![]() How to Use the ETAI Standard Style FileAssuming that you have prepared your article in Latex (either the old Latex or Latex2e), the following are step-by-step instructions for how to set it up for publication by Linköping University E-press.The easiest way of starting is to take a look at the source file of a sample paper. The following are comments which amplify what you see there.
The documentstyle line (using old Latex)This line should have the following contents for the E-Press, for the CIS series:\documentstyle{11pt, ***/ea-cis]{article}where *** has to be replaced by the access path which is required in order to reach the style file ea-cis.sty in the computer system where you are running. For the APT series, use ea-apt similarly. Additional style files e.g. amssymbols or egapa may also be included.
The documentclass line (using Latex2e)If you are using the new Latex2e, you put instead the following lines:\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{ ***/ea-ee} Additional usepackage commands e.g. \usepackage{amssymbols}can of course be accomodated. The descriptor linesThese are lines that describe the author, title, etc of the paper. This information will appear on the first three (unnumbered) pages of the article, and before the body of the text.\title{...}The argument to this command shall contain the title of the article. Latex will split up the title on different lines; if you do not like how it does it then use \\ commands to get it the way you want.\author{...}This command shall specify the author(s) and his/her/their affiliation, as in the following example:\author{ John Johnsson \\~ \\ {\large Department of Computer and Information Science} \\ {\large Linköping University} \\ {\large Linköping, Sweden }}For more than one author, put their names above each other, and an empty name between names and affiliations. With several authors and different affiliations, put only the authors here, and include affiliation on the abstract page. \tryear{1997}This command specifies the year when the article is published in the E-Press.\trdate{November 1}Specifies the date of actual publication by the E-Press. (As long as the date has not been defined, please include the commands but with an invented argument, so you can see how it all comes out).\trvol{2}Specifies the publication volume (1996 = 1 for CIS and APT), then a new number each year).\sernum{2}Specifies the article's serial number within the year. This number is assigned to you by the series editor.\serznum{002}Same as sernum but with initial zeroes so that exactly three digits are obtained. Used for generating the appropriate URL.\trauthor{John Johnsson}This operation duplicates the \author field, but without affiliation. (It is used in the copyright assignment statement on the second page of the cover).An article specified like this will appear as "Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 2(1997): nr 2" and will have the URL http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1997/002/ The cover generation linesAfter this follow a few commands and environments for actually generating the first two pages (in the tech report) and the first three pages (in the E-Press publication). They look as follows:\maketrtitle \trtitlepage \begin{trabstract} ... \end{trabstract} \begin{accepted} ... \end{accepted} \trabstractpageThe contents indicated by the first ... shall specify the abstract. Usually it is a good idea to put the abstract in a separate file, and to just include that file at the point of the first ... The contents indicated by the second ... (which are optional) can specify where the article has been published (journal or conference) or accepted for publication. It can also be used for specifying the research sponsor. However, in some cases you will wish to replace one or the other of these commands with something else. Notice, then, that maketrtitle has the effect of putting the central information on the front page (the author and the title); trtitlepage puts the heading and the footing on the front page, plus it prints out page 2 containing the copyright information. Multiple authorsThe first variant is that if you have more than one author, you should use the command trtitlepagemul instead of trtitlepage. This has the effect of putting nouns like "author" and (copyright) "owner" into the plural in the italic text on page 2.More restricted copyright - no free classroom useAnother variant arises if you wish to restrict copyright to keep more for yourself. The default (provided by trtitlepage and trtitlepagemul) states that anyone is allowed to use your article for classroom use, that is, to make copies for handout in a class. If you do not like that, use trtitlekeep or trtitlekeepmul in place of the previous, and you will get a more restrictive wording.
Reference to IEEE copyrightAn additional case arises if you publish an article where the copyright has been transferred to another publisher. Here, we only describe the case of the IEEE copyright policies, which require that the copyrighted material must contain a particular notice on its first page. This is obtained by changing the first command, so that the command sequence becomes\makeieeetitle \trtitlekeepNotice, however, that this only applies if you have first transferred copyright to IEEE, and then publish the article in the E-Press. We have contacted the IEEE concerning the proper procedure to be followed if you do it in the opposite order. Similar commands have also been defined for other copyright statements. The file Guide to the Copyright rules of certain professional organisations contains advise about which variants of these commands to use for other organisations similar to IEEE. If you don't like what we give you...then you are free to arrange the abstract page in any reasonable way. This means that the segment between trtitlepage and trabstractpage is up to you. On the other hand, the front page must not deviate from the norm. This means that everything down to and including trtitlepage must conform.The commands trtitlepage and trabstractpage mostly serve to take a new page and to reset page numbering and the like; don't forget to include them. The command maketrtitle generates the front page and the second page (the one with the administrative information). Please don't reset textwidth, textheight, and the like at any point. The chosen sizes in the standard have been optimized for aesthetic quality. The body of the paper and the bibliographyThe rest of the paper is up to you.Latest update: 9.2.1999; Position code: C.etai.styles.guide. |