Final theses examinated
The currently active final thesis projects are not shown on this page.
See Wexupp.
Good students with an interest in
compiler technology and parallel computing
are always welcome for a thesis project!
Final theses examinated
in chronological order of last examination moment.
Master thesis, unless stated otherwise.
- Fredrik Hallenberg:
Kodoptimering på stackbaserad maskin
Project at Kreatel AB, Linköping.
Presentation 23/8/2002.
- Johan Möller:
Run-time system for PLEX on the JVM
Project at Ericsson SoftLab AB, Linköping.
Presentation 31/10/2002.
- Mikhail Chalabine:
Parallelization of the interpreter in a test system for
mobile telecommunication components
Project at Ericsson AB, Linköping.
Presentation 23/8/2002.
☆ Result published as conference paper at HPC-2003, Orlando, USA
- Svante Arvedahl:
Java Just-In-Time Compilation for the IA-64 Architecture
Project at Ericsson AB SoftLab, Linköping.
Presentation 12/12/2002
☆ Conference paper submitted
- Rikard Hansson:
Simulated Time and Online Backup in the ABB Industrial Training Simulator Operator Station
Project at ABB AB, Västerås/Oslo.
Presentation 5/6/2003.
- Jörgen Niemi and Lennart Johansson:
En semiautomatisk konverter för användningsspecifika
Perl-program till Java.
Project at UNIT, Linköpings universitet.
Presentation 19/9/2003.
- Stefan Eng:
Heuristic Online Profile-Based
Instruction Cache Optimisation in a Just-In-Time Compiler.
Develops code layout strategies to optimize
instruction cache performance for large JIT-compiled programs in
telecommunication switches.
Project at Ericsson AB Softlab.
Presentation 23/1/2004.
- Susanne Jarl:
TentaCheck: Ett verktyg för automatisk testning av TFK's tentaschemaremiss.
Project at IDA for studierektor SaS.
Co-supervised with Kristian Sandahl.
Presentation 26/4/2004.
- Tobias Marciszko:
A tool for optimized layout of flat cable harnesses
for future on-board cabling systems in cars.
Project at Daimler-Chrysler AG Forschung und Technologie, Esslingen.
Presentation 16/4/2004.
- Anders Edqvist:
High-level optimizations for OPTIMIST.
Project at IDA, part of the OPTIMIST project.
Co-supervised with Andrzej Bednarski.
Presentation 21/10/2004.
- Johan Ericsson:
Capacity characteristics of conditional execution
Project at Ericsson AB, Linköping.
Presentation 12/11/2004.
- David Landen:
ARM9E processor specification for OPTIMIST.
Project at IDA in cooperation with IAR Systems AB,
part of the OPTIMIST project.
Co-supervised with Andrzej Bednarski.
Presentation 25/2/2005.
- Mattias Eriksson:
Load balancing of irregular parallel divide-and-conquer algorithms
in group-SPMD programming environments.
Project at IDA.
Presentation 21/10/2005
☆ Result published as conference paper at PASA'06, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Johan Rees:
Undersökning av algoritmers parallelliserbarhet i en parallellprocessor
implementerad med rekonfigurerbar hårdvara..
Project at Mitrionics AB, Lund.
Presentation 8/12/2005.
- Henrik Abelsson:
Evaluation of a reconfigurable architecture for supercomputing applications.
Project at Mitrionics AB, Lund.
Presentation 12/12/2005.
- Stefan Ottosson:
Using Helper Threads to Hide Memory Latency in Telecom Switching Systems.
Project at Ericsson AB Softlab, Linköping.
Presentation 3/3/2006.
- Joar Sohl:
A Scalable Run-Time System for NestStep on Cluster Supercomputers..
Project at IDA.
Presentation 6/3/2006.
- Andreas Rehnströmer:
Xe: A graphical editor for writing xADML processor specifications.
Project at IDA. Co-supervised with Andrzej Bednarski.
Presentation 02/05/2006.
