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Filip Strömbäck



My current research interests include computer science education, mainly focused on concurrency, and extensible programming languages.





Below is a list of contributions to workshops and similar venues, sometimes without published proceedings.

Short papers/posters

This list is for applications to various venues, which resulted in shorter (typically 1 page) publications. For example posters, WG proposals, and DC applications.

Work as Reviewer/PC

Below is a list of situations where I have been reviewing papers for various venues:

Other work

  • Storm

    A language-agnostic programming environment that is built for extensible languages and with concurrency in mind. Multiple languages can communicate with each other, and the enviornment takes care to avoid data races. It is available in Debian (testing) and Ubuntu.

  • Progvis

    A program visualization tool written in Storm. The tool is designed to emphasize concurrency, and lets the user explore possible executions to find incorrect behavior. It also supports highlighting data races. As it is built in Storm, it supports most languages in Storm (provided they generate some metadata). It also contains an implementation of a subset of C and C++ with some synchronization primitives. Is available in Debian (testing) and Ubuntu. In Debian (testing), and Ubuntu (Jammy Jellyfish) one can run sudo apt install progvis.

Other Achievements

  • 2023: Valorisation of research results

    I applied for, and received, funding for improving the documentation for the programming language Storm. This is the language that is used to implement Progvis.

  • 2023: Lawson Stipendium

    I was awarded the Lawson Stipendium in 2023 for my work that helped "to increase IDA's visibility, impact, and engagement on the international level".

  • 2022: Valorisation of research results

    I applied for, and received, funding for further development and maintenance of Progvis, with the aim of making it more accessible and useful for others. In particular, the goal here is to create and maintain packages for various Linux distributions (e.g. Debian and Arch) and to provide necessary support for Progvis on all platforms as necessary.

Other Collaborations/Mentions

Page responsible: Filip Strömbäck
Last updated: 2025-01-21