Eva L. Ragnemalm
My research interests
I am an associate professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University where I work in the Human Centered Systems division.My main interests are based on a wish to make computers into something it is not a pain to be around. My firm belief is that it is the computer that should adapt to the human, not vice versa. The focus of my thesis work was on making a simulation-based teaching program adapt to the student's level of knowledge, student modelling. This stimulated an interest in how humans learn that has found application in my teaching and further research.
My interest in learning affected my teaching and I have explored Problem Based Learning (PBL) by teaching in one of the programs at this university (this page in swedish), which is based on PBL, and assisting other teachers in adapting to that philosophy. I have taught several courses but focus on Usability Engineering and database courses for non-computer-science students.
Another of my firm beliefs is that we who teach should research our own activities, I have thus diversified into studies of PBL, trying to pinpoint what makes the students different from others (this was not easy). Together with a colleague I did succeed in showing a slight increase in empathy. Another project along these lines was examinging the use of e-portfolios to support university teacher's continuing professional development (i.e. my own learning). In this project we analysed a commonly available e-portfolio tool but were disappointed in the technique.
I also have clever students who come up with bright ideas. One combined the area of usability, where I teach, and computer support for learning into an attempt at designing a method for analysing the learning potential of learning software using a method from the usability area.
My latest project is a return to the simulation-based training area, where we study teacher training with the use of simulator technology and variation theory. My question in this is do we really have to use advanced animation techniques and make our simulations look like the video games the kids play, in order to help teacher students learn classroom management? The project is ended and a paper in the making saying: No.
Sample of publications
- Ragnemalm, E.L., Bång, M. and Alin-Nilsson, I. Heuristic Evaluation of persuasive systems: the case of educational programs. Accepted for presentation at PERSUASIVE 2011.
- Rasoal, Chato and Ragnemalm, Eva L. 2011. Does PBL affect empathy? In proceeding från Celebrating the past and embracing the future: Evolution and innovation in Problem Based Learning, 30-31 March 2011, Grange-Over-Sands, Cumbria, UK, pp 76-80. ISBN 978-1-901922-77-6
- Ragnemalm, Eva L., Sjögren, Elaine, Uhlin, Lars. E-portfolio; verktyg för lärares kompetensutveckling? I proceedings från NU2008.
- Ragnemalm, Eva L. Student Modelling based on Collaborative Dialogue with a Learning Companion, Dissertation No 563, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. 1999.
- Ragnemalm, Eva L. Student Diagnosis in practice: Bridging a gap (postscript, 314k) . In User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction, 5:93-116, 1996.
- Collaborative Dialogue with a Learning Companion as a Source of Information on Student Reasoning (postscript, 121k). In the Proceedings of ITS'96, Montreal, 12-14 june 1996.
- evalu@ida.liu.se Eva L. Ragnemalm, Dept. of Computer and Information Science,
- Linköping University, S-581 83 LINKÖPING, SWEDEN +46-13-28 27 68
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Page responsible: Eva L. Ragnemalm
Last updated: 2016-03-10