- Yongyi Yuan:
Optimization of amplifier code for the Motorola DSP 56367 processor
Project in cooperation with Softube AB, Linköping.
Co-supervised with Andrzej Bednarski.
Presentation 25/04/2006.
- Andreas Karlsson:
Kartering med autonomt fordon.
Project at Saab Bofors Dynamics AB, Linköping.
Presentation 13/12/2006.
- Miguel Svensson:
Applying Model-Driven Engineering to the development of graphical applications
Project at Saab Bofors Dynamics, Linköping.
Presentation 15/3/2007
- Torbjörn Söderstedt:
Size optimization of Java programs targetting the J2ME Platform
Project at Opera Software, Linköping.
Presentation 26/4/2007
- David Vest:
A version aware data structure designed for incremental rendering of
structured documents
Project at Opera Software, Linköping.
Presentation 20/2/2007
- Daniel Johansson:
Porting the NestStep Run-time System to the CELL Broadband Engine.
Project at IDA. Co-supervised with Mattias Eriksson.
☆ Result published as conference paper at PARS'07, Hamburg, Germany
Presentation 22/10/2007.
- Erik Axling:
Automatic Generation of Simulation Models from Designs
Project at ENEA, Linköping
Presentation 5/12/2007
- Anders Karlsson:
Multithreaded concurrency for faster web browsers
Project at Opera Software, Linköping.
Presentation 20/12/2007.
- Kjell Enblom and Martin Jungebro:
Prestandaförbättringar av NETSim-simuleringar genom parameterjusteringar på OS-nivå
Project at Ericsson, Linköping
Presentation 11/01/2008.
- Markus Ålind:
A Skeleton Library for Cell BroadBand Engine.
Project at IDA, Linköpings universitet.
Co-supervised with Mattias Eriksson.
Presentation 22/2/2008.
☆ Result published as conference paper at IWMSE-2008, Leipzig, Germany
- Christian Åkerström:
Utveckling av verktyg för generering av stubb- och mockobjekt
för C
Project at ENEA, Linköping.
Presentation 30/5/2008.
- Said Aspen:
Determining the feasibility of automatically translating
SMILE to a Java framework.
Project at Ericsson EAB, Linköping.
Presentation 18/11/2008.
- Freddie Pintar:
Investigation and Implementation of a Live Connection between
Configura CET (R) and Revit (R) Architecture 2009
Project at Configura AB, Linköping.
Presentation 13/2/2009.
- Erik Elfström and Edward Carlstedt-Duke:
Towards guidelines for the design of energy-efficient software.
Project at CombiTech AB, Linköping.
Presentation 2/3/2009.
- Erik Hansson:
A Case Study of Semi-Automatic
Parallelization of Divide and Conquer
Algorithms Using Invasive Interactive
Project at PELAB, IDA, Linköpings universitet.
Co-supervised with Mikhail Chalabine.
Presentation 14/5/2009.
- Fredrik Wahlund:
Parameter analysis and optimization of JVM
Project at Drutt Sverige AB, Göteborg
Presentation 19/5/2009.
- Emil Hammarstedt:
Waveform visualization and plot optimization
Project at AnSyn AB, Linköping.
Presentation 18/9/2009.
- Rikard Hulten:
Optimized On-Chip Software Pipelining on the Cell BE Processor
Project at PELAB, IDA.
Presentation 12/3/2010.
☆ Result published as conference paper at EuroPar-2010, Ischia, Italy,
and in a subsequent journal article (2012).
- Magnus Holm:
Compiling the parallel programming language
NestStep to the CELL processor.
Project at PELAB, IDA.
Presentation 11/6/2010.
- Andrei Mamon:
Graphical visualization of software-pipelined code execution
on pipelined and clustered VLIW DSP.
Project at PELAB, IDA. Co-supervised by Mattias Eriksson.
Presentation 14/6/2010.
- Johan Enmyren:
A Skeleton Programming Library for Multicore CPU and Multi-GPU Systems.
