The definition of a model is exactly as before
(Definition 9), with the additional conditions:
- J(A, T) = true iff A happens-%at T is in D
- K(A, L, C) = true iff either
A initiates L when C is in D , or L = -F and
A terminates F when C is in D .
But this
doesn't really add much insight; you just get that D entails
a given h- or c-proposition iff the proposition is in D . Of
course, for other extensions of E it might become
worthwhile complicating the structure of an interpretation
in this way. (Similarly for r-propositions.) Again, you might
find Van Belleghem, Deneker and Dupre interesting in this
Rob and Tony
C2-4. Tom Costello (13.11):
Dear Rob and Tony,
Your definition of truth for c-propositions seems very unintuitive to
me. I would think that if A terminates F if G , then A
terminates F if G , H .
Your definition does not give this result. The reason I ask for truth
conditions for your propositions is that I cannot understand what the
intuitive consequences of a set of propositions should be, unless I
understand what the propositions say. If the propositions are
expressed in a standard logic, then I understand them using the
definition of truth in a model. However, your propositions are not in
a standard logic, and therefore, to understand what
means, I have to know when it is true.
Your paper introduces a new type of proposition,
There are some obvious choices for truth conditions for this type of
proposition. In particular, it can be understood that every this is
obeyed at every time-point, or that this is a property of every
"possible" state, not every "actual" state. Without knowing which
notion this proposition is trying to express, I cannot understand what
the proposition says.
I do not think truth conditions are a side point to the main theme of
your paper. As you say, action languages are supposed to be
"understandable and intuitive". Languages cannot be understood without
C2-5. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (17.11):
We think that perhaps we're in danger of going round in circles in this
discussion. As we've said in other answers, we've much sympathy for
your stance on the benefits of general purpose logics (and in particular
classical logic), and that's why we've stated on numerous occcasions
that languages such as E are perhaps best regarded as intermediate
stages in the development of formalisms written in such logics. However,
we do feel that they have a use in initially discussing and illustrating
approaches to particular issues - in our case, to ramifications - in a
relatively intuitive and uncluttered way. But we do recognise that what
is intuitive for one person might not be so for another. (In particular,
of course, as regards formalising common sense it is possible to supply
classical logic axiomatisations which are intuitive to some people but
not others).
Again, it would be interesting to get some views from more people who
have developed A style languages on some of the general issues that
you've raised (if not here, then perhaps in a more general ENRAC panel
discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of specialised action
Rob and Tony
Editor's note: continued discussion on the merits and demerits of
Action Description Languages will be referred to the panel
discussion on ontologies.
C2-6. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (28.11):
In ENRAC 21.11, in the context of the general discussion on action
description languages, you asked:
Similarly, does
or Kakas and Miller's
mean that every actual state satisfies F,G, or every possible
In the light of this remark, it now occurs to us that a possible
partial explanation of your difficulty in gaining an intuition about
the meaning of E 's c- and r-propositions is that you're thinking in
terms of states and state-transitions (natural enough if one is used
to working with the Situation Calculus and related formalisms). But
E 's vocabulary and underlying ontology doesn't include (global) states
- just fluents, actions and time-points. So it's difficult for us to
see what you might be refering to by a "possible state" in the context
of E .
To understand our intentions, it's better to think just in terms
of local cause and effect, i.e. to think of the r-proposition
L whenever C as meaning " C is a minimally sufficient cause for
F ", and the c-proposition A initiates F when C as meaning
" C is a minimally sufficient set of conditions for an occurrence of
A to have an initiating effect on F ".
We include "minimally" here to express our
feeling that it's not intuitive to include completely irrelevant
fluents in the set C . Hence, as we indicated before, if we were to
extend the semantics and entailment relation to include h-, c- and
r-propositions, we really would want such propositions to be entailed
if and only if they were in the domain description, at least for the
simple classes of domain descriptions we've defined so far. (Hence,
strictly speaking, we might want to forbid pairs of statements within
a single domain description such as L whenever C1 and
L whenever C2 where C1 was a proper subset of C2 ,
because the second proposition is redundant).
