Vivian Vimarlund, Ph.D.

Professor in Informatics at Linköping University


Office location: Building E,2st floor, room 319:164

Dept. of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
S-581 83 Linköping


Professor in Informatics at Jönköping International Business School at Jönköping


Office Location: Dept of Informatics

Box 1026

551 11 Jönköping





Summary of relevant experience


I am today Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden and Professor at JIBS; Jönköping International Business School.

I received a B Sc in Public Administration in 1994 and an M Sc in Economics in 1995 at Linköping University. I was awarded a Ph.D. in Informatics at Linköping University, Institute of Technology in October 7, 1999.  Thesis title: "An Economic Perspective on the Analysis of Impacts of Information Technology: From Case Studies in Healthcare towards General Models and Theories".


After receiving my PhD, I was a postdoctoral fellow and research scientist at the University of California, Davis in 2000 where I performed research in medical informatics, and e-based consultations for patients with chronic diseases. I have also worked as Consult and Scientist at Systems Research and Applications Corporation, SRA International, Inc. Washington, D.C. in 2001 and 2002.


I have authored over 70 articles in the fields of informatics, usability engineering and evaluations methods. My research has been awarded several times for broadening the field of Computer and Information Science. During the 1990s, I have been the principal developer of one approach to evaluate the end-users willingness to participate and develop health information systems using participatory approaches. For this work I received “The Great Gold Medal” for Best Scientific Paper at "Medinfo' 98". 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics 1998.  In October 2000 I received the “Lawson Grant”, for Broadening the Field of Computer and Information Science and for International recognition as Ph.D. student, and in November 1996 the American Medical Informatics Association Award at the Annual Fall Symposium, Student Competition, Washington D.C.


I am since Jan 2008 coordinator of the national e-health network. I am also the gender lecturer for the project “Linköping University – a gender conscious university “at The Institute of Technology with 138 professors, 420 teachers and 9 500 students,.

Research interest

  • ehealth
  • Public Information Systems and Electronic Markets
  • Methods and Models for Evaluation of e-health Information Systems
  • HCI and Usability Engineering

Academic degrees


                        Professor in Informatics at JIBS, International Business School in Jönköping, Swweden, 2010

20092009        Professor in Informatics at Linköpings universitet, 2009

Associate pro Docent in Economic Information Systems, Linköpings universitet, Sweden, 2002-12-18.

Post doctoral degree, 1999-2000, University of Davis, California, Department of Medical Informatics.

Ph.D. in Informatics, Linköpings universitet, Sweden, 1999-10-07.

Thesis title: "An Economic Perspective on the Analysis of Impacts of Information Technology. From Case Studies in Healthcare towards General Models and Theories"

Dissertation N. 597. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology.

M.Sc. in Economics, Linköpings universitet, Sweden, 1995.

Master Thesis title: "A Societal Economic Analysis of Social Costs and Benefits of The Smoke Free Hospital at the University Hospital in Linkoping. Sweden".

Degree of Bachelor of Science B.Sc. in Public Administration: Public Finance and Accounting, Linköpings universitet, Sweden, 1994.

Final Paper title: Relationship between the Proportions of Women and Salaries.

Expert evaluator, member of examination committees and faculty opponent

Expert Evaluator for position as Assistant Professor in Informatics at Malmö University 2011.

Faculty Opponent for Licenciate candidate Rebecca Janols. Title of the thesis. Tailor the System or Tailor the User? How to Make Better Use of Electronic Patient Record Systems. Uppsala University, 2011.

Expert Evaluator for position as Assistant Professor in Informatics at Uppsala University 2010.

Expert Evaluator for position as Assistant Professor in Informatics at Stockholm Univesity, 2010.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Information Structures and Workflows in Health Care Informatics”. PhD Johan Karlsson. Umeå University, Sweden.Dissertation Nr10.08, 2010.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “New Product newness and Benefits: A study of Software Products from the Firm’s perspective”. PhD Sanjay Verma. Mälardalen University, Sweden. Dissertation Nr 81, 2010.

Reviewer for The Research Council of Norway: naturvitenskap og teknologi. Dep. of Science and Technology Divisjon for Vitenskap. Division of Science Norges forskningsråd (2004, 2005, 2009, 2010).

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “On Practical Machine Learning and  Data Analysis”. PhD Daniel Gillblad. School of Computer Science and Communication Royal Institute of Technology, SE–100 44 Stockholm, Sweden. TRITA–CSC–A–2008:- ISSN–1653–5723 ISRN KTH/CSC/A–07–SE. 2008.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Visualisera energi i hushåll. Avdomesticeringen av sociotekniska system och individ- respektive artefaktbunden energianvändning”. PhD  Erica Löfström. Department of Technology and Social Change, Linköpings universitet.  Dissertation no 441, 2008.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Designing Work and IT Systems”. PhD Niklas Hardenborg. Uppsala University, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 376, 2007.

Expert Evaluator for position as Assistant Professor in Systems and Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Soft Center, Ronneby, 2007.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Virtual learning environments in higher education: a study of user acceptance”. PhD Christina Kellers. Linköpings universitet.  Studies in Science and Technology, Dissertation, ISSN 0345-7524; 1114, 2007.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Strategiska resurser och långvarig lönsamhet – En resursbaserad modell för varaktiga konkurrensfördelar i små tillverkningsföretag”. PhD Jim Andersén. Mälardalen Högskola, Ekonomihögskolan, 2005.

Expert Evaluator for position as Assistant professor in Economics. Högskolan på Gotland 2004.

Expert Evaluator for position as Assistant Professor in Product Quality and Management. Högskolan i Hamlstad, 2004.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Spår av datoriseringen i värden. Effekter av IT i äldreomsorg”. PhD Karin Hedström. Linköpings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science. Dissertation nr 9, 2004.

Member of the Examination Committee for PhD Dissertation “Observing dynamic behaviour of large distributed systems to improve development and testing: An empirical study in software engineering”. PhD Johan Moe. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Linköpings universitet.

Dissertation No 852, 2003.

Faculty Opponent for PhD candidate Oksana Ivasiuta. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology. 3 Dec 2001. Title of the thesis: Comparison Methodology of Software Development.

Commissions of trust and academic leadership positions

Since Dec 2008          


Since Jan 2011           Director of the CenITIS, Center of Information technology and Information Systems at JIBS

Since April 2011          Member JIBS Council for undergraduate and master's education, CUME,

Since January 2008     Coordinator of the national e-health network. The purpose of the network if to take a lead in observing trends, identify new research issues and stimulate to carry out frontline ehealth research. All activities with a combined interest in improving quality of service for the patients, promoting efficiency and effectiveness in ehealth area and creating business opportunities for Swedish industry.


Since June 2008          Member of the AMIA Mentorship Program : Mentor for PhD Cynthia LeRouge, Associate Professor Decision Sciences/ Information Technology Management. Department, Saint Louis University

Since January 2008     Coordinator of the national e-health network. The purpose of the network if to take a lead in observing trends, identify new research issues and stimulate to carry out frontline ehealth research. All activities with a combined interest in improving quality of service for the patients, promoting efficiency and effectiveness in ehealth area and creating business opportunities for Swedish industry.

Since  January 2008    Director of studies for the Division of Software and Systems (SaS). The division for Software and Systems (SaS) deals with research and education in the areas of: Software Engineering, Programming Environments, Systems Software, Embedded SW/HW Systems, Computer Systems Engineering, Real-Time Systems and Theoretical Computer Science. Six full professors and 12 associate/assistant professors are involved in the research together with about 35 graduate students. The research covers both basic research and projects in cooperation with industries such as:  ABB Robotics, ABB Industrial Systems, Ericsson Softlab AB, Ericsson Radio Systems, Ericsson Telecom, SKF, Saab, Saab Dynamics, Saab Combitech, etc. As director of undergraduate studies I am the responsible for the well functioning of the undergraduate courses for which the Division has the responsibility. This includes planning of courses and proposing changes in the different curricula such as the development and removal of courses. The role as director of studies also includes planning of staff resources as well as managing the financial resources.

2008                            Member of the organizing committee for the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The conference was co-organized by SICS, the Swedish Institute of Computer Science and SAIS, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society. Stockholm, May 2008.

Member of the organizing committee for the 13th and 14th international Symposium for Health Information management research ISHIMR Conference 2008 and 2009. The Changing Face of Health Informatics and Health Information Management. New Zeeland, October 2008 and Evaluation and implementation of e-health and health information initiatives: international perspectives, Kalmar 2009.

Faculty gender lecturer (Genuslektor) for the project “Linköping University – Gender Conscious University “at the Institute of Technology with 138 professors, 420 teachers and 9 500 students. The role as gender lecturer includes coordination of educational activities, organization of seminaries and workshops and development of welcome programs for new students.

Since 2005                  Specialization mentor for the Information Technology and Management Specialization (ITEA-profil).The Information Technology and Management specialization (ITEA-profil)  is given for students in the areas of computer science (C), Computer engineering (D) and Information technology (IT). A specialization mentor creates together with each of his students an individual study plan for that student within the specialization[1]. The study plan concerns the whole specialization and consists of a number of courses, a number of topics that can be studied on a more detailed level as well as skills that students wants to obtain. The mentor has a guidance role as well as an examination role.

Director of studies for the Division of Information Systems and Management, Economic Information Systems.