☆ SkePU library,
first open-source release 2010
☆ Workshop papers published at HLPP-2010, Baltimore, USA, MCC-2010, Gothenburg, Sweden, MULTIPROG-2011 Heraklion, Greece, and IWMSE-2011, Hawaii, USA.
Book chapter accepted, 2011. Software prototype available as open-source.
Presentation: 20/9/2010
- Magnus Pettersson:
Optimized Generation of SIMD code for the CELL processor
Project at PELAB, IDA. Co-supervised by Mattias Eriksson.
Presentation: 20/9/2010
- Faruk Emre Sahin and Muhammad Salman Khan:
Simulation of Set-top box components on an x86 architecture
by implementing a hardware abstraction layer.
Project at Motorola, Linköping.
Presentation: 22/12/2010
- David Granqvist:
Distribuerat generiskt ramverk för simultan textredigering
Project at Attentec, Linköping.
Presentation 25/08/2011.
- Lu Li:
Translating C/C++ applications to a task-based representation.
Project at PELAB, IDA. Co-supervised by Usman Dastgeer.
Presentation 26 Sep. 2011
☆ Result published in workshop papers at CPC-2012, MuCoCoS-2012, and a subsequent journal article.
- Amin Shafiee Sarvestani:
Automated recognition of algorithmic patterns in DSP programs.
Project at PELAB, IDA.
Co-supervised by Erik Hansson.
Presentation 17/12/2011.
☆ Workshop paper accepted, 2011. Journal article accepted, 2012.
Workshop paper accepted, 2012.
software prototype available as open-source.
- Andreas Petersson:
A tool for monitoring resource usage in large scale supercomputing clusters
(Bachelor) Project at NSC, Linköpings universitet.
Presentation on 7 feb 2012.
- Zesi Cai:
Genetic Algorithm for Integrated Software Pipelining
Project at PELAB, IDA. Co-supervised by Mattias Eriksson.
Presentation: 9 March 2012.
- Daniel Åkesson
An LLVM Back-end for REPLICA. Code Generation for a Multi-Core VLIW Processor with Chaining
Project at PELAB. Co-supervised by Erik Hansson.
Presentation 6 Feb 2012.
☆ Result published as part of 2 conference papers, 2012
- Andreas Lööw
A Functional-Level Simulator for the Configurable (Many-Core) PRAM-Like REPLICA Architecture
Project at IDA. Co-supervised by Erik Hansson.
Presentation 11/06/2012.
- Erik Nilsson
Abstract Syntax Tree Analysis for Plagiarism Detection.
Project at IDA. Co-supervised by Jonas Wallgren.
Presentation 20/08/2012.
DiVA fulltext
- Cheng Zhou
A source-to-source compiler for the PRAM language Fork to the REPLICA many-core architecture.
Project at IDA. Co-supervised by Erik Hansson.
Presentation 20/08/2012.
DiVA fulltext
- Kianosh Moshir-Moghaddam
Automated Reasoning Support For Invasive Interactive Parallelization
Project at PELAB. Initially co-supervised by Mikhail Chalabine.
Presentation 21/9/2012.
- Rasmus Svensson:
Compiler for an Embedded Extension Language on Android
Project at Attentec, Linköping.
Co-supervised by Jonas Wallgren.
Presentation 5 nov 2012.
- Anas Al-Trad:
Optimized composition of parallel components on a Linux cluster.
Project at PELAB, IDA.
Co-supervised by Mudassar Majeed.
Presentation 27 Nov. 2012.
- Niklas Holma
Program Dependence Graph Generation and Analysis
for Source Code Plagiarism Detection
Project at IDA. Co-supervised by Jonas Wallgren.
Presentation 27/11/2012.
DiVA fulltext
- Patricia Sundin
Adaptation of algorithms for underwater sonar data processing to GPU-based systems
Project at Saab, Linköping. Co-supervised by Usman Dastgeer.
Presentation 31/05/2013.
- Akhtar Ali:
Comparative study of parallel programming models for multicore computing.
Project at PELAB, IDA.
Co-supervised by Usman Dastgeer.
