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Linköpings universitet
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Introduction to
Methodology of Research in Computer Science

News, fall 2007

8/10: OH slides from the introduction are available here.

Next lecture on the philosophy od science is in Herbert Simon, Monday, October 15th, 13.15 - 15.

18/9: The course starts Monday October, 8th, 13.15 - 16 in Herbert Simon, IDA, E Buidling.

For a preliminary schedule of lectures, refer to:

News, Fall 2006

Examination on Chalmers book is proposed to take place Wednesday 6 December, 13-16, in John von Neuman (B Building).

Contact Britt-Inger Karlsson,, for registration before 1 December.

The meeting November 6 will take place in Alan Turing (same building, same floor, on the other side of the coffee area).

13.15 Peter Berkesand, LiU Electronic Press will talk about electronic publishing.
14.30 Ingegerd Bauren from the library will talk about library resource for CS research

Here are the instructions for the discussion seminar on Methodology of Research in Computer and Information Science November 13:

Before the seminar, every student should prepare to present and introduce for discussion of methodological issues in Computer and Information Science either:
  • a thesis proposal,
  • a report from a study group (coordinated with other members of the group), or
  • a selected scientific paper chosen after approval by the course leader, for instance a paper from "Selected term papers on Methodology of Research in Computer Science (available outside my office).

The presentation should focus on methodological issues, inspire discussion and last no more than five minutes.

The starting date for this year's course is September 25, 13.15 in seminar room Herbert Simon, E building.


News, Fall 2005

11/11   Tentamen äger rum den 5 december kl 13-16. Anmälan till Britt-Inger Karlsson,

Självdeklaration som lämpligen inlämnas i samband med tentamen kan hämtas här:


Föreläsningen måndagen den 7 november äger rum i
Grace Hopper (ovanpå Cafe Java) kl 13.15:

Som inbjuden gäst kommer vi att ha Peter Berkesand från LiU Electronic Press, som ger en kort introduktion till elektronisk publicering med diskussion om relaterade frågeställningar.

Kl 15.15 - 16.00 har vi ett öppet seminarium, där Ingegerd Baurén från Universitetsbiblioteket informerar om bibliotekets resurser som stöd för forskning inom datavetenskap.

Påminner också om det obligatoriska seminariet den 14/11, då vi kommer att diskutera de frågor som behandlas i "Lecture Notes: Selected Papers, vol II". Alla ska då ha läst åtminstone ett papper och vara beredd att presentera och diskutera de frågeställningar och tankegångar som behandlas i papperet.

Writing a Thesis Proposal.
Seminar Monday October 17, 13-15. Kevin McGee.

During this session we will discuss the writing and evaluation of a formal thesis-proposal.

OBS! This session will NOT be a "lecture." It will be a DISCUSSION among all the participants, so each student is expected to come to the session having already done the following:

- Read the  "Thesis Proposal Template/Outline" document

- Read the 2-page "extended abstract" for:

  Bertelsen, O. and Nielsen, C. (2001). Using the Concept of Augmented   Reality as a Vehicle for Transcending the Desktop Tarpit. In   Bertelsen, O. (Ed.) Proceedings of the First Danish Human-Computer   Interaction Research Symposium, Departement of Computer Science,   University of Aarhus, November 2001.

- Prepared at least:
  • 3 points where the published abstract has good examples of following the thesis proposal template
  • 3 points  where the published abstract does NOT follow the thesis-proposal template (you should be prepared to defend whether you think this makes the published abstract better or worse)
  • 3 questions about the thesis-proposal template that you think are confusing -- or comments about aspects of the template you think are wrong, bad, or "aren't really so important" (typ: "well, that rule doesn't really apply to ME and MY thesis work")
I will begin the session by having each student say a few words about the current state of their thesis-work. It is FINE if a student still is not sure "what will be focus of thesis work." But all students should be prepared to say something about the KIND of thesis work they
would like to do (typ: "implement a system" or "study users" or "test/evaluate the effectiveness of different interfaces" etc.)

20/9 Föreläsningen om publicering har flyttats från den 24/10 till måndagen den 7/11, kl 13- 16.

The first lecture will take place September 19th in seminar room Alan Turing, E building, 13.15 - 16.00

The preliminary starting date for this year's course is September 19, 13.15 in seminar room Herbert Simon, E building. The schedule will be finalized by mid-August.

News, Fall 2004

28/11 Self Declaration can be fetched from:

Reading instructions are available at:

This  years examination will take place December, 2, 9 - 12. Register for the examination by email to Britt-Inger Karlsson before November 28.

This year's course starts September 23, 10.15 in seminar room Allen Newell, E building.

For a preliminary schedule of lectures, refer to:

News, Fall 2003

Course information 

23/11 This  years examination will take place December, 9, 13 - 16. Register for the examination by email to Britt-Inger Karlsson before December 5.

18/9 The preliminary schedule of lectures has been revised in order to accomodate a panel discussion, arranged by doctoral students with invited senior professors, November 11. For the schedule, see:

The course starts September 30, 13.15 in seminar room Herbert Simon, E building.


An extra examination  will take place in the beginning of 2003. Contact Sture Hägglund if you are interested.


21/11 Examination December 16, 13.00 - 16.00. Register by email to Britt-Inger Karlsson,

Self Declaration can be fetched from:

 The panel planned for November 28th is cancelled!
Look out for later substitution activity.

5/10  The content of the lectures October 10 and 17 has been switched, which means that Ingemar Nordin will lecture on Chalmers book October 17 and I will talk about Scientific and electronic publishing October 10.

Time for discussing study groups will be available October 10, or after the lecture October 17.

16/9  Please, note that the room has been changed to Herbert Simon!

The course starts September 26 at 10.15 in room Allen Newell (Eliten)

19/11 2001
Seminar: The New Informatics and the Future of our Profession.

Prof. Bo Dahlbom, VD Svenska IT-institutet.

Tuesday, November 27, 13.15 - 15.00 in IDA conference room Estraden.

This open seminar, which also concludes the graduate course on Introduction to Methodology of Research in Computer and Information Science, will take the form of a presentation by Bo Dahlbom followed by a discussion. The seminar will focus on issues of importance with respect to scientific methods employed in computer and information science. In the discussion, questions may also be raised concerning, for instance, differences between theoretical, experimental, empirical methods etc, a potential dichotomy between science and technology, differing traditions in different scientific cultures, gender aspects etc. The presentation and discussion will be mainly in English.

Participants (especially in the graduate course) are invited to prepare questions to the speaker.

The Future Of Our Profession Communications of the ACM, vol 40, nr 6, juni 1997.

The New Informatics Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, vol 8, nr 2, 1997.

Sture Hägglund, Inst f datavetenskap, Linköpings universitet, 581 83  LINKÖPING

Tel: 013 - 281431, Fax: 013 - 142231, Email:



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Institutionen för datavetenskap
Linköpings universitet
Tel: 013 - 28 10 00 (växel)
Fax: 013 - 14 22 31 (huvudfax)

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Ansvarig utgivare: DIG
Informationsansvarig: Sture Hägglund,
Tekniskt ansvarig:
Senast ändrad: 2001-11-21