Sponsors: IEEE Computer Society,
Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC)at West Virginia University,
and Linkoping University, Sweden
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
Location: 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001
![]() Master Agenda
Enterprise Security
WET ICE is an annual, international forum for
state-of-the-art research in enabling technologies for collaboration.
WET ICE 2000 will consist of parallel, three-day workshops on different topics related to collaboration technology. Each workshop will include paper presentations and working group discussions, with additional joint keynote sessions and a final joint session to summarize each groups' findings. What sets WET ICE apart from larger conferences is that the workshops are kept small enough to promote fruitful discussions on the latest technology developments, directions, problems, and requirements. Each group will produce a summary report which will appear in the post-proceedings to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Paper submissions are not required for participation in the workshops. However, check the home page of the workshop in which you are interested -- some workshop organizers may require you to submit a brief position paper. Some of the papers accepted for the workshops, and which were peer-reviewed by a minimum of three people, will be included in the post-proceedings. Paper submissions should be sent directly to the organizers of the workshop in which you are interested; see the individual workshop pages, which are linked to the left column of this page, for submission information. Important Dates
ChairsGeneral Chair:Dr. Ram D. Sriram, Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Program Chair:Nahid Shahmehri , Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, SwedenWorkshop hostNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),USASteering CommitteeYahya Alsalqan, Sun Microsystems, USAMiroslav Benda , Boeing Commercial Aircraft, USA V. Juggy Jagannathan, Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia U., USA Dr. Srinivas Kankanahalli, Hewlett-Packard Company, USA Jintae Lee , Department of Decision Science, U. of Hawaii, USA Charles Petrie , Center for Design Research, Stanford U., USA Ramana Reddy, Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia University, USA Sumitra Reddy , Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia University, USA Alexander Schill, Faculty of Computer Science, Technical U. of Dresden, Germany Nahid Shahmehri , Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden Dr. Ram D. Sriram (ex-officio), Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop CoordinatorSumitra Reddy , Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia University, USAInquiresPlease send all inquiries regarding the WET ICE workshops to wetice@cerc.wvu.edu or call (U.S.) 304-293-7226. |
Last modified Wed May 31 12:04:20 MET DST 2000