Presentation 14 June 2013.
☆ Workshop papers accepted at MCC-2011 and HiPEAC MULTIPROG-2012 Paris
- Swadhin Mangaraj
Extending the SkePU skeleton programming library for execution on MPI clusters
Project at IDA. Co-supervised by Mudassar Majeed.
Presentation 7/10/2013.
- Markus Gustafsson
A Server for ARINC 615A Loading
Project at Saab. Co-supervised with Nicolas Melot.
Presentation 23/10/2013.
- Erik Alnervik
Evaluation of the Configurable Architecture REPLICA with Emulated Shared Memory
Project at PELAB. Co-supervised by Erik Hansson.
Presentation 06/02/2014.
☆ Results partly presented at MCC-2013 workshop. Paper accepted for PASA-2014 workshop.
- Dongsheng Leng
Exploratory study of energy-affecting factors by microbenchmarking on a
server processor
Bachelor project at PELAB.
Co-supervised with Lu Li.
Presentation 21 may 2014.
- Yutian Yuan
Design and Implementation of Parallel AES and FFT in Javascript based on WebCL
Project at Syntronic.
Presentation 19 june 2014. Co-supervised with Kristian Sandahl.
- Jonas Henriksson
Implementation of a real-time Fast Fourier Transform on a Graphics Processing Unit with data streamed from a high-performance digitizer
Project at SP Devices. Co-supervised with Usman Dastgeer.
Presentation 3 june 2014.
- Kenan Avdic:
Optimized On-Chip Pipelining on the 48-core Intel SCC processor.
Project at PELAB, IDA. Co-supervised by Nicolas Melot.
Presentation 21 Feb 2014.
DiVA fulltext
☆ Results partly published in workshop papers at A4MMC-2011, Intel MARC-3 (2011), MCC-2011 and ICCS WEPA-2012.
- Mikael Silven
Evaluation and comparison of programming frameworks
for shared memory multicore systems
Project at Etteplan. Co-supervised with Nicolas Melot.
Presentation 4 june 2014.
- Johan Janzen
Evaluation of Energy-Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for
Streaming Computations on Massively Parallel Multicore Architectures
Project at IDA. Co-supervised with Nicolas Melot.
Presentation 19 aug 2014.
☆ Result is part of a joint paper accepted for ICPP-P2S2 workshop 2015
- David Stenberg
Recompiling DSP applications to x86 using LLVM IR
Project at Ericsson.
Co-supervised with Erik Hansson.
Presentation 8 sep 2014.
- Rosandra Cuello
Providing Support for the Movidius Myriad1 Platform in the SkePU Skeleton Programming Framework
Co-supervised with Lu Li, Usman Dastgeer.
Presentation 27/10/2014.
☆ Result published as part of EU FP7 EXCESS project deliverable D1.3, also partial contribution to a conference paper at PDP-2016.
- Oskar Sjöström
Parallelizing the EDGE application for GPU-based
systems using the SkePU skeleton programming library
Co-supervised with Usman Dastgeer, Lu Li.
Presentation 27 jan 2015.
Conference paper presented at ParCo'15, Edinburgh, Sep. 2015.
- Emil Lindberg
Measuring the effect of memory bandwidth contention in applications
on multi-core processors
Project at Ericsson.
Co-supervised with Erik Hansson.
Presentation 29 january 2015.
- Lukas Gillsjö
Using OpenCL to Implement Median Filtering and RSA Algorithms: Two GPGPU Application Case Studies
Project at Syntronic.
Co-supervised by Arian Maghazadeh.
Presentation 6 february 2015.
- Daniel Antelius:
Link extraction for crawling Flash on the web.
Project at Picsearch AB, Stockholm.
Presentation 22/4/2015.
- Marcus Johansson
Generating SkePU Code from Automatically Detected Algorithmic Patterns in C Source Programs
Bachelor thesis project at IDA.
Co-supervised by Erik Hansson.
Presentation 30/3/2016.
