TDDC93 Software Engineering (4 ECTS)
Ht1 2012
Warmly welcome to the course in Software Engineering theory. Many different students take this course: students from the C, D, IT and Y curriculae are normally registered on the current course code (TDDC93) and finish in period Ht1; students from the I, Ii, SVP, MT and IDA's master curriculae normally register on the course code TDDC88. Since the contents of TDDC93 course are identical to the theory part of TDDC88, including the optional exercises, we kindly refer our students to the course page of TDDC88 for information in 2012. TDDC88 also contains a lab series and a project performed during the entire Fall, but the theory part is finished in Ht1 together with the students of TDDC93. Students taking TDDC93 can continue during Spring with the project course TDDD09.
Kristian Sandahl, course leader and examiner (TDDC93/TDDC88)
Page responsible: Kristian Sandahl
Last updated: 2012-08-16