Cyrille Berger is a CUGS post-doctoral research at AIICS (Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems) division of the Linköping University, in Sweden, since August 2010.
His main research interests are robotics systems, environment modelling and localisation. He got an Engineering degree at Ecole Centrale Paris, as well as a master in Artificial Intelligence at University Paris VI in 2005.
Then he moved to the University of Toulouse, where he got his PhD in December 2009, in collaboration with Thales Optronique SA. The focus of his PhD was perception of the environment geometry for autonomous navigation.
He was working mostly with computer vision systems and ground robotics and he developed two algorithms for detecting features in the environment: planar facets and segments. He also described a framework to create a graph of geometric features, and he proposed an algorithm to perform matching using the information of that graph.
And he is currently working on detecting plane using a 2D scan laser, as well as a new method to estimate the parameters of landmarks.