As director of undergraduate studies I was the responsible for the well functioning of the undergraduate courses. This includes planning of courses and proposing changes in the different curricula such as the development and removal of courses. The role as director of studies also includes planning of staff resources as well as managing the financial resources, cooperation with other divisions and with education boards and a number of administrative tasks.

2000 - 2004                 Manager for continuing education at Santa Anna IT Research Institute AB. 

The Santa Anna IT Research Institute AB is an industry research institute, performing applied research in cooperation with industry, universities and the public sector. The institute belongs to the SICS group, part of Swedish IT Research Institute, and is based in the strong research and development environment in the East Sweden region with its renowned university and ICT industry. The scientific staff of the institute has about fifteen professors from Linköpings universitet and Campus Norrköping devoting part of their time to promote the formation of research projects together with industry at Santa Anna IT- Research Institute.

Some research areas of special interest for Santa Anna are:

·         IT in medicine and home healthcare

·         Software and systems engineering

·         Security and public information services

·         Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence

·         Usability and multi-modal dialog interface engineering

As manager of continuing education I have developed, organized and coordinate doctoral courses and seminaries of interdisciplinary character.

Deputy Head of Division of Information Systems and Management, (ISM). The Division conducts research about management issues arising from the use of modern Information Technology. These include its impact on organisations and business, communication, knowledge development and utilisation, business oriented model- and system development, and strategic and economic management. The ISM division was divided into two research labs: Economic Information Systems (EIS) and Development of Information Systems and Work Context (VITS).The Division enrolled five professors, two associated professor, two assistant professors, three lectures and more than 20 doctoral students.  

Since 1999                  Ombudsman for Equality Opportunity and the Workplace Environment at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköpings universitet, Sweden. The Department of Computer and Information Science was founded in 1983, but the roots go back to the early seventies. It is one of the largest departments for computer and information science in northern Europe, with approx. 175 employees of which approx. 60 are faculty members (PhDs), including 20 full professors. Approximately 100 postgraduate students are enrolled in the department's PhD programs.

1998 - 2003                 Member of the interview group for interviewing Ph.D. candidates at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköpings universitet.

Member and representative for Ph.D. students at the Research Board Committee at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköpings universitet.

Professional membership

Since 2009                              Member of the SIS/TK 334 group at the Swedish Standards Institute (SIS)

2009                                        Member of the Ambient Assisting Living (AAL) EU-expert group.

2009                                        Member of the Nordic research network: The Culture of Ubiquitous Information.

2009                                        Member of the International Interest Group Replay. A European Commission Funded group with the aim to develop an IT Platform for Social Integration of Marginalized Youth.

2007                                        Member of the OECD expert group: Incentives for the Implementation of Information, Communication Technologies in Health Sector.

Since 2007                              Member of the board of directors of Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAICS).

Since 2007-2009                     Member of the International Who’s Who historical society.

Since 2007                              Interested party of Demo-net, a Network of Excellence project funded under the European Commission's sixth framework programme: Information Society Technologies IST (FP6-2004-27219).

Since 2005                              Member of the international reference group of experts for the EU-PUBLIN consortium,

Since 2004                              Member of the Medical Science Monitor international reviewers panel (IRP).

2000 - 2003                             Member of the International Affairs Committee at AMIA. (American Medical Informatics Association).

Since 2003                              Member of the European working group for guidelines development for evaluation practices guidelines for health informatics (HISEWAL).

Since 2000                              Member of the special interest group “Prevention and Public Health” at AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association).

Since 2005                              Member of the special interest groupSmart Homes and Assistive Technologies at AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association).

Since 1999                              Member of the working group "People and Organizations" at AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association).

Since 1999                              Member of the working group "Consumer Health Informatics“at AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association).

1998 - 1999                             Member at the European Consumer Safety Association (ECOSA) Measuring the Severity and Costs of Accidental Injuries and the Swedish representative to the consortium.

Since 1996                              Member of the Swedish Medical Informatics Research Association (SFRM- Svensk forskning for medicinsk informationsbehandling).

Scholarships and awards

February 2002             STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Co-operation in Research and Higher Education).

November 2000          STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Co- operation in Research and Higher Education). Grant for visit UCDavis and initiate research oriented collaboration with Professor Richard Walters, Head of the Department of Medical Informatics.

October 2000              The Lawson Grant, for Broadening the Field of Computer and Information Science and for International recognition as Ph.D. student.

August 1998               "The Great Gold Medal” for Best Scientific Paper at the 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics, "Medinfo' 98". Korea.

November 1996          Finalist Student Paper Competition at AMIA: (American Medical Informatics Association). Annual Fall Symposium. Washington D.C.

1994                                                        Best Final Paper Award (SSR)

Research and development projects

International projects


  •  H.E-L.P. – Hospitals’ E-Learning and Information Exchange Portal for Patients, Staff and Everyone else (as partnership and responsible of the development of the information structure and evaluation package).

·         FOOD, Framework for Optimizing the prOcess of FeeDing, EU project (scientific leader of the Swedish work packages).

  • ESTIA-EARTH To Sustain the Women’s Careers as Academics, Researchers and Professionals in Engineering, Computers and Sciences. (as partnership in the consortium and responsible of the evaluation work package).
  • Nordic research network: The Culture of Ubiquitous Information. The purpose of “The Culture of Ubiquitous Information” is to organize a research network of a and with the interdisciplinary competence to address a problem not yet solved in the Nordic countries: The network aims to meet this challenge by integrating researchers from cultural studies, science and technology studies, computer science, interaction design, media studies, art history and digital aesthetics. ( as member and participant in the network)
  • Effects of Internet Support for Cancer Patients on Health Outcomes, Health Care Utilization and Costs. A Randomized Clinical Trial communication at the Rikshospitalet in Oslo, Norway in collaboration with Dr. Cornelia Ruland, RN, PhD, Director, Center for Nursing Research, 2008. (as co-researcher and responsible of the  topics related to inter-organizational IT-systems and socio-technical effects).
  • Business Intelligence in Healthcare , in collaboration with Licenciate Tobias Mettler from the  Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland,2008.  (as co-researcher).
  • Urmia University (Iran): Urmia University of Iran has provided a grant to develop collaborative research in the area of Information Systems in Healthcare. The grant supports Mr Bahlol Rahimi to perform his doctoral studies under my tuition during a period of time of four years (2005 -   2009). (as project leader and chief supervisor for Mr Rahimi).
  • Institute of Technology (China). Since January 2007 I have established collaboration with the Deputy Director of the Department of Command Center Technology in Beijing, China, with the aim to develop collaborative research projects in the area of CWSC. Mr Yang Weijum, Deputy Director of the Center, was officially invited to visit the department of Computer and Information Science at Linkopings universitet during a period of nine moths (September 2007June 2008). Mr Yang visit to Sweden was supported by The Swedish Institute and the People's Republic of China. (as chief supervisor for Mr  Yang).

·         ELIN- project: The Electronic Newspaper Initiative.   EU-project supported by the EU (ELIN-IST-2000-30188). The aim of the Electronic Newspaper Initiative project was to develop and test core technologies such as interactive video, personalisation, and automatic content adaptation for mobile devices and network capabilities. (as supervisor for a PhD student and as co-researcher).

National projects

·         Evaluation of national IT-infrastructures for health and social care organizations. A national project supported by the National Board of Health and Welfare with the participation of researchers from 9 universities (as scientific leader of the project).

·         Evaluation of socio-economic effect of IT-based applications. A national project supported by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (as leader of the project).

·         National e­health network. The principal objective of the network is to establish a meeting place bringing academia, companies and the healthcare organizations together in R&D efforts. (as coordinator of the network).

  • NADIMI Network for national distance education in health informatics. More than 10 different Swedish Universities cooperate in the project that is financed by the Swedish Agency of networks and Cooperation in Higher Education (NSHU). (as co-researcher and sub-project leader).

·         The e-Society project.The objective of the e-Society research project is to study and develop new IT-based services in the society from a human-centered perspective (consumer, citizen and user), with an emphasis on e-services, all with a special concern for small and medium-sized enterprises. (as member of Santa Anna Research Faculty).

Regional projects

·         Development of a model to classify e-Health services. A regional project founded by the County Council at Stockholm, (SSL) (as scientific project leader)

  • Information Logistic for improvement of personalized services. The regional cancer project financed and supported by SKL ( as scientific leader for the Informatics issues ).
  • Vinnvård 2: Patienten- Aktiv medskapare i vårdens processer. (as co-researcher and supervisor of a doctoral student)
  • Architectures for inter-organizational IT-based systems in health and elderly care”. The project is financed by Nässjö kommun. (as chief supervisor for a doctoral student and leader for the project).
  • ICT product development for e-health, in collaboration with the center of excellence “New tools for health(as PI ).
  •  Breddad rekryteringsgrund vid anställning av doktorander. In collaboration with the center of excellence: FunMat (as co-researcher).