- Vishist Sharma
Sparse-Matrix support for the SkePU library for portable CPU/GPU programming
Project at IDA, started oct 2014. Co-supervised by Lu Li.
Presentation May 2016.
- August Ernstsson
SkePU 2: Language Embedding and Compiler Support for Flexible and Type-Safe Skeleton Programming.
Project at IDA.
Co-supervised by Lu Li.
Presentation 8 june 2016.
☆ Research paper presented at HLPP-2016, Münster, Germany, July 2016. Journal article published in International Journal of Parallel Programming 2017
☆ Best-Thesis Award by the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University and by Dataföreningen Östra Kretsen for the best master thesis 2016
- Sebastian Thorarensen
A Back-End for the SkePU Skeleton Programming Library targeting
the Low-Power Multicore Vision Processor Myriad 2
Project at IDA.
Co-supervised by Nicolas Melot.
Presentation 12 nov 2016.
DiVA fulltext
☆ Conference paper at PDP-2016, Heraklion, Greece, Feb. 2016
- Filip Strömbäck:
A Syntax Highlighting and Code Formatting Tool for Extensible Languages
Project at IDA. Co-supervised by Martin Sjölund.
Presentation 16 June 2017.
DiVA fulltext
☆ Conference paper accepted, 2018
- Ming-Jie Yang
Design and Implementation of a Compiler for an XML-based
Hardware Description Language to Support Energy Optimization
Project at IDA.
Co-supervised by Lu Li.
Presentation 1 sep 2017.
- Christian Luckey:
Evaluating Clojure Spec.
Project at Attentec, Linköping. Co-supervised by Bernhard A. Thiele.
Presentation 4 sep 2017.
DiVA fulltext
- Martin Söderen:
Online transverse beam instability detection in
the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
Project at CERN, Switzerland. Co-supervised by Lu Li.
Presentation 13 nov 2017.
DiVA fulltext
- Tomas Öhberg:
Auto-tuning Hybrid CPU-GPU Execution of Algorithmic Skeletons in SkePU.
Project at IDA.
Co-supervised by August Ernstsson.
Presentation 5 jun 2018.
DiVA fulltext
Research article
published in The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, March 2019.
- Albin Odervall and Mattias Hellsing:
Efficient Multi-Core Implementation of the IPsec Encapsulating
Security Payload Protocol for a Single Security Association.
Project at Ericsson, Linköping.
Co-supervised by August Ernstsson. Presented 26 sep 2018.
- Robin Dahlberg
Optimizing a software build system through multi-core processing
Project at Configura, Linköping. Co-supervised by August Ernstsson.
Presentation 4 feb 2019.
- Noak Ringman:
Using Graphical Processors to Implement Radio Base Station Control Plane Functions
Project at Ericsson Linköping.
Co-supervised by Rouhollah Mahfouzi.
Presentation 10/6/2019.
- Joakim Bertils:
Implementation of Principal Component Analysis for Anomaly Detection using CUDA
Project at Cybercom Linköping.
Co-supervised by Rouhollah Mahfouzi.
Presentation 19/8/2019.
- Oscar Pap and Markus Johansson:
Implementing and Comparing Static and Machine-Learning Scheduling Approaches
using DPDK on an Integrated CPU/GPU
Project at Ericsson Linköping.
Co-supervised by August Ernstsson.
Presentation 11 nov 2019.
- Rasmus Viitanen:
Evaluating Memory Models for Graph-Like Data Structures in the Rust Programming Language: Performance and Usability
Project at Configura, Linköping.
Co-supervised by Rouhollah Mahfouzi.
Presentation 16/6/2020.
- Alexander Wilkens:
Optimizing the LLVM ELF linker for a distributed compilation environment -- Concurrent Linking with LLVM LLD
Project at Opera Software, Linköping.
Co-supervised by August Ernstsson.
Presentation 23/9/2020.
- Jonatan Barr:
Just-in-time compilation for improved performance in web applications
Bachelor thesis project, co-supervised by Jonas Wallgren.
Presentation 26/10/2020.