However, we retain sympathy for your general arguments about
the need, ultimately, for theories in classical logic or similar, and
for defining entailment in terms of truth functions (as we've
effectively done for t-propositions). It is of course debatable whether
such theories need to be centered around the notions of global states
and state transitions. One's intuitions and preferences about this are
probably coloured by one's experience.
Rob and Tony
Q3. Tom Costello (30.10):
A question on the choice of approach: Why didn't you write everything
in classical logic?. Personally, I find it much more natural to consider
classical logical languages than A -type languages. The enclosed
postscript file
is a translation of the proposed E language to a classical language, which
I feel makes much clearer the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal.
A3. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (30.10):
Hello Tom, --
We've no objection to using classical logic. Indeed, in both our
E papers we've mentioned our intention to translate E into
classical logic and other general-purpose formalisms, in order
to gain the obvious benefits. (An obvious candidate as a target for
this translation is something like the classical logic Event Calculus
in [Miller & Shanahan 1996].) As you indicate in your question,
different researchers will find different approaches more natural.
We chose to initially express our ideas on ramification in this form
because we found it relatively intuitive and uncluttered, and
convenient for proving properties of logic programs that we want to
use for various applications. As we've stated in our answer to your
previous question and in our first paper on E ,
these specialised languages
are perhaps best regarded as stepping-stones towards formalisations
or axiomatisations written in fuller, general-purpose logics. It's
great that you have in fact used E in exactly this way. Please publish!
One point about your relations init and term in your classical
logic translation. You say that you should take the "smallest relations
... that satisfy the above [axioms partially defining the relations]".
But it turns out that this "smallest relation" idea is still not quite
sufficient for eliminating the kind of anomalous models that Michael
Thielscher was drawing attention to. So you really do need a least
fixed point notion or equivalent somewhere in your axiomatisation,
where the associated operator generates the least fixed point starting
from a pair of empty sets (see our answer to Michael's question).
Of course, another reason for using the specialised language approach
was to illustrate that the Language A type methodology could be
applied using ontologies other than that of the Situation Calculus.
We're not sure if authors of Language A type papers would reply to
your question in the same way, so it would be interesting to get some
other responses from this community.
Rob and Tony
Q4. Michael Gelfond (3.11):
Dear Tony and Rob. I am trying to understand the relationship between
your language E and language L by Baral, Provetti and myself.
To do that I need some good intuitive understanding of the meaning of
statements of E and I am having some difficulties here.
My feeling is that the meaning really depends on what you call
``the structure of time''.
If time is linear then your happens-%at corresponds exactly
to our occurs-%at and your F holds-%at T
to our f at T .
In both cases we have actual occurrences at moments of time (or actual
situations as we call them).
If time is branching as in your second
example in the paper where T corresponds to the sequence of actions
then I do not fully understand the meaning of, say,
A occurs-%at S0 . If it is still a statement of actual occurrence
then I think that A1 occurs-%at S0 and
A2 occurs-%at S0
should cause inconsistency.
(In the case of linear time we just have concurrent actions).
The meaning of holds-%at also seems to change.
Instead of actual observations it becomes hypothetical.
If I am right then I think this property of the
language should be somewhat stressed. If not then some explanation
will help.
The goal of L (as well as of the work by Pinto and Reiter) was to
combine situation calculus ontology with actual history of the
dynamical system. Since we have both we can combine reasoning about
actual occurrences of actions and observations about values of fluents
at particular moments of time with hypothetical reasoning of situation
calculus useful for planning, counterfactual reasoning, etc.
Can you (and do you want to) use E for the same purpose?
My other questions are about your logic program. I do not fully
understand your definition of initiation point. Do I understand
correctly that it should be changed?
If so, what happens with the correctness of logic program?
It may be useful to use some semantics of logic program instead of
using SLDNF directly.