·         Cosmic: In collaboration with the County Council in Östergötland and with the objective to perform an evaluation of the impacts and effects of the implementation and use of a new integrated computer based patient record system. (as chief supervisor for a doctoral student and leader for the project)

·         PuMA (Public information systems and electronic markets) regional network developed with the aim to develop collaborative projects with industry, universities and the public sector. (as coordinator of the network)

·         Lejon-Group. The Lejon-group is a network that has been created by The Association of Local Authorities and a number of individual county councils, local governments and the Municipal Workers’ Union with the aim to develop collaborative projects in the areas of e-services, inter-agency collaboration, and channel strategies for customer communication, intelligent agents for public information services and ICT- based services. (as PI and scientific leader of the projects)

Professional membership

2008                                       Member of the Mentorship Group at AMIA.

2007                                        Member of the OECD expert group: Incentives for the Implementation of Information, Communication Technologies in Health Sector.

Since 2007                              Member of the board of directors of Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAICS).

Since 2007                              Member of the International Who’s Who historical society.

Since 2007                              Interested party of Demo-net, a Network of Excellence project funded under the European Commission's sixth framework programme: Information Society Technologies IST (FP6-2004-27219).

Since 2005                              Member of the international reference group of experts for the EU-PUBLIN consortium,

Since 2004                              Member of the Medical Science Monitor International Reviewers Panel (IRP).

2004 and 2005                        Reviewer for the Research Council of Norway: naturvitenskap og teknologi. Dep. of Science and Technology Divisjon for Vitenskap. Division of Science Norges forskningsråd.

2000 - 2003                             Member of the International Affairs Committee at AMIA. (American Medical Informatics Association).

Since 2003                              Member of the European working group for guidelines development for evaluation practices guidelines for health informatics (HISEWAL).

Since 2000                              Member of the special interest group “Prevention and Public Health” American Medical Informatics.

Since 2005                              Member of the special interest groupSmart Homes and Assistive Technologies. American Medical Informatics.

Since 1999                              Member of the working group "People and Organizations". American Medical Informatics Association.

Since 1999                              Member of the working group "Consumer Health Informatics“; American Medical Informatics Association.

1998 - 1999                             Member at the European Consumer Safety Association (ECOSA) Measuring the Severity and Costs of Accidental Injuries and the Swedish representative to the consortium.

Since 1996                              Member of the Swedish Medical Informatics Research Association (SFRM- Svensk forskning for medicinsk informationsbehandling).


Third party funding

~1.5 Mio €/ year

International collaboration partners


USA: Professor Richard Walters (UCD); Dr Kathleen Mc Cormick (SAIC); Professor Nancy Lorenzi (Vanderbilt University Medical Center); Professor Bonnie Kaplan (Yale University); Professor Vilma Patel (University of Arizona and Columbia); Dr George Demiris (University of Missouri.Columbia). PhD Cynthia LeRouge (Saint Louis University), Dr. Eric Einstetein (Duke University).


Canada. Dr. Nikki Shaw (Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement, BC Research Institute for Children's & Women's Health. Vancouver, Canada); Dr Grace Paterson (Delhousie University); Professor Andre Kushniruk (University of Victoria).


Europe: Professor Cornelia Ruland (Center for Shared Decision Making Rikshopitalet, Norway); Dr. Pirkko Nykänen (University of Tampere, Findland); Dr.Jytte Brender (Aalborg University, Denmark); Professor Peter Batch (Sheffield University); Professor Elske Ammenwerth (UMIT- Austria),   Dr. Jos Aarts (Erasmus University Rotterdam); Professor Enrique J. Gómez (Madrid university, Spain), Dr Kendra Albright (Sheffield University). Dr Francisco Ibanez. (Brainstorm, Spain) Dr.Ulrik Ekman (University of Copenhagen). Prof. Paolo Ciampolini, University of Parma. Prof Gianluca Cornetta, Italy. Professor Christian Nohr (Allborg University, Denmark), Dr Anne Marie <weggelaar-Jansen (Rotterdam University, Netherlands).


New Zeeland: Dr Rosemary Stockdale (Massey University).


National collaboration partners


Professor Sabine Koch (KI ); Professor Boel-Andersson Gäre (County Council and International Business School, Jönköping);  Professor Sture Hägglund, (Santa Anna IT-Research Institute AB); Professor Toomas Timpka (Social Medicine and Public Health,LiU); Professor Hans Åhlfeldt (LiU);  );  Professor Bengt Sundbland (Uppsala universitet); Assoc professor Anna Lantz  (KTH); Professor Gunilla Bradley (KTH);  Assoc Prof Henrik Artman (KTH);  Professor Patrik Eklund (Umeå universitet); Professor Göran Petterson (e-hälso institutet, Kalmar); Dr Klas Gäre (Jönköping International Business School); Dr Anna Moberg (County Council-Östergötland), Dr Linda Askenäs (University of Växjö), Dr Pia Tingström (University hospital in Linköping). Dr Anders Holm (SICS-Stockholm); Christofer Franzén (SICS); Dr Leili Lind (LiU); Dr Agneta Ranerup (University of Gothemburg).

List of publications

Journal articles

Mettler T, Vimarlund V. The need of a multi-actor perspective to understand expectations from virtual presence: managing elderly homecare informatics. Informa: Informatics for Health & Social Care 2011; 1–13.

Rahimi B, Timpka T, Vimarlund V, Uppugunduri S, and Svensson M. Organization-wide adoption of computerized provider order entry systems: a study based on diffusion of innovations theory. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 9:52, 2009

Mettler T, Vimarlund V. Understanding Business Intelligence in the Context of Health Care. Health Informatics Journal. Vol 15(3): 1–11, 2009 (Selected for re-publishing in the Health Informatics Journal).

Rahimi B, Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Health Information System Implementation: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Systems. DOI 10.1007/s10916-008-9198-9, 2008

Söderberg E,  Alexandersson K, Vimarlund V. Experiences of professionals participating in inter-organisational cooperation aimed at promoting clients' return to work. WORK. In press.

Vimarlund V. Elderly Health, Homecare and Information Technology (IT). Healthcare IT Management: Journal of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers. Vol 3(3):22-23, 2008.  Invited paper.

Vimarlund V, Olve  NG,  Scandurra  I , Koch S. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and elderly homecare- The Hudiksvall Case. Health Informatics Journal , Vol 14(3): 195–209, 2008.

Afrin  L, Courtney  K , Demiris  G, Goossen, W, Lovis C, Lynch C, Sondhi M, Speedie  S, Vimarlund  V. Patient-centered applications and mobile health; use of IT to promote disease management and wellness.  A White Paper by the AMIA Knowledge in Motion Working Group, 2007.  Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, JAMIA  15(1):8-13, 2008.

Rahimi B, Vimarlund V. Methods to Evaluate IT-Based Administrative Systems in Healthcare Setting: A Literature Review. Journal of Medical Systems, 31:397-432, 2007.

Vimarlund V, Olve NG. Economic analyses for ICT in elderly healthcare: questions and challenges. Health Informatics Journal, 11 (4): 293-305, 2005.

Olve NG, Vimarlund V .Locating ICT´s benefits in elderly care. Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, 30 (4): 297-308, 2005.

Ammenwerth, E, et al. Visions and strategies to improve evaluation of health information systems Reflections and lessons based on the HIS-EVAL workshop in Innsbruck. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 73:479-491, 2004.

Vimarlund V, Hägglund S. Communicating in the Home. A Research Agenda for the Emerging Area of Home Informatics. HCI Vol 2: 1161-1165.Universal Access: Inclusive Design in the Information Society (Eds). Constantine Stephanidis. Lawrence Erbaulm Associates, Publishers London, 2003.

Vimarlund V, Sjöberg C, Timpka T. A theory for classification of healthcare organizations in the new economy. Journal of Medical Systems, Vol 27 (5):465-470, 2003.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Design Participation as Insurance: Risk- Management and End-users Participation in the Development of Information Systems in Healthcare Organizations. Methods of Information in Medicine, 41: 76-80, 2002.

Andersson A, Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Management demands on Information and Communication Technology in Process Oriented Healthcare Organizations. International Journal of Management in Medicine, 16 (2/3), 2002.

Vimarlund V, Informationsteknik i hälsoorganisationer. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift nr 6, 6-11,1999. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Timpka T, Hallberg N. Healthcare Professional's demand for knowledge in informatics. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 53:107-114, 1999.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T, Ljunggren M. Risk perception during information-system development in non-profit health care organizations. Methods of Information in Medicine, 37: 206-310, 1998.


Reviewed full conference papers


Mettler T, Vimarlund V.Evaluation of e-health. Accepted at The 15th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research –ISHIMR 20211, Austria.

Rahimi B, Vimarlund V. Introduction of an Integrated Electronic Prescribing System: The Pharmacies’ Staff Dimension. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Health Information. Management Research – ISHIMR, 2009, In press.

Mettler T, Vimarlund V. Understanding Business Intelligence in the Context of Health Care. The 13th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research –ISHIMR 2008, New Zeeland, 61-69; 2008

Rahimi B, Moberg A, Timpka T, Vimarlund V. Implementing an integrated computerized patient record system: The need for an evidence-based system implementation practice in healthcare. Proceedings of AMIA 2008. In press.

Vimarlund, V, Gustafsson AK. Samulesson E. A gender conscious university. Proceedings of the 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. Madrid , 3-8 July 2008.

Rahimi V, Moberg A, Timpka T , Vimarlund V . The voices are the same. Proceedings of MIE: Göteborg, Sweden  2008.  

