Sports Analytics, vt 2021
Earlier courses
Sports analytics deals with using data related to sports events to obtain insights about the sport and its surroundings. The insights can relate to such things as player and team performance, strategies, training, injuries, and rules of the game.
- To gain an understanding of the research issues related to sports analytics
- To obtain knowledge about problems in sports analytics and algorithms for
solving these problems
- To be able to use relevant algorithms in a sports analytics application
Course plan
See the course plan at the PhD student portal.Timetable
This time table will be updated when new info becomes available.- THIS WAS THE 2020 TIME TABLE:
- April 3, 2020, 10:15-12:00,
Zoom: Introduction (Patrick Lambrix)
- April 6, 2020, 15:15-17:00, Zoom: Ice Hockey Analytics research at IDA (Patrick Lambrix)
- April 7, 2020, 13:15-15:00, Zoom: Football and Basketball Analytics research at IDA (Patrick Lambrix)
- April 21, 2020, 10:15, Zoom: Football Analytics at Signality (Ludvig Jacobsson, Signality)
- April 22, 2020, 15:15-16:30, Zoom/Youtube:
Seeing in to the future. Using self-propelled particle models to aid player decision-making in soccer (prof David Sumpter, Uppsala University) - April 24, 2020, 10:15, Zoom: Ice Hockey Analytics at LHC (Mikael Vernblom, LHC)
- May 6, 2020, 10:15-12:00, Zoom: Baseball Analytics (Marcus Bendtsen)
- May 14, 2020, 10:15-12:00, Zoom: student presentations: David, Lawrence, Nastaran
- May 15, 2020, 13:15-15:00, Zoom: student presentations: Grégoire, Nikodimos, Oriol
Page responsible: SA
Last updated: 2021-01-08