For reflection and evaluation at the end of the course. Enjoy!
"I'm curious about the area of hybrid systems. I do n't know about it. I want to see what it is, and see if I am interested in it as a research field. If not, I still want to get an overview of it. Might be useful."
"Either I learn something new, or I don't. If I learn something, that's good. If I don't, I get cheap credits for something I know already. That's also good. Hence: Is good."
"The application of Hybrid systems in the communication area. Hybrid systems vs. Discrete systems. Analysis of hybrid (comm.) systems/models."
"To get an overview of H.S. and deeper knowledge in
"My goal: To get an overview of what the "big names" in the are actually did (in a little more detail) and to see if there is anything useful for me in my research."
"I would like to gain an awareness of hybrid systems from the computer science point of view. I am involved in language design and programming environments design for hybrid systems and how a simulation system should capture the phenomena."
"I hope to get: deep knowledge in my research ares (CS) and shallow knowledge about what "automatic control"-people mean when talking about hybrid systems."
"I would like to learn more about:
"I do not have much idea about the course but I think it will
enhance the knowledge of control engineering."
Last Modified 01-06-07
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani