Managing irregular remote accesses to distributed shared arrays in a bulk-synchronous parallel programming environment
Christoph W. Keßler
Proc. of CPC'01, 9th Int. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers,
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2001, pp. 195-204.
NestStep is a parallel programming language for the BSP (bulk-synchronous
parallel) programming model.
In this paper we describe the concept of distributed shared
arrays in NestStep and its implementation on top of MPI.
In particular, we describe a novel method for run-time scheduling
of irregular, direct remote accesses to sections of
distributed shared arrays.
Our method, which is fully parallelized,
uses conventional two-sided message passing
and thus avoids the overhead of a standard implementation of direct
remote memory access based on one-sided communication.
The main prerequisite is that the given program
is structured in a BSP-compliant way.
Key words:
distributed shared memory,
bulk-synchronous parallelism (BSP), direct remote memory access,
array distribution, irregular parallel computation,
runtime scheduling of communication.
A revised version of this paper appeared 2004 in
Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience,
see [J8].
@inproceedings{ Kessler-CPC01-Managing,
author = {Christoph W. Kessler},
title = {Managing irregular remote accesses
to distributed shared arrays\\
in a bulk-synchronous parallel programming environment},
booktitle = {Proc. 9th Int.\ Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC-2001)},
location = {Edinburgh (Scotland)},
year = 2001, month = jul,
pages = {195--204}
Christoph Kessler