SLDNF can give some results which are correct w.r.t. your specification
even though the program is semantically meaningless (Say, its Clark's
completion is too weak or inconsistent, or it does not have stable
model, etc.) If you prove that the program is semantically
correct one will be able to use this result directly even if
your program is run on, say, XDB or SLG (which checks for some loops)
and not under Prolog.
Finally, more comments on LP4 will help. I find
comments like " Resolve(A, B, C, D)
is true iff [some English description]" extremely useful.
Similarly for disjunctive_form, partition, etc.
A4. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (5.11):
Hello Michael, thanks for your question (several questions in fact!).
Here are replies to each of your points in turn.
You wrote:
I am trying to understand the relationship between your language E
and language L by Baral, Provetti and myself.
This is indeed an interesting question, and one that we tried to
address to some extent in our first (JLP) paper on E (see
Section 3, last three paragraphs).
You wrote:
My feeling is that the meaning really depends on what you call
``the structure of time''.
If time is linear then your happens-%at corresponds exactly
to our occurs-%at and your
F holds-%at T to our f at T .
Yes, that seems correct.
You wrote:
If time is branching as in your second
example in the paper where T corresponds to the sequence of actions
then I do not fully understand the meaning of, say,
A occurs-%at S0 . If it is still a statement of actual occurrence
then I think that A1 occurs-%at S0 and
A2 occurs-%at S0 should cause inconsistency.
Yes, the meaning of statements such as A happens-%at S0 would
indeed be hard to dissect if put in this type of domain description,
hence we've avoided doing so in our examples.
Our intuition about
Situation Calculus terms such as S0 and Result(A, S0)
is that they refer to (hypothetical) periods of time between
action occurrences. In other words, for all actions A ,
S0 is the period of time immediately before the (hypothetical)
occurrence of A , and Result(A, S0) is the period of
time immediately afterwards.
Now, in order to simulate Situation-Calculus-like hypothetical
reasoning in E , we need to refer to the exact points at which
actions (hypothetically) occur. Hence we include extra points in our
structure of hypothetical time, such as
Start(Result(A, S0)) (written Start( [A] )
in our syntax), and require that
We then write A happens-%at Start( [A] )
to assert that there is indeed a hypothetical occurrence of A
just before the hypothetical time-point [A]
(i.e. Result(A, S0) . Once we've included the complete
set of assertions such as this in the domain description, we can
use the same general principles of initiation, termination and
persistence (encapsulated in our Definitions 9 and 13 of a model)
to reason about what holds in this branching structure of
(hypothetical) time.
Like the Situation Calculus and the Language A ,
with time structures such as this everything is intended to be in
hypothetical mode, so that, as you suggest,
F holds-%at [A1, A2]
should be read as " F is true in the hypothetical situation
[A1, A2] ".
It is straightforward to extend this approach to partially deal
with hypothetical reasoning about concurrent actions, by adapting
Chitta Baral's and your ideas. Our structure of time would include
sequences of sets of action symbols, e.g. [C1, C2] ,
and, for example, h-propositions of the form
A happens-%at Start( [C1, C2] ) for each A in C2 .
You wrote:
The goal of L (as well as of the work by Pinto and Reiter) was to
combine situation calculus ontology with actual history of the
dynamical system.
Yes. A plug for Miller and Shanahan (JLC 1994) is irresistible
here! That work had the same aim (as you point out in your papers),
and there is perhaps more similarity between L and [Miller and
Shanahan] than with [Pinto and Reiter]. [Miller and Shanahan]
also has the advantage that it deals with concurrent, divisible
and overlapping actions.
You wrote:
Since we have both [situation calculus ontology and an actual
history] we can combine reasoning about actual occurrences of
actions and observations about values of fluents at particular
moments of time with hypothetical reasoning of situation calculus
useful for planning, counterfactual reasoning, etc.
Can you (and do you want to) use E for the same purpose?