Vimarlund V.  Promoting Gender Sensitive Teaching at the Institute of Technology. Informatics Education Europe II Conference  IEEII 2007 . A Conference of the State of Informatics Education in Europe, Thessaloniki , Greece Proceedings of IEEII ( pp 118 -124), 28-30 November 2007.

Vimarlund V, Warden  N, Walters R.  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Distance Consultations.  Proceedings of the SHI-term Konferensen. Kalmar 1-3 October 2007.

Vimarlund V, Olve NG . Using ICT to Transform Elderly Healthcare. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Health Information Management ResearchISHIMR 2007.  Sheffield, UK July 18 – 20 (pp 127-135), 2007.

Olve NG, Vimarlund V, Agerbo M.  Evaluation as multi-actor trade-off - a challenge in introducing ICT innovations in the health sector.  4th WSEAS Int.Conf. on E-ACTIVITIES (E-Learning, E-Communities, E-Commerce, E-Management, E-Marketing, E-Governance, Tele-Working) (E-ACTIVITIES '05)" Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, (pp 31-48),2005.  "Invited paper".

Ilhström C, Lundberg J, Vimarlund V. On-line newspapers in search for profitable services.  E-business and E-work Conference. Prague, Czech Republic,(pp 1455-1462),2002.

Vimarlund V, Eriksson E, Timpka T. Economic Motives to Use Participatory-Design Approach in the Development of Public-Health Information Systems. Proceedings of 10th World Conference on Medical Informatics, Medinfo- London. (Eds) V. Patel Amsterdan: IOS Press. (pp 768-772), 2001.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T, Patel V. Information Technology and Knowledge Exchange in Health-Care Organizations. Proceedings of AMIA'99, Washington D.C. (Ed) N.M.Lorenzi.  Hanley & Belfus Inc. Philadelphia. (pp 632-636), 1999.

Vimarlund V. Timpka T. Participatory Design in Economic Terms. Proceedings of PDC-98. The fifth Biennial Participatory Design Conference (Eds) R Henderson, S. Kuhn and M. Muller. CPSR and ACM, Palo Alto, CA. 1998 (pp: 11-17), 1998.

Hagdahl,A, Vimarlund,V, Timpka,T. Intranet as a Result of a Participatory Design Project- A Case Description. Proceedings of PDC-98. (Eds) R  Henderson, S. Kuhn and M. Muller.CPSR and ACM, Palo Alto, CA, 1998.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T, Hallberg N. The economic implications of users’ willingness to increase knowledge capital in health informatics. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress on Medical Informatics. (Eds) B Cesnik et al. Amsterdan: IOS Press. (pp 711-715), 1998.

Hallberg N, Timpka T, Vimarlund V. Heuristic Walkthrough Evaluation of a Prototype Computer Network Service for Occupational Therapists. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress on Medical Informatics 1998. (Eds) B Cesnik et al. Amsterdan: IOS Press. (pp 869-873),1998.

Vimarlund V, Ljunggren M, Timpka T. Implementation of Computer-Based Patient Records in Primary Care: The Societal Health Economic Effects. Proceedings of AMIA, American Medical Informatics Association. Annual Fall Symposium Formerly Scamc,. (Eds) JJ Cimino. Hanley & Belfys, Inc. Philadelphia.  (pp 503-508), 1996.

Conference proceedings

Vimarlund V. Gender lectures as agents for change. Proceedings of  the 6th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education 5-8 August, 2009 - Aula Magna, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, In Press.

Rahimi, B., Moberg, A., Timpka, T. and Vimarlund, V. Post-implementation survey on using of integrated computerized patient record system. Proceeding of MIE 2008 conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 24-28, 2008

Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Changes in the roll of IT in primary healthcare, Proceedings of  11th Conference on Medical Informatics, Medinfo-San Francisco, Cal.  (Eds) M Fieschi; E Coeria; and Y.-C.J. Li .Amsterdam: IOS. Press,  2004.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T. From Passive Surfers to Interactive Consumers: Individual Preferences regarding On-line Public Health Services”. AMIA annual fall symposium in Washington DC. (Ed) M Mussen, MD, PhD.  Hanley & Belfys, Inc. Philadelphia. (pp 1052), 2003.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T.  Individual Preferences and On-line Public Health Services.  Proceedings of AMIA annual fall Symposium in San Antonio Texas. (Ed) Issak Kohane,MD,PhD,  Hanley & Belfys, Inc. Philadelphia.( pp 1186),  2002.

Irestig M, Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Information Technology and User Adapted Public Health Information. Proceedings of 10th World Conference on Medical Informatics, Medinfo- London. (Eds) V. Patel Amsterdan: IOS Press, (pp 1496), 2001.

Andersson A, Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Management Perspective on Information and Communication Technology. Requirement Specification for Process-oriented Healthcare. Proceedings of AMIA 2001 Washington DC. (Ed) S  Bakken. Hanley and Belfus, Inc, 2001.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T. To Choose To Be Poor but Have Good Future Prospects: Consumer Participation in the Development of Information Systems in Healthcare Organizations. Proceedings of AMIA'2000, Annual Symposium, Los Angeles. (Ed) J M Overhage. Hanley & Belfus Inc. Philadelphia.  (pp 1150), 2000.

Vimarlund V, Hallberg N, Timpka T. Ekonomiska konsekvenser av användarnas benägenhet att öka sitt kunskapskapital i medicinsk informatik.  Proceedings of Läkarriksstämma 1998, Stockholm. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Pilemalm S, Timpka T. Användandet av IT inom LO kollektivet. Working paper, 1998  (In Swedish only).

Svensson B, Timpka T, Hallberg N, Carlsson M, Johansson M, Vimarlund V,  Nilsson I. Elektronisk kunskapstöd för arbetsterapeuter.Linköping electronic articles in computer and information science, Vol 3(1998):nr3. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Lindqvist K. Det skadepreventiva arbetet i Motala. Beskrivning av en fallstudie, 1998. Working paper. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Lindqvist K, Timpka T. An Information System for Support of Safe Community Activities. In: European Consumer Safety Association (ECOSA) Measuring the Severity and Costs of Accidental Injuries ECOSA; Amsterdam, 1998.

Vimarlund V. Informationsteknologi och samhället. Working paper.1999.

University/Industry Research Reports

Vimarlund et al. Att fånga nyttan av IT-investeringar inom vård och omsorg.En analysmodell för planering och uppföljning av IT-investeringar- ehälsonätverk. Forskningsrapport Jan 2011 (In Swedish only)

Vimarlund V, Skågeby J. Askenäs L, Jeansson J, Kock S. Nyttan av stora infrastrukturella IT investeringar i vård och omsorg – vad avgör om möjligheterna förverkligas?.  ehälsonätverket. Forskningsrapport, October 2009. (In Swedish Only).forskningsrapport 2009:

Kock S, Vimarlund V. Nationell Distansutbildning i Medicinsk informatik och Hälsoinformatik  Projektet NADIMI. SLUTRAPPORT,  Juli 2008 (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V. Polismyndigheten i Östergötland: En myndighet med helhetssyn och uthållighet som drivkraft. Om arbetet med PNU i Östergötland, juni 2008.  (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V. Att förebygga ekonomisk ohälsa: Ett inter-organisatoriskt samverkansprojekt mellan Kronofogden, Norrköpings kommun, och Hyresbostäder i Norrköping AB. juni 2008 (In Swedish only)

Vimarlund V. Arbetet med att motverka brott inom socialförsäkringsförmånerna: med särskilt inriktning mot boendet, dec 2007.  (In Swedish only)

Sandahl K, Vimarlund V. Curriculum in Software Engineering and Management, (2007). This contribution was presented at the Workshop on Computer Science Education arranged by the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA), Linköpings universitet, and CeTUSS, Uppsala University. Sponsored by the Council for the Renewal of Higher Education. April 12, 2007.

Bergström E, Vimarlund V. Arbetet med att motverka brott inom socialförsäkringsförmånerna, förstudie, 2006. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Gäre K. Samverkan mellan offentliga organisationer. Rapport 2 004:3 Försäkringsmedicinskt centrum, 2004. (In Swedish only).

Rapp, et al. E-tjänster ur den offentliga verksamhets perspektiv. Delrapport Vinnova.2003. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Söderberg E, Alexanderson K. Stöd för uppföljning av kontakter mellan handläggare på försäkringskassan och läkare på vårdcentral i sjukskrivningsärenden. Rapport 2003:3  Försäkringsmedicisnkt centrum, 2003. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Warden N, Katz J, Mac K, Timpka T and Walters R. The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Real-time Interactive Video-consultations: A Stakeholder Analysis. Report, Davis University, California, 2002.

Vimarlund V, Timpka T, Jonsson D. Yrkesrehabilitering Forskningsperspektiven. Forskarens syn på samspelet mellan Människan, Teknik och Organisation, pp 153-158.  Nutek, Förlag, 1999. (In Swedish only).

Timpka T, Bång M, Hagdahl A, Hallberg N, Vimarlund V, Rohlin B. Interorganisatoriska system för samverkan mellan offentliga institutioner i lokalsamhälle. In: Forskningsperspektiven: Forskares syn på samspelet mellan Människa, Teknik; Organisation. Redaktör. Jan Ahlin pp 83-85 NUTEK förlag, 1999. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Timpka T, Ferraz-Nunez J, Jonsson D. Utvärdering av yrkesrehabilitering. CMT Rapport 1 998:6. Centrum för utvärdering av medicinsk teknologi, 1998. (In Swedish only).