- William Sjöblom:
Idiom-driven innermost loop vectorization in the presence of cross-iteration data dependencies in the HotSpot C2 compiler
Presentation 18/12/2020
- Markus Karlsson:
A Navigation Mesh-Based Pathfinding Implementation in CET Designer
Project at Configura, Linköping.
Co-supervised by Viktor Lagerkvist. Presentation 20 May 2021.
- Rasmus Karlbäck, Anton Orö:
Holistic view on alternative programming languages for Radio
Access Network applications in cloud and embedded deployments
Project at Ericsson Linköping. Co-supervised by John Tinnerholm.
Presentation 31 May 2021
- Simon Wrede:
Memory efficient Monte-Carlo methods for computing shortest paths in stochastic graphs
External project at Foreseeti, co-supervised with John Tinnerholm. Presentation 15 June 2021.
- Joel Almqvist:
Integrating SkePU's algorithmic skeletons with GPI on a cluster
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson.
Presentation 20 Jan 2022
- Robin Andersson:
Optimization of hardware trace processing on a clustered 5G multicore CPU architecture by multi-threading
External project at Ericsson Linköping. Co-supervised with John Tinnerholm. Presentation 15 jan 2022.
- Basel Nsralla:
Modernizing and Evaluating the Autotuning Framework of SkePU 3.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson. Presented 3 June 2022.
- Erik Tedhamre:
A systematic performance study of the parallel programming framework SkePU 3 using HPC-benchmarks.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson. Presented 14 June 2022.
- Ivar Härnqvist:
Performance-Aware Code Size Optimization of Generic Functions through Automatic Implementation of Dynamic Dispatch.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with John Tinnerholm. Presented 17 June 2022.
- Björn Birath:
Skeleton computing for reconfigurable architectures.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson and John Tinnerholm. Presented in February 2023.
☆ Research article based on this work published in
Int. Journal of Parallel Programming, Springer, 2024.
- Alexander Zeijlon:
Design and implementation of a plain-MPI based cluster execution backend for
the SkePU 3 skeleton programming framework
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson and John Tinnerholm. Presented in June 2023.
- Dennis Berntsson:
Empirical evaluation of construction methods for relaxed decision diagrams in scheduling.
Project at Saab, co-supervised with Sajad Khosravi. Presented in June 2023.
- Victor Löfgren:
Compiler testing by random source code generation
Project at Configura, co-supervised with Sehrish Qummar. Presented in June 2023.
- Josef Olsson, Isak Stenström:
Rust async for thread-per-core packet processing
Project at Ericsson, co-supervised with Sajad Khosravi. Presented in June 2023.
- Max Helmrich, Linus Käll:
Parallelization of boolean operations for CAD software using WebGPU
Project at SkyMaker, co-supervised with Sehrish Qummar. Presented in June 2023.
- Henrik Henriksson:
Using Task Parallelism for Distributed Parallel Skeleton Programming
- Implementing a StarPU Back-End to SkePU 2.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson. Presented in March 2024.
- Elin Frankell:
Design and Implementation of a Performance Visualization Tool for the High-Level Parallel Programming Framework SkePU.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson. Presented in March 2024.
☆ Research article partly based on this work presented at HLPP-2024, Pisa, July 2024.
- Felix Lagnöhed:
Integration of Reproducibility Verification with Diffoscope in GNU Make.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with Sehrish Qummar. Presented in June 2024.
- Mario Impesi:
Evaluation of Linux Scheduler Algorithms for Low Latency Control Plane Applications.
Project at Ericsson, co-supervised with Sajad Khosravi. Presented in June 2024.
- Marcus Örnås:
Editor integration with source analysis and debugging for the SkePU parallel programming framework.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson. Presented in Aug. 2024.
- August Svensson:
SkePU Streaming: Distributed Stream Processing Pipelines for the Heterogeneous Edge-Cloud Continuum.
Project at IDA, co-supervised with August Ernstsson and Sajad Khosravi. Presented in Aug. 2024.
For more information see
Responsible for this page: Christoph Kessler, IDA