We haven't thought about this a great deal, although it seems
possible that hypothetical and "actual" reasoning (for want of a
better term) could be combined in E by an appropriately rich
structure of time. (A simple solution might be to index hypothetical
time-points such as [A1, A2]
with the actual time-point - typically a
natural or real number - from which they were being hypothetically
projected, and extend the ordering between all time-points
But (at the risk of re-opening an old and seemingly unstoppable
debate), at least for planning our first choice would be to use
abduction with a linear time structure rather than deduction with
a hypothetical branching time structure. Again, there are some
remarks about this in the original (JLP) paper on the Language
E .
You wrote:
My other questions are about your logic program. I do not fully
understand your definition of initiation point. Do I understand
correctly that it should be changed? If so, what happens with
the correctness of logic program?
The definition doesn't need to be changed. The reply to Michael
Thielscher simply fills in the details that we did not include in
the paper. So the proof of correctness of the logic programs is
unchanged. Also note that the notions of initiation and termination
points are implemented in the logic programs using Proposition 2.
You wrote:
It may be useful to use some semantics of logic program instead
of using SLDNF directly. SLDNF can give some results which are
correct w.r.t. your specification even though the program is
semantically meaningless (Say, its Clark's completion is too weak
or inconsistent, or it does not have stable model, etc.) If you
prove that the program is semantically correct one will be able
to use this result directly even if your program is run on, say,
XDB or SLG (which checks for some loops) and not under Prolog.
We agree, and we are in fact working on these lines, as we say in
the paper towards the end of Section 5. The point is that the present
approach gives us a baseline translation that would be accepted by
any semantics of logic programs, at least for those cases (as
you say) where the corresponding logic program has a meaning under
any semantics. Of course, there is also the debate as to whether
every logic program should have a meaning, but this is probably not
the place to discuss this issue.
You wrote:
Finally, more comments on LP4 will help. I find
comments like " Resolve(A, B, C, D)
is true iff [some English description]" extremely useful.
Similarly for disjunctive_form, partition, etc.
Yes, sorry. Resolve is just a simple implementation of a
propositional resolution based prover for positive or negative
literals. Resolve(l1, c, l, t) means that we can show that
l holds
by resolution starting from the clause corresponding to
Whenever(l1, c)
applied at the time instant t . (The details are
really not that important, and in fact Resolve can be replaced by
any sound propositional theorem prover). It first transforms the
"implication" of the r-proposition into normal disjunctive form,
using the predicate DisjunctiveForm , then the Partition
predicate picks out the literal l that we are interested in
proving, and finally we try to show through the predicate
NothingHoldsIn that the rest of the disjunction is false, by
showing that for each of its literals its negation holds. So, as
we say above, it is just a simple and naive implementation of
Rob and Tony.
Q5. François Lévy (4.3):
Dear Antonis and Rob
Here are two late questions about your paper.
First, according to your view of ramifications, fluents can be
initiated/terminated in two ways:
either when an event occurs, or due to changing fluents in a constraint.
The formal
difference is that a fluent changing its value is not by itself an
event. Do you consider
it to rely on an ontological difference -- i.e. in the process of
modeling the real world,
two kinds of objects of different nature have to be considered : events
on the one side,
(instantly) changing fluents on the other one. Or do you consider both
similar, and
make a difference on a purely technical ground (trigered events don't
work to render this
if the time line is dense)?
Second, as far as I understand, your predicate `Whenever' embeds both a
domain constraint
and a notion of influence, in Michael Thielscher's sense in his AI97
paper. The domain constraint
is what you call the static view -- i.e. `Whenever' being replaced by a
material implication.
The influence information is: in the formula L Whenever C , only L can
be initiated, so
one domain constraint yields as many `Whenever' formulas as fluents can
be influenced in it.
But Thielscher's Influence predicate is binary, and of course his
cause --> effect propagation
is a different technique. I tried shortly some example, and couldn't
find a difference in the flow of
causality. Do you agree with these remarks? And do you believe that
some formal correspondence
could be established between your two formalisms?
Best Regards
A5. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (31.3):
Dear Francois,
Thanks again for your questions.
| First, according to your view of ramifications, fluents
can be initiated/terminated in two ways: either when an
event occurs, or due to changing fluents in a constraint.