Vimarlund V, Timpka T. Information technology and "Flexible Learning Organizations".  Working paper. Nutek (The Swedish Board for Industrial Development), 1998.

Book chapters

Ekonomiska informationssystem. Studentlitteratur, 2006, Chapter 11 “Ekonomiska Informationssystem, Informationsteknologi (IT) och den offentliga sektorn”.  (Eds) Fredrik Nilsson and Nils-Göran Olve.

The Human and Social Side of Health Information Systems. Idea Group Inc, 2007. Chapter “Health Information Systems Management: From traditional to revolutionary healthcare”. (Eds) Andre Kushniruk and Elizabeth Borycki. IDEA GROUP INC.701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Suite 200 Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA.

Academic supervising experience 



·         PhD student Bahlol Rahimi: Main supervisor. Title of the Doctoral Thesis: “Supporting Collaborative Work through ICT - How End-users Think of and Adopt Integrated Health Information Systems”. Dissertation No. 1268. ISBN 978-91-7393-550-5. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Linköping university, Linköping. (Main supervisor)


·         PhD Jörgen Skågeby: Main supervisor. Title of the Doctoral Thesis:” Gifting technologies: ethnographic studies of end-users and social media sharing”. Dissertation No 1185, 2008. ISBN978-91-7393-892-1. (Main supervisor)


·         PhD  Jonas Lundberg: Co-supervisor. Title of the Doctoral Thesis: “Shaping Electronic News: Genre Perspectives on Interaction Design”.  Dissertation No 918, 2005. ISBN 91-85297-14-3.


·         PhD Jo Skåmedal: Co-supervisor. Title of the Doctoral Thesis: “Telecommuting’s Implications on Travel and Travel Patterns “. Dissertation No 869 Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, 2004. ISBN 91-737-935-9.


Licentiate students

  • PhD student Bahlol Rahimi: Main supervisor. Title of the Lic Thesis “ Implementation of Health Information Systems”.Thesis No 1387,2008.

·         Lic. Charlotte Stolz: Main supervisor. Title of the Lic Thesis: “Calling for Call Centres: A study of Call Centre Locations in a Swedish Rural Region”. Linköping Studies in Science and technology Thesis No 1084, 2005.

  • Lic. Fidel Vascos Palacios: Main supervisor.  Title of the Lic.Thesis: “On the Information Exchange between Physicians and Social Insurance Officers in the Sick Leave Process”. Thesis No 1165, 2005.

·         Lic. Anna Andersson: Co-supervisor. Title of the Lic Thesis: “Information System Development for Healthcare Organizations”. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Licenciate Thesis No 1015, 2004.

  • PhD student Bahlol Rahimi: Chief supervisor. Working area: Implementation of IT and healthcare practices. Date of Registration:  November 2005
  • PhD student Karin Kajber. Chief supervisor. Working area: ehealth. Registration: February, 2009
  • PhD student Cecilie Varsi, Supervisor. Working area: ehealth, Registration Oslo, May 2009

Current graduate students


  • Ph D Faustina Acheampoang. Main Supervisor. Title of the thesis: E-services. Doctoral student at JIBS.
  • PhD Eva Lindholm. Main supervisor. Title of the thesis E-health application for service and organizational effectiveness. Doctoral student at JIBS
  • Daniela Mihailescu. Supervisor. Title of the thesis: Enterprise systems design. Doctoral student at JIBS
  • PhD student Cecilie Varsi. Main Supervisor. Working area. The use of Internet to support and develop shared decision making in ehealth.  In collaboration with the Risk Hospitalet in Norway, November 2008.


External research grants


  • Grant from INIERA. Pre-conditions to develop personalized and Mobile services, 2011. (Scientific leader of the project).
  • HELP. EU-project Hospitals’ E-Learning and Information Exchange Portal for Patients, Staff and Everyone else. Reference number: 511623-LLP-1-2010-1-AT-KA3-KA3MP. (As partnership and responsible and scientific leader of the development of the information structure and evaluation package) 750 000 Euros aprox , 2011.

·         FOOD. Framework for Optimizing the prOcess of FeeDing, EU project, 2010-2012, 168 000 Euro (scientific leader of the Swedish work packages), 2011.

·         Stockholm County Council. Evaluation Models for Various Applications of IT in Healthcare,  300 000 sek (Scientific leader of the project,2011.

·         Evaluation of national IT-infrastructures for health and social care organizations. A national project supported by the The National Board of Health and Welfare 1,5 Mkr , 2010. (Leader of the project).

·         Grant from The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) to coordinate the ehealth national network during 2010. (150 TKR) (Coordinator of the network).

  • Vinnvård II. Patienten - aktiv medskapare i vårdens processer. In collaboration with Dr Boel Andersson-Gäre- Jönköping  (4 MKR). 2009. (Co-researcher and main supervisor of a doctoral student)

·         EU-Grant ESTIA-EARTH  Project to Sustain The Women’s Careers As Academics, Researchers And Professionals In Engineering, Computers And Sciences.   In cooperation with other universities in Europe.  Project Number: 142418-LLP-1_2008_1_GR_Erasmus- ENW. (595 360 Euros), 2009.(Partner of the consortium and responsible of the WP : evaluation

·         Grant from the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Project: Socio-economic effect of IT-based applications (200 TKR), 2009.      (Project leader)

·         Grant from The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) to develop and coordinate the ehealth national network. (231 TKR) August 2008 to December 2009. (Coordinator of the network)

·         Grant from Nässjö County Council to support Alexander Lowejko as  PhD student from May 2008 to May 2010.  (Full project management and main supervisor for Mr. Lowejko).

·         Grant from The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) for developing an application with the aim to broaden base for recruiting PhD students in collaboration with Prof Anita Lloyd and Prof Ulf Mellström (250TKR). Jan- May 2008.

·         Grant from The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova ) for developing an application in collaboration with the center of excellence “ New tools for health” (250 TKR).  Jan -Maj 2008.

·         Grant from the Swedish Insurance Office. Project: “Arbetet med att motverka brott inom socialförsäkringsförmånerna”(2,450 MKR), Maj 2006-Jan 2008). (Full Project management)

·         Grant from the  Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova )for developing a proposal for a Tripe Helix Research School in Applied ICT with the ambition to mix regular PhD students with industry doctoral students also admitting doctoral students from the public sector, together with Professor Sture Hägglund. 

·         Grant from The Swedish Agency of Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education (NSHU) to coordinate and develop a national distance educational program in Informatics.  (800 TKR, 2007). (Sub-project leader).

·         Grant from The National Tax Board. Project: “Effektiva mötesplatser genom interorganisatoriskt samarbete mellan myndigheter” (35 TKR, 2006). (Full project management)

·         Grant from Försäkringsdelegationen. Project;”Customers interaction patterns” (200,000 SEK, 2006). (Full project management)

·         Grant from The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) for developing an application with the aim to form the competence centre “Public Information Systems and Electronic Markets (PUMA)” (150 TKR) 2005. (Full project management)

·         Grant from the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova). Project: “IT in Home and Elderly Healthcare: Organizational Pre-requisites for Successful Use and Implementation. The application was submitted together with Professor Birger Rapp (2,350,000 SEK, 20032005). (Project management and main supervisor of a doctoral student)

·         Grant from “Stångåstaden AB”. Project: “Senior Living”. The application was submitted together with Professor Birger Rapp (1,000,000 SEK, 2004). (Project Management and co-researcher).

·         Grant from the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova). Project: “From the introduction of new and cost effective work routines to the implementation of an IT-based information system” (300TKR) 2003. (Full project management).

·         Grant from the Regional Insurance Office for to develop and lead the following projects: “Co-operation between Public Authorities when dealing return to work issues” and “The Social Insurance Office and 24-hours services” (950 TKR, 2003 and 2004).(Full project management)

·         Grant from The Swedish Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development within the Information Technology Domain (KK stiftelse) for DLK project. Together with Toomas Timpka an colleagues from the MDA-research group (11,34 MKR, 1999—2002), and (3,876,000 SEK, 2003).

Participation in international scientific conferences


  • International conference in e-Health. Budapest, 2011. (Invited speaker).  Keynote PS7 “Capturing the Value of  IT investments in Health and Social Care”.
  • 13th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics Medinfo 2010.Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of ICT-based Applications in Healthcare Across Multiple Levels (V Vimarlund, E Eisenstein, A Kustniruk). 12-15th September 2010 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa. Accepted. (Tutorial).
  • 14th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research – ISHIMR in Kalmar, 2009 (Member of the organizing committee and co-authors of a paper contribution).
  • 6th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education 5-8 August, 2009 - Aula Magna, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden (Paper contribution)

·         SCAI-2009: The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, 2009.  (Member of the organizing committee).

  • Key note speaker to the 2nd Gender in Forestry Conference Making a difference in theory and practice. Umeå, Sweden June 15-18, 2009

·         Information Technology and Communications in Health (ITCH 2009- Canada). Workshop “Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of ICT-based Applications in Healthcare across Multiple Levels”.  (Organizer and speaker).

·         10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. Madrid , 3-8 July 2008. (Paper contribution).

·         SCAI-2008: The 10th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, May 26-28, 2008.  (Member of the organizing committee).

