Linköpings Universitet
Institutionen för datavetenskap -
GridNestStep is a subproject of the
GridModelica project located at
Linköpings universitet, Sweden.
GridModelica is funded (Nov. 2003 - Nov. 2006) by
VINNOVA, and GridNestStep is
a part of the project that contributes to the cofinancing of GridModelica.
Project goal
GridNestStep will develop a bulk-synchronous parallel (BSP)
programming language for computational grids
that supports a virtual shared memory with BSP-compliant memory consistency.
In particular this involves also problems of partitioning,
scheduling and load balancing
of BSP superstep computations and communications
on heterogeneous grid environments.
GridNestStep will provide a computational platform for
multi-domain simulations on computational grids. These
simulations will be specified by the also grid-based, distributed
modeling language GridModelica, which in turn is based on the
Modelica language for multi-domain
modeling and simulation.
Project members
Project publications
Towards a virtual shared memory programming environment for grids
H. Mattsson, C.W. Kessler
Proc. PARA'04, Springer LNCS, June 2004.
Some related links
C. Kessler (chrke \at