The formal difference is that a fluent changing its value
is not by itself an event. Do you consider it to rely on
an ontological difference -- i.e. in the process of modeling
the real world, two kinds of objects of different nature
have to be considered: events on the one side, (instantly)
changing fluents on the other one. Or do you consider both
similar, and make a difference on a purely technical ground
(trigered events don't work to render this if the time line
is dense)?
| In answer to your first question: we do have an ontological difference
between actions and fluents, but we don't make a distinction between
different types of fluent. For example, a fluent can be terminated both
'directly' via a c-proposition and 'indirectly' via an r-proposition
(e.g. 'Switch2' in the electric circuit example.) The essential point is that
all fluents are only initiated via initiation points and only terminated via
termination points, and that all initiation and termination points are
characterised by a (relevant) action occurrence (i.e. an event). In
other words, in our framework all changes in fluent values have as their root
cause an event (or a set of concurrent events). Both the types of
change identified above are 'direct' in the sense that the effect of the
corresponding event is 'instantaneous' (where 'instantaneous' has a
slightly different interpretation for discrete time than for dense or
continuous time).
So the choice of whether to use r-propositions as well as c-propositions
when modelling a particular domain is partly pragmatic. "-Switch2
whenever {Relay}" can be read as "all the events which initiate Relay also
terminate Switch2". The use of this r-proposition thus enables us to avoid
writing a whole series of terminates propositions for Switch2 corresponding to
each of the initiates propositions for Relay.
But there are other advantages in using r-propositions, as identified in
the paper. Not least, it helps with succinctly and correctly capturing
the effects of concurrent events. For example, the concurrent 'stuffy room'
example in the paper is difficult to describe in E without
and difficult to describe in conventional Event Calculus (at least
without making some sort of distinction between 'frame' and 'non-frame'
| Second, as far as I understand, your predicate 'Whenever'
embeds both a domain constraint and a notion of influence,
in Michael Thielscher's sense in his AI97 paper. The domain
constraint is what you call the static view -- i.e. 'Whenever'
being replaced by a material implication. The influence
information is: in the formula L Whenever C, only L can
be initiated, so one domain constraint yields as many Whenever
formulas as fluents can be influenced in it. But Thielscher's
Influence predicate is binary, and of course his cause ·->
effect propagation is a different technique. I tried shortly
some example, and could'nt find a difference in the flow of
causality. Do you agree with these remarks ? And do you
believe that some formal correspondance could be established
between your two formalisms ?
| In answer to your second question: yes, we broadly agree with these
remarks, in that r-propositions act both as static domain constraints
and as unidirectional propagators of change. You're right as well with your
observation that one domain constraint can yield a number of
r-propositions. For example, a definitional domain constraint such as
would be represented with the r-propositions
Alive whenever {-Dead}
-Alive whenever {Dead}
Dead whenever {-Alive}
-Dead whenever {Alive}
However, we feel that it would be difficult to establish a formal
correspondence between our approach to ramifications and Michael
Thielscher's, for the reasons outlined in our discussion section. There
seems to be a difference in the approaches in that Michael's effect
propagation is 'approximately' instantaneous, whereas ours is 'truly'
instantaneous (this is not to say that either is right or wrong - just
that they're modelling slightly different concepts). This difference
manifests itself in domains such as Michael's 'light detector' example (see
Section 5 of his AI97 paper). We'd model the introduction of the detector with
the single r-proposition
Detect whenever {Light}
But we wouldn't get the same 'non-deterministic' behaviour of the
detector that Michael gets - i.e. we wouldn't
get the model in which the detector
is activated when Switch1 is connected. Indeed, this model wouldn't
make sense in a narrative-based formalism with explicit time - the detector
would have been activated even though there was no time-point at which
the light was on. (Michael expands on the theme of 'approximately' verses
'truly' instantaneous effects in his related paper in the proceedings of
Common Sense '98.)
Tony and Rob.
Q6. Anonymous Reviewer 2 (23.4):
The paper by Baral, Gelfond and Provetti published recently in JLP
describes an A -like language, L , which, like E ,
attempts to combine ontologies of situation and event calculus.