·         13th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research – ISHIMR in New Zealand, October 2008 (Member of the organizing committee, co-organizer of the doctoral symposium and paper contribution).

·         Informatics Education Europe II Conference IEEII 2007 . A Conference of the State of Informatics Education in Europe, Thessaloniki , Greece 28-30 November 2007. (Paper contribution)

·         Medinfo 2007, Australia. : Workshop Patient-centered applications and mobile health: promoting ICT-based disease management and wellness. Medinfo 2007, Australia. S2 P3. Sunday 19th 1330-1700. (Speaker and co-organizer of the workshop).

·         Medinfo 2007, Australia: Tutorial: From evolutionary to revolutionary home healthcare Medinfo 2007, Australia. (Teacher and co-organizer of the tutorial).

·         Invited Speaker at the OECD expert group: “Incentives for Implementation of Information, Communication Technologies in Health Sector”, OECD, Paris April 13, 2007. (Invited speaker)

·         ISHIMR, 2007, International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, Sheffield UK, 18-20 July 2007. (Paper contribution).

·         Nordic International Workshop; Infrastructures for Healthcare, 19-20 June 2006. Copenhagen. Denmark. (Paper contribution)

·         AMIA-2006: American Medical Informatics Annual Symposium. Invited guest at the Nurses Informatics session, 2006.

·         4th WSEAS International Conference on e-activities. Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, 2005. (Invited paper).

·         World Conference on Medical Informatics, Medinfo- San Francisco, Cal. 7-11 September 2004. (Member of working groups and poster presentation)

·         Human Computer Interaction HIIC 2003, Creete. 22-27 June 2003 (Paper contribution)

·         Tutorial on "Participatory Design: From development to societal economic evaluation of the effects of use user oriented methodologies to develop Information Systems": MIE conference in Budapest, 25 August 2002. (Chair and organizer)

·         AMIA 2001. Washington D.C. Title of the panel: Organizational Issues for Design of Medical Informatics Systems, 2001. (Panelist)

·         Carelink Research Seminary, Stockholm 2001. (Invited speaker)

·         Medinfo 2001. London. Title of the Panel: New Approaches to Evaluation Alternatives to the Randomized Controlled Trial. Qualitative Approaches to Design Evaluations, Theory and Practice, 2001. (Panelist).

Participation in national conferences

·         Nyttan av stora infrastrukturella IT-investeringar i vård och omsorg – vad avgör om möjligheterna förverkligas?. VITALIS 2011(The Venue for everyone involved in IT in healthcare. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011. (Speaker).

·         Information + logistic = Ekonomisk nytta?  VITALIS 2011(The Venue for everyone involved in IT in healthcare. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011. (Speaker).

·         Nyttan av stora infrastrukturella IT-investeringar i vård och omsorg – vad avgör om möjligheterna förverkligas?. VITALIS 2010(The Venue for everyone involved in IT in healthcare. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2010. (Speaker).

·         Economic evaluation of ICT .State of the art. VITALIS (The Venue for everyone involved in IT in healthcare. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009. (Moderator of the workshop and speaker).

·         SHI-term Konferensen, Kalmar 26 to 28 August 2008. Moderator of the workshop: Utbildning i hälso- och medicinsk Informatik, 28 -08-08. (Moderator of the workshop)

·         National workshop: Evaluation of ICT-based applications, Linköpings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) Jan 15 2008. (Organizer and speaker).

·         Rätt information I rätt tid på rätt plats Sektionen för omvårdsinformatik, Linköping, 23 maj 2007 (Invited Speaker).

·         SHI-term Konferensen, Kalmar  1-3 October 2007. (Paper presentation).

·         ICT-based home health care – Research state of the art. VITALIS (The Venue for everyone involved in IT in healthcare. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2007. (Invited Speaker).

·         The National Conference ARENA (The use of ICT in e-government and public services). Verva (The Swedish Administrative Development Agency), 2006. (Invited speaker).

·         Regional Conferences arranged in collaboration with the “FoU- social care centre” in Östergötland (Co-chair and speaker 2005, 2006 and 2007).

·         Elektronisk förvaltning och kanalstrategier.  Workshop, Statskontoret, 4 april, 2005 (Member of the expert group).

·         Invited speaker, Carelink Research Seminary, Stockholm 2001.

·         Invited speaker at the Telemedicine Conference Stockholm 2000.

·         Invited speaker, Swedish Hearing about Injury Prevention. Organized by the Swedish national government, 1998.


Manuscript reviewer

·         Reviewer for The Research Council of Norway : naturvitenskap og teknologi. Dep. of Science and Technology Divisjon for Vitenskap. Division of Science Norges forskningsråd ( 2004,  2005, 2009, 2010 ).

AMIA, 2011

 IADIS EH 2011


Medinfo 2011

ITHC2010 - Conference on Information Technology in Health Care: Sociotechnical Approaches

·         Reviewer for the 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2009.

·         BMC-series journals

·         Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.

·         Reviewer for the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2008.  

·         Member of the Medical Science Monitor International Reviewers Panel (IRP), since 2004.

·         Reviewer for AMIA (American medical Informatics Association), since 2001. (Review of 5 papers per year).

·         Reviewer for the WSEAS international conferences since 2006.

·         Reviewer for Medinfo, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2007 (Review of 9 papers).

·         Reviewer for IMIE (European Medical Informatics Association Annual Conference), 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2008. (Review of 5 to 7 papers per conference).

·       Reviewer for The Research Council of Norway : naturvitenskap og teknologi. Dep. of Science and Technology Divisjon for Vitenskap. Division of Science Norges forskningsråd ( 2004 and 2005).

Teaching experience

Undergraduate level

Time                                        Educational experience: Extensive experience within undergraduate and graduate courses as well as continuing education. More than 15 years of experience.

            Total amount of lecturing: Aprox 1 000 to 1 275 hours per year, since 2002.

Level of independence:          Examiner and responsible of course development, teaching material and individual project supervision for all the courses, except guest lectures.

Examinations                          Examiner for 14 undergraduate courses and 6 doctoral         courses. Examiner for 41 Maters Thesis in the areas of   Economic Information Systems, Health Informatics and Informatics and Media Design.

List of undergraduate courses

TDDD29:  IT Project Management 6 ECTS credits (sw: IT-project ledning)


This course aims to give students knowledge in how to analyze issues in managing projects and the organizational challenges that the implementation of IT- based applications demand.


The course is open for students in the area of Computer Engineering (C), Computer Science and Cognitive Science, Information Technology (IT) and students from the international master educational programme in software engineering and management. The course was given for first time this year.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given both in English and Swedish.


TDDD03: Industrial Engineering and Systems Usability Issues, 4,5 ECTS credits.
(sw: Användbarhet i ett ekonomiskt perspektiv)2003 -  present


The aim of this course is to give the students attending the course knowledge about the importance and economic meaning of user oriented system development methods.  The course is predicated on a very active participation from students and contains opening lectures and seminars together with tuition of projects.


This course was developed for students in the area of Industrial Engineering (I) in 2003. Since 2006, and because the increased interest for this area, the course is also given for students in the areas of   Computer Engineering (C), Computer Science and Cognitive Science.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given both in English and Swedish.


The course is based in my own previous and current research in the area of usability engineering.


728A07 Advanced Course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Business and Service Planning, 6 ECTS credits 2006 - present


The intention with this course is to give an understanding for how Geographical Information systems (GIS) can be used for as well business applications as for applications where different services must match a demand as e.g. in healthcare. The course uses a Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach where the students in the frame of a project, both practically and theoretically, learn how to work with GIS. Besides the project and project meetings, lectures, seminars and exercises help the students to achieve the course goals.


The course is given for students from the Master Program “Geographical Information Systems”.


Responsibility: Organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in English.


TTIT52 Project : System development and system usability , 30 ECTS credits (sw:Projekttermin) 2007-present.


To work in project is an important part of the tasks of an engineer. In this course students learn to work in a project organisation and gain knowledge about project planning and project management. They also develop experience applying theoretical knowledge in practical project work. Besides solving technical problems, the students have to understand usability aspects and how a product’s usability influences the people in an organization.


The course is given for all students from the Master of Science in Information Technology Educational Program. 


Responsibility: Mentor, course organiser and examiner of the area “System development and System Usability”.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


TDDC34 Technical, Economical and Societal Evaluation of IT-products 6 ECTcredits  (sw: Teknisk, ekonomisk och samhällelig utvärdering av IT-produkter) 2004 - present.


The aim of this course is to provide a holistic perspective of models and methods to analyze and evaluate new technology and its alternative uses and effects. After the course, students should be well equipped to take part in discussions about how to evaluate and analyze the impact and possibilities of new IT ventures in private as well as in public organizations. Most of the teaching is concentrated into 4-hour modules where we mix lectures, seminaries, and discussions of literature. A project report is also developed during this course.


This course gives today to students in the area of Computer Science (C), Engineering (D) and Information Technology (IT- programme). From August 2007 the course is also included in the new International Master Program in Software Engineering and Management.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish and English.

The course uses experiences from my own research in this area.


