HCM "ABSTRACT INTERPRETATION FOR DECLARATIVE LANGUAGES" VISITING POSITIONS IN THE PROJECT The HCM project "Abstract Interpretation for Declarative Languages" (ABILE) will open shortly a number of visiting positions for young scientists and encourages the persons interested to establish contacts with potential hosts. The objective of the project is to integrate and expand the current work on Abstract Interpretation into a uniform theory and methodology, supported by adequate tools which can be the basis for a wide range of applications, from sequential Prolog, pure functional languages and constraint logic programming languages to parallel and concurrent logic programming languages as well as languages that integrate functional and logic programming. The following topics will be specifically studied in the context of the network: - Fixpoint Methods: This topic is concerned with a uniform treatment of fixpoint specification and solution which exploits the best aspects of ideas used in the current fragmentary views seen in imperative, logic and functional language groups. - Compilation and Optimisation: New issues in compilation and optimisation guided by abstract interpretation will be investigated: interaction and integration of the compiler and the static analyser, modularity of the analysis and new source-to-source program transformations, in particular, transformations yielding superlinear speedups. - Analysis of ``full'' Prolog and CLP: Frameworks providing a complete treatment of existing built-ins inside new abstract domains incorporating information about the search rule such as sure execution of cuts, determinacy of procedures, number of solutions, will be developed and implemented. They will be extended to practical CLP languages. - Analysis of Functional Logic Programs: New analysis frameworks adequate to the specific operational semantics of functional logic programs will be developed. - Concurrency: This topic includes methods and tools generally applicable to the analysis of concurrent systems. Application of these methods and tools to cc(FD) will be deeply investigated. Human Capital and Mobility Networks are research projects, with an emphasis on mobility and collaboration of researchers between different European sites. In particular, they provide grants for research visits to post-doctoral and experienced post graduate students. The Network "ABSTRACT INTERPRETATION FOR DECLARATIVE LANGUAGES" (ABILE) has been launched the 1st of January 1995 for a period of 3 years. The project groups 13 research centers in Europe, active on the topic of Abstract Interpretation of Declarative Languages. It has a total budget of about 234.000 ECU. The network provides funding for the equivalent of 7 full time guest researchers visiting nodes of the network for periods of approximately 6 months each. Shorter or longer visits as well as a higher or lower number of visits can also be supported depending on individual needs, and salary variations. Applications for visiting research positions in the context of the network must include a full CV and a research proposal (node to be visited, work to be achieved, duration of the visit) and should be sent to Baudouin Le Charlier, coordinator of the network, by MARCH 31 1996. Applicants should previously contact the principal investigator of their anticipated host site to prepare their research proposal and to get financial information (since labour costs depend on national legislation and may significantly vary from one country to another). Two or more sites should be mentioned in the application, in order of preference. To get more information about the research which is pursued at each node, the work programme of the network is available upon request at the coordinator site. It is also available by FTP from: ftp.info.fundp.ac.be:/pub/projects/abile/workprogramme.ps General information about the groups involved in the network can also be obtained at the following URL address: http://www.ida.liu.se/~ulfni/abile/ PARTICIPANTS Node Contact Person Email and URL Addresses ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aachen Michael Hanus hanus@informatik.rwth-aachen.de Bordeaux Marc-Michel Corsini corsini@labri.u-bordeaux.fr Cambridge Alan Mycroft Alan.Mycroft@cl.cam.ac.uk CAMIENS Patrick and cousot@dmi.ens.fr Radhia Cousot radhia@poly.polytechnique.fr Copenhagen Neil Jones neil@diku.dk INRIA Philippe Codognet codognet@minos.inria.fr Leuven Maurice Bruynooghe maurice@cs.kuleuven.ac.be Lille Philippe Devienne devienne@lifl.fr Linkoping Ulf Nilsson ulfni@ida.liu.se Madrid Manuel Hermenegildo herme@fi.upm.es Namur Baudouin Le Charlier ble@info.fundp.ac.be Padova Gilberto File gilberto@zenone.unipd.it Pisa Roberto Barbuti barbuti@DI.UNIPI.IT