It is done in a manner substantially different from that in E
and so a reference to this paper may be appropriate.
A6. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (3.5):
Yes, this paper is clearly related to the themes of both
the present article and our previous paper on the Language
E (in the same special issue of the JLP as Baral et al.).
We've referenced it in the revised version of our paper
now available via the ETAI web pages, and had discussed
the relationship between these two approaches in some
detail in our JLP paper. (See also Question 4 from
Michael Gelfond on our ETAI interactions page, and our
Q7. Anonymous Reviewer 3 (23.4):
Your paper makes the following contributions:
- Extending the declarative temporal language E to
deal with ramifications
- Furnishing a translation between E and logic programs
Both these contributions are welcome. The ramification problem
is an important problem in temporal reasoning which is
still not well understood. Studying the problem in the context
of a unified temporal language has the potential to shed light
on the connection between the ramification problem and other problems
in temporal reasoning, though see below for further comments.
The translation between E and logic programs is very welcome as
well, as it grounds theoretical and formal results on theories of
action to implementable programs.
Although the paper is in general well written and well organized,
and I consider it acceptable for publication as it is, I also suggest
that it could be improved in the following ways. [Suggestions in the
present discussion item and the four following ones].
First, and most saliently, the paper does not explain why
your approach solves the ramification problem. (Indeed, you don't
explain why the approach solves the frame problem either, though
that presumably was the job of the 1997 JLP paper.) It would be
helpful to give some intuition of why this central problem in
temporal reasoning arises, what other approaches have been suggested,
how these approaches succeed and fail, what this approach provides,
intuitively, in the way of a solution to the ramification problem,
and how this approach compares to other approaches.
You do the last (comparing your approach to other approaches) briefly,
in the beginning of section 5, but this treatment is too cursory and
raises almost more questions than it answers. For example, in
comparing your approach to those of Thielscher, McCain and Turner,
and Lin, you aruge that their approach is essentially a causal-based
approach, because the effect of action occurrences cannot be propagated
backward through r(amification)-propositions. To this reviewer,
this fact hardly seems to be the characteristic fact of causal theories.
A deeper analysis of what makes a causal theory, whether sets of
axioms in E can be considered causal theories, and how causal approaches
can be used to solve the ramification problem, would be helpful here.
Also very desirable would be a discussion of how solutions to the
ramification problem interact with solutions to the frame problem.
In particular, there is often a duality between the two problems, in
that the frame problem is often seen as a mainly representational problem,
whose solutions may worsen things from the computational point of view,
and the ramification problem is often seen as mainly a computational
problem, whose solutions may worsen things from the representational
point of view. How do your two solutions interact? A discussion
would be useful.
A7. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (3.5):
We're not sure if we would go as far as to state that we
have "solved the ramification problem." Like the frame
problem, not everyone agrees exactly what this problem is.
The analysis in our paper is that
the ramification
problem arises in domains whose description most naturally
includes permanent constraints or relationships between
fluents. In formalisms which allow for such statements,
the effects of actions may sometimes be propagated via
groups of these constraints. The problem is to adequately
describe these propagations of effects, whilst retaining a
solution to the frame problem - that is, the problem of
succinctly expressing that most actions leave most fluents
Viewed like this, the ramification problem is
intimately related to (or is an aspect of) the frame
problem. Our solution to the frame problem is by
introducing the notion of initiation points and termination
points, and ensuring that these are the only mechanisms
for change along the time-structure. Our approach to
ramifications is to (slightly) widen the set of initiation
and termination points in a given model via a fixed point
definition. This extended definition takes into account
any r-propositions (i.e. ramification statements) in the
The current state of A.I. doesn't unfortunately permit a
definitive statement of what makes a causal theory -- it
seems to mean different things to different sub-communities
(as witnessed in the recent AAAI Spring Symposium on
Causality in Reasoning About Actions). Thielscher and
others merely make a technical distinction between
"causal-based" and "categorisation-based" contributions to
the ramification problem. Our contribution is
"causal-based" in this limited technical sense in that it
doesn't categorise fluents, but does have a unidirectional
("whenever") "connective". But we accept that perhaps
it's not so healthy to hijack the word "causal" for a
rather specialised technical use in this way.