TDDC87 Orientering i IT infrastrukturer, 2,5 p / 4 hp (Introduction to IT Infrastructures) 2006 - present


The general aim of the course is to give students insights about the infrastructure of IT, Computer architecture, Operating Systems and Computer Networks. After completing this course the students should be able to perform analysis of IT-infrastructure and its relationship with market aspects, existing standards systems and budget constrains. The course consists of a series of lectures and a short project in which the students investigate the infrastructure of an IT-based artifact and compare it with other current standards systems.


The course is given for students in the areas of Industrial Engineering (I); International Industrial Engineering (Ii) , and Information Technology (IT- programme).


Responsibility: Organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in English.


TDEI06 Economic Information Systems (sw: Ekonomiska information system) 2006.


This course has as aim to introduce students into the area of economic information systems. The course is based on the research performed at the EIS (Economic Information Systems) research group.


The course is given for students in the area of Industrial Engineering (I).


Responsibility: Organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


TDEI 04 Industrial Economics and Management (sw: Industriell ekonomi)

 6 ECTS credits. 2004 – 2007


The aim of the course is to bring knowledge and understanding about basic economics and business administration areas with focus on economical connections and relations relevant for different types of companies and organizations with emphasis on the use of IT management. The course contains opening lectures and seminaries


The course is given for students in the areas of Computer Science (C), Engineering (D) and Information Technology (IT- programme).


Responsibility: Organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


ITE 42:  Participatory Design for Product and Organizational Development, 7,5 ECT credits (SW: Produkt och organisationsutveckling genom Deltagande Design) 2006


This course was aimed for students with minimal knowledge in how to develop IT-based applications for both private enterprises and public organizations. Focus in this course has been the use of participative approaches, as Participatory Design, to develop products and services and the IT-structure in parallel with the organization. The course was included in the curriculum in EIS (Economic Information Systems)  at Gotland University, Gotland.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course was given in Swedish.


TDEI65 IT, Communication and Organizational Design, 4,5 ECTS credits (sw:IT, kommunikation och organisations design) 20032006


The purpose of this course was to provide understanding of the effects of the implementation and use of IT- based administrative systems as e-.g CPRS or ERPs and its effects on communication patterns and organizational structures. The course contains opening lectures and seminars together with tuition of project work carried out in work groups.


The course was open for all students from the Institute of Technology at Linköpings universitet.


Responsibility: Organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course was given in Swedish.


TDDB91 Human-Computer Interaction 4,5 ECTS credits. (sw: Människa-datorinteraktion)  2003 -  2004


The main subject areas covered in this course are:  usability - communication principles - interaction models -  participative design methods - prototyping techniques and evaluation methods. The course consists in a number of assignments done individually and in groups.


Responsibility: Organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course was given in Swedish.


HIIV 77 Comparative Analyse of Information System Development Methods, 5p, 1997 – 1999


The goal of the course was to give the students knowledge about systems development techniques and theories to develop IT- based information systems for public and private organizations. The course consisted on a serie of lectures and seminaries.


The course was given for all students from the System Development Educational Programme.


Responsibility: Organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course was given in Swedish.


Economic and Administration for students from the International Industrial Engineering (Ii) program, 5p (1994-1996)


Responsibility: Organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course was given in Spanish.


Economic History of Spain for students from the International Industrial Engineering (Ii), 5p (1994-1996)


Responsibility: Organiser, responsible and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course was given in Spanish.

Miscellaneous engagement in other courses

Distance course in Health Informatics (NADIMI) 2008.


Developer, responsible and examiner of the module:  Evaluation models in health informatics.


Course: Human Computer Interaction at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH), Department of Human Computer Interaction. October 2005, October 2006 and October 2007.Guest lecturer: I held a lecture on the costs of usability, and the importance and meaning of the usage of user oriented methods for system development for companies or public organisations.  


Course: TGTU39 Introduction to Academic Studies at Master Level for the International Master students in the Institute of Technology, LiTH - 2007


Guest lecturer. I held a lecture on student-centred learning and academic culture in Sweden.


Course: Information day for foreign students: Campus Norrköping, 2007 


Guest lecturer: I held a lecture on Gender and cultural differences.


Course: TDEI34 Management control Undergraduate Course at the Department of Computer Science, Linköpings universitet200 2- 2003.


Guest lecturer: I held a lecture on the use and implementation of CPR in healthcare organizations and its effects for inter-organizational collaboration.


Course: Public Health, at the Department of Social Medicine, Linköpings universitet 1995 - 1996.


Guest lecturer: I held a lecture on Health Economics and Models and Methods to evaluate health intervention programs.

List of post-graduate courses

Health Informatics , 7,5 ECTS- credits(2009)


The evolution of electronic information and communication tools is transforming the health-care system and creating new ways of accessing and exchanging information that will impact the health-care sector. The primary objectives of the course include: using leading edge research projects as exemplars that show the kind of research performed in Health Informatics and illustrate how such research is done

Graduates of the program will acquire knowledge, skills and competencies relevant in Health Informatics/Information and Management Systems.

Responsibility: Developer, organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in English.


Qualitative research methods, 7,5 ECTS-credits (2008-2009)

The overall aim of the course is to focus on how and why qualitative methods can be used in different studies as well as their strengths and weakness.  The course gives students the kind of confidence and competence in qualitative research that will enable them to design, carry out and publish qualitative research in the area of informatics, HCI and health informatics

Responsibility: Developer, organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in English.


Qualitative research methods (2008-2009)

FDA 2006 VT e-government (sw: Det offentliga samhället online: 24timmarsmyndigheter i teori och praktik), 5p (2006 -  2007)


The overall aim of the course is to give knowledge about theoretical insights used to produce innovative ideas and operational e­-services. Using a citizen-centred perspective, with a focus on the e-infrastructure of the society, on public sector services and on electronic market solutions, we discuss in this course the need of business opportunities for home and mobile services and appliances for the everyday user, the need of technology for inter-organizational transactions, terminology integration, legislation and co-operation between public sector organizations with special focus on healthcare organizations.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser and co-examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


FDA 092 Home Informatics 2004 vt, 5 p. (2004)


In this doctoral course we discuss the everyday use of information technology and appliances for computing, discussing issues as, for instance, what kind of IT innovations individuals prefer for communication at home or why households will or not will use ICT for communication at their private residences. In this sense, the area is contrasted with Informatics in general, which has had an emphasis on work-life systems and professional use of ICT at workplaces. We have selected examples from on-going research and state-of-the-art research that help to illustrate the potential of the area of home informatics, the importance to understand the ecology and market forces for everyday ICT products and finally, the importance of the identification of factors that influence the acceptation of technology for use at home.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser and co-examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


FDA134, 2003 VT Participatory Design 5 p (2003)


Focus in this course is the use of participative approaches to develop products and services and the IT-structure in parallel with the organization. The use of Participatory Design as main approach to develop IT-based information systems is discusses and analyzed from several perspectives. Further, we discuss differences between the use of PD in Scandinavian and in other countries as well as the differences and similarities with other approaches such as Action Research and Socio-technical Design. We also discuss the usability of the methodology to develop industrial ICT-based system vs public information systems.


Responsibility: Developer, organiser and examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


Advanced IT-Project Management 5 p (2002 and 2003).


The course gives for industrial doctoral students, for ICT- experts and leaders for public organizations and the county council in Östergötland. The course is arranged in collaboration with Santa Anna IT-Research Institute.

Responsibility: Organiser and co-examiner of the course.

Course language: The course is given in Swedish.


FDA191, 2005 HT Realizing IT-enabled change: agreeing on strategies and aligning actions (2005)


I held lectures on Health and Nursing Informatics and discuss issues such as hindrances and incentives to implemented and use IT in healthcare organizations.


FMV: The Swedish Defence Materiel Adminstration (Försvarets materielverk)


I held a lecture on “The economics of usability”, 9 February 2006.

Pedagogical development efforts

Development and design of the International Master Program “Software Engineering and Management” (120 ECTS.)


During 2006 and in collaboration with Professor Kristian Sandahl I designed and implemented the New International Master's Programme in Software Engineering and Management (120 ECTS) offered to International Students at the Institute of Technology (LiTH), at Linköpings universitet (LiU). The Master’s programme in Software Engineering and Management offers a variety of courses in development methods, design, testing, measurement and modelling of software. This includes practical projects where industry relevant experience is gained. The Educational program started on autumn 2007 as a full time program.


Gender Lecturer: “Linköping University – A gender Conscious University “at The Institute of Technology (LiTH), 2005 - present


Equality between the sexes has long been a broad based and high priority national policy objective in Sweden.  Since the 1980s, Linköpings universitet (LiU) has worked actively for gender equality.  On two occasions, the University has been awarded a ‘gold medal’ by the National Agency for Higher Education for its gender equality work.  Bolstered by its successes and experience, in 2004 LiU adopted a vision of becoming gender sensitive in 2006.   My role as gender lecturer at (LiTH) has been to integrate gender issues in both graduate and under graduate education and to organize seminaries, courses and workshops.  I have also actively collaborated with the Student Union (Lin Tek) into the development of welcome programs for new students at the Institute of Technology (LiTH).


Development of a National Distance Education in Medical/Health Informatics (NADIMI)


In collaboration with Assoc Professor Sabine Koch from Uppsala University and other universities in Sweden, we have developed a new national distance education program in health informatics. The general aim of this collaborative effort is to develop cooperation between the different universities and to analyse the pre-requisites for a national distance education in health Informatics. More than 10 different Swedish Universities cooperate in the project that is financed by the Swedish Agency of networks and Cooperation in Higher Education (NSHU). I am the Sub-project leader of the project.