We reject the view that the frame problem is a mainly
representational problem and the ramification problem is
mainly a computational problem. We see both problems as
having representational and computational aspects.
We accept that more in depth analyses are needed of the
relationships between formalisms for resoning about actions
in general, and approaches to ramifications in particular.
Ultimately, the best way to do this is by providing
translation methods and showing that these are "sound"
and/or "complete" for well defined classes of domains.
We haven't had time to do this yet, but it's on our agenda
of future work on the Language E .
Q8. Anonymous Reviewer 3 (23.4):
The examples in the paper would be more helpful if they were
expanded more. Examples:
- On p. 6, you state:
In a domain description with no h-propositions or t-propositions
at all, it would be possible to construct a model where ...
WindowClosed and VentClosed were true at all time-points,
but Stuffy was false.
It would be useful to see that model explicitly.
- On p. 8, you state:
In particular, if we replace (sr9) with "CloseVent happens at 3"
our semantics does not give rise to the type of anomalous model
is problematic for some other approaches .... in which a change
at 3 from not Stuff to Stuff is avoided by incorporating an
unjustified change from WindowClosed to not WindowClosed.
Here is where it would be really good to discuss other approaches,
how they run into problems, and how your approach avoids these
- In the same vein, it's not clear why Thielscher's approach has
trouble with the last variation of the switch example that
you discuss in section 3. A more detailed discussion would help.
A8. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (3.5):
The domain description on page 6 was:
CloseWindow initiates WindowClosed
CloseVent initiates VentClosed
OpenWindow terminates WindowClosed
OpenVent terminates VentClosed
CloseWindow initiates Stuffy when {VentClosed}
CloseVent initiates Stuffy when {WindowClosed}
OpenWindow terminates Stuffy
OpenVent terminates Stuffy
Let H be the interpretation for this domain defined as
H(WindowClosed,t) = true, for all t
H(VentClosed,t) = true, for all t
H(Stuffy,t) = false, for all t
Since there are no h-propositions in this domain, by
Definition 8 there are no initiation points or termination
points w.r.t. H. Hence H conditions 1-4 of Definition 9,
and so is a model of the domain.
Re the "stuffy room" example on page 8, this is of course the classic
illustration of why naive minimisation of change doesn't
work when domain constraints are included in a domain.
For example, if a situation calculus theory includes the
Holds(Stuffy, s) <- Holds(VentClosed, s) ^ Holds(WindowClosed, s)
| |
approaches to the frame problem such as Baker's will give
rise the kind of anomalous model that the paper refers to.
This is related to the fact that the above can be written
in several equivalent ways, e.g.
¬ Holds(VentClosed, s) <- ¬ Holds(Stuffy, s) ^ Holds(WindowClosed, s)
| |
i.e. the classical " <- " connective allows for contrapositive
re-writings. Hence several approaches to the ramification
problem, including ours, advocate the use of a
"unidirectional" connective or predicate which does not
facilitate the construction of such contrapositive
The reviewer also wrote:
In the same vein, it's not clear why Thielscher's
approach has trouble with the last variation of the
switch example that you discuss in section 3. A more
detailed discussion would help."
The point that we wanted to make is that it's not clear to
us how Thielscher's approach (and related approaches) can
be extended to include explicit time. But see our answer
to Francois Lévy's recent question (question 5) on our
ETAI interactions page.
Q9. Anonymous Reviewer 3 (23.4):
The unique contributions of this paper over the JLP paper are not
so explicitly stated, namely, the introduction for the "whenever"
construct into E , and the resulting modifications in the
of the language, the translation into logic programs, etc.
It would be helpful to be more explicit about them.
A9. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (3.5):
You summarised the contributions very well at the top of
your report:
- Extending the declarative temporal language E to
deal with ramifications
- Furnishing a translation between the extended E
and logic programs
Q10. Anonymous Reviewer 3 (23.4):
The writing is in general clear, understandable, and straightforward,
but there are several places which were unclear, or in which an
additional English gloss would be helpful. Specifically:
- p. 4: It it not clear what the partial order is supposed to
range over. In the 10th line from the bottom on this page,
is the relation on points (1rst, 2nd, and 4th items in that line)
or on sequences (3rd item in the line)?
- p. 7, clause 2 of Def. 14, and p. 12, clause 2 of Proposition 2:
In both cases, an English gloss would be helpful. (That is,
an intuitive explanation of when a ramification statement is
true. This is, after all, the heart of the paper, and extra
effort and space to make this well understood would be well
worth it.)
A10. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (3.5):
p. 4: It it not clear what the partial order is
supposed to range over. In the 10th line from the bottom
on this page, is the relation on points (1rst, 2nd, and
4th items in that line) or on sequences (3rd item in the
The partial order ranges over all items in the set of
time-points PiDelta . This includes both finite
sequences of action constants (items 1 and 3 in the
expression to which you refer), and "Starts" of such
sequences (items 2 and 4). They're all just (syntactic)
objects in the set of time-points.
"p. 7, clause 2 of Def. 14, and p. 12, clause 2 of
Proposition 2: In both cases, an English gloss would be
helpful. (That is, an intuitive explanation of when a
ramification statement is true. This is, after all,
the heart of the paper, and extra effort and space to
make this well understood would be well worth it.)"
As we stated in our discussion with Tom Costello
(interactions C2-6), the r-proposition "L whenever C" can
be read as "C is a minimally sufficient cause for L". So,
to quote from the paper, "at every time-point that C holds,
L holds, and hence every action occurrence that brings
about C also brings about L". So, "in order to find
time-points at which the fluent literal L is established
via the r-proposition `L whenever C', we need to look for
time-points at which one or more of the conditions in C
become established, and at which the remaining conditions
are already and continue to be satisfied (up to some
time-point beyond the point in question)." Clauses 2 of
both Definition 14 and of Proposition 2 are mathematical
articulations of this last statement.
Q11. Anonymous Reviewer 3 (23.4):
The online ETAI discussions highlighted a number of interesting points,
including the issue of using a special purpose language E instead
of standard first-order logic, whether truth conditions can really be
given for all the predicates in E , as well as more basic philosophical
(ontological) questions on how you divide changes into causations
and ramifications. It would be nice to see the paper deal with these
to some extent. You can't, of course, give a whole dissertation
defending the use of action-type languages, but integrating short versions
of your statements on these positions into the paper would be useful.
A11. Antonis Kakas and Rob Miller (3.5):
The revised version of our paper (now available via the
ETAI web pages) includes some extra remarks relating to
various points raised in the ETAI interactions. We also
very much hope that the paper will be read in conjunction
with the online discussion.
Background: Review Protocol Pages and the ETAI
This Review Protocol Page (RPP) is a part of the webpage structure
for the Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, or
ETAI. The ETAI is an electronic journal that uses the Internet
medium not merely for distributing the articles, but also for a
novel, two-stage review procedure. The first review phase is open
and allows the peer community to ask questions to the author and
to create a discussion about the contribution. The second phase -
called refereeing in the ETAI - is like conventional journal
refereeing except that the major part of the required feedback
is supposed to have occurred already in the first, review phase.
The referees make a recommendation whether the article is to be
accepted or declined, as usual. The article and the discussion
remain on-line regardless of whether the article was accepted or
not. Additional questions and discussion after the acceptance decision
are welcomed.
The Review Protocol Page is used as a working structure for the entire
reviewing process. During the first (review) phase it accumulates the
successive debate contributions. If the referees make specific
comments about the article in the refereeing phase, then those comments
are posted on the RPP as well, but without indicating the identity
of the referee. (In many cases the referees may return simply an
" accept" or " decline" recommendation, namely if sufficient feedback
has been obtained already in the review phase).
This debate is moderated by Erik Sandewall.