Own pedagogical education

Academic Leadership (Ledarutveckling for kvinnliga forskare- AIDAs project) Linköpings universitet, 20022003, and 2006.

Leadership at Leadership Management International, 2003.

Leadership in undergraduate education (sw: Pedagogisk ledarskap) from the Centrum for Universitetspedagogik, Linköpings universitet, 2002.

Leadership for graduate students (sw: Forskarhandledning) from the Centrum for Universitetspedagogik, Linköpings universitet, 2000.

Base group tutor for problem based-learning (sw: Basgruppshandledarkurs) from the Centrum for Universitetspedagogik, Linköpings universitet,1999.

Supervision of Master Thesis

I have supervised as main supervisor the following Master Thesis:

·         Title of the Master Thesis: Effektivare kommunikation i radiologin.  (LIU IDA/LITH-EX-A--09/013—SE). Author: Johannes Larsson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Quality assurance with TL 9000 in agile software development of set-top boxes: The case of Motorola and the use of Scrum. (LIU-IDA/LITH-EX-A--09/011—SE). Authors: Kristofer Gustafsson and Johan Jakobsson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: User-centred redesign of a business system using the Star Life Cycle method (LIU-IDA/LITH-EX-A--08/39--SE) Author: Martin Ahlström

·         Title of Master Thesis: Identifiering av dagens metod och effektivisering av införandeprocessen (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX0--SE) Author: Andreas Andersson

·         Title of Master Thesis: utveckling av inter-organisatoriskt samarbete   (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX08--SE) Author: Johan Fryksell.

·         Title of Master Thesis:Outsoutcing av IT-tjänster för svenska finansbolag I samband med den nya lagstifningen (ISRN: LiU-IEI-TEK-A—07/00198SE) Author: Magnus Hjelmfeldt

·         Title of Master Thesis: Benefits of Using GIS for China. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-07/-SE) Author: Fu Yung.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Utveckling av ett användaranpassar webbgränssnitt for TIETO ENATORS liventhanteringssystem. (ISRN: LIU-IEI-TEK-A--07/00137--SE) Author: Renée Lindkvist Johansson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Business Intelligence för Turnpike. (ISRN: LIU-IEI_TEK_A--07/0087—SE) Author: Johan Nodén.

·         Title of Master Thesis: The Demography of Employment in the Swedish Economy: Estimation and Mapping of Manpower statistics in Östergötland (ISRN: LIU:IDA D20--06/005--SE) Author: Andreas- Nikolaos Papandreu.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Triple Play-Tjänster och system   (ISRN: LITH-IDA_EX--06/022 SE) Author: Måns Nilback.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Systemutveckling med gemensamma system. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-05/064-SE) Author: Susanne Olsson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Generellt verktyg för en 24-timmarsmyndighet. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-05/062-SE) Author: Maria Nilsson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Strukturering av krav på en webbportal. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-05/041-SE) Author: David Mellqvist.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Hantering av frakter och fraktfakturor inom Astra Zeneca: Utformning av en kravspecifikation for ett nytt system. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-05/037-SE) Authors: Andrea Eriksson and Susanne Wiik.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Arbetsmodell för optimerad ergonomivalidering. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-04/053-SE) Authors: Johan Bjur and Johan Eriksson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: A Study of IT Infrastructure- what support foes it provide for people responsible for managing and following up a project work. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-04/048-SE) Author: Sandra Gustafson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Database API for Genetic Variations: (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-04/043-SE) Author: Eric Lönroth.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Construction of Prototype for a time report module to Salespeople CRM. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-Ex-04/38-SE) Authors: Per Erikson and Andreas Grandstedt

·         Title of Master Thesis: Communication Platform for Conwide III and SAP/R3. (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-EX-04/034-SE) Author: Erik Andersson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Med kunden i focus: hur kan en kundportal stärka relationen. (LITH-IDA-EX--04/119--SE) Author: Clas Ericson.
Title of Master Thesis: Management Tool for IS Projects- A Study at Scania Financial Systems.(ISRN: LiTH-IDA-Ex-04/29) Authors: Martin Flygare and Cristian Ivanoff.

·         Title of Master Thesis:  Beslutsunderlag for systemintegration (ISRN: LiTH-IDA.Ex-04/012-SE) Authors: Lars Sigfridsson and Johan Wigertz.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Implementing a modular information system in J2EE (ISRN: (LiTH-Ex-04/006-SE) Authors: Daniel Hedenstedt and Staffan Olsson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Datawarehouse: Sickness absence and rehabilitation. (ISRN: LIU-IDA-D10-04/002­-SE) Authors: Agneta Danielsson and Malena Svensson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Visualisation of patterns of absence due to sickness in Östergötland- Usage of a Geographic Information System as a Tool. (ISRN: LIU: IDA-D10–03/011-SE) Authors: Karin Svensson and Annika Söderlund.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Knowledge Capital Measurement (ISRN: LIU-IDA-D-02/26-SE) Author: Per Nilsen.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Youth participation in local democracy with information technology support  (ISRN: LIU IDA-D-03/2-SE) Author: Anders Persson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Från idé till verklighet: en arbetsprocess för att med explorativ prototyping utveckla ett nytt koncept. (ISRN: LIU-IDA ex 02/09-SE) Authors: Helene de Faire & Markus Tångring.

·         Title of Master Thesis: FA/SIMM och Dialogseminarier. En metodutvecklande ansats inom systemutvecklingsområdet.(ISRN: LIU-IDA ex 02/0-SE) Author: Ellen Friberg

·         Title of Thesis: Att integrera verksamheten med ett affärssystem.(ISRN: LiTH-IDA-Ex-Ing-02/17) Author: Tomas Blomander.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Registrerings och analyssystem for skadeprevention inom elitbandy: Utformande av ett databassystem inom elitbandy projektets säkerhetsprogram (ISRN: LIU-IDA ex 02/04 -SE) Author: Cecilia Ernvik.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Utveckling av använbara datorsystem. En metod för använbarhetsarbete (ISRN: LITH-IDA ex 02/38-SE) Authors: Karolin Persson and Anna Karlsson.

·         Title of Master Thesis: A Wireless Handheld Supervision System for Mailrooms (ISRN: LITH-IDA ex 02/40) Author: Ola Lundell.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Best Practice Web Site Performance Testing (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-Ex-01/68-SE) Author: Stefan Widing.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Administrative Application for Auto Matching of Orders  (ISRN: LiTH-IDA-99/2-SE) Author: Phillipe Ramkvist.Henry.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Better at Home? Parents Evaluation of Quality of Care within Hospital-Based Home Care.Author: Lena Hanberger.

·          Title of Master Thesis: Datawarehouse a study in Primary Healthcare Organizations. Author: Annika Rämme.

·          Title of Master Thesis: Sport Information systems (ISRN LIU-IDA-C-01/1-SE) Authors: Viktoria Westling and Karin Oden.

·          Title of Master Thesis: Safe Habits in a Learning Communiy- an Evaluation of the Motala Safe Community. (ISRN: LIU-EKINEK-D-98/05-SE) Author: Caroline Nyman.

·          Title of Master Thesis:  Information technology and Consumption of Communication – The Impacts. (ISRN: LIU-EKINEK-D-99: NEK: D/02-SE) Author: Kristina Blom.

·         Title of Master Thesis: Det skadepreventiva arbetet I Motala Safe Community- en fallstudie. (ISSN 1402-1420) Author: Leif Andersson.

·         Title of Thesis: An Information System to Support Shop Stewards. A study concerning the functionality of FAVESKO within the DLK Project (ISRN LIU-IDA-C- 00/11-SE) Authors: Fredrick Ekström and Laura Torboia.

Other activities connected with university "third mission”

I have developed a number of networks in collaboration with the local public organizations and Linköpings universitet (LiU). Every year since 2005 and in collaboration with the “FoU- social elderly care centre” I organize a conference with the aim to inform the local community, and politicians about new issues and challenges in the area of health informatics. Researches at the national level from the field of health Informatics are invited to participate as speakers.

I have also acting as scientific leader and developer for projects in collaboration with the regional network for public organizations "Lejongrupen" and the regional government in order to find new E-services that create added value and that contribute to free resources for developing innovative and high-quality services for citizens, since 2005.


  • Computer Sweden, 2010, 2011
  • Vårdförbundet , 2011
  • Vinnova, ehälsonätverket, 2008
  • Regional TV, Östergötland, 2008
  • Skellefteå kraft and  WDO. Health Informatics, August 2008.
  • Vinnova Nytt , 2007
  • ST Press: ”Det genus medvetna universitet”, 31 juli, 2007.
  • Östgöta Correspondenten, 2007 and 2008
  • Local radio , 2005 and 2006
  • Regional TV , 2000
  • Primårvårdensnyheter: Första utvärdering av primärvårdsdatorer, 1996.
  • Läkartidningen: Datajournaler i primärvården, 1997.
  • Carelink: Nio tvärvetenskapliga avhandlingar inom IT i vården. Hälso- och sjukvårds- informatik och Medicinsk Informatik, 2002.
  • National  News TV 1 , 1995.


[1] The specialization requires 20 points of study