
Program NEW!


Registration OPEN



Presentation Submission

Click here to upload your slides and bio.

Important dates

  • August 29
    Deadline for presentation slides submission
  • September 5
    Feed-back on presentation slides
  • September 12
    Deadline for final presentation slides

Information, Instructions and Guidelines

  1. Length
    Length: All regular talks are 25 minutes long, Special Session talks are 30 minutes long, including 5 minutes for questions. Time will be strictly enforced by the session chair, so please practice and plan your talk accordingly.
  2. Electronic Submission
    You must send us an electronic copy of your presentation slides (via web upload shown below) by Monday, AUGUST 29. You will receive feedback on the content of your slides by Monday, SEPTEMBER 5. The final version of your slides must then be submitted by Monday, SEPTEMBER 12, for it to be available on the presentation computers in the conference rooms. Please use your web-based submission account's user name and password to submit your presentation file. Please do not send it as an email attachment. Please use the following link for the submission of your presentation.
  3. Bio
    While you are in the slides submission system, please also take a minute to fill out the speaker's biographical information. Length: All regular talks are 25 minutes long, Special Session talks are 30 minutes long, including 5 minutes for questions.
  4. Projection
    We will provide a computer with an LCD projector for the presentation. We do not recommend the use of your personal laptop, as this tends to increase the time to set-up between presentations. However, if you choose to run the presentation from your own laptop, we ask that you connect your laptop to the monitor switch and test it thoroughly during the break before your presentation. Please note that only electronic slides will be supported. We will not have an overhead projector for transparencies or 35mm slides.
  5. Software
    Powerpoint 2002 and PDF Reader Acroread 6.0 will be available on the conference computers. Please ensure that your presentation is compatible with these versions. If you are using PowerPoint you may want to save your presentation with embedded fonts, to preserve the same fonts that you see in your computer.
  6. Poster
    All regular paper sessions will be followed by poster sessions. Please prepare posters with a maximum size of 24" (60 cm) width x 36" (90 cm) height. We will provide "tri-fold" boards of 36" (height) by 48" (horizontal). The horizontal dimension is 12" + 24" + 12", and the sides need to be slightly bent for the board to stand on a table.


  • Practice your talk!!
  • Some speakers talk to slides longer than others. Nonetheless, for a 25 minute talk, 10 slides are probably too few and 30 slides are most definitely too many. The average time to talk to a slide (over all people) is 1.5 minutes. Most people take 1-2 minutes per slide. However, the important thing is to determine YOUR time/slide and plan the number of slides accordingly.
  • The first few slides should be simple to talk to. The relationship between speaker and audience as well as the confidence of the speaker in giving the presentation is normally established on the first 1-2 slides.
  • First-level bullets should be 24 point font size or larger (second level 20 point, third level 18 point). The use of four levels is strongly discouraged.
  • Try to use no more than four first-level bullets per slide.
  • Try to include a unique graphic on each slide, however small. Slides with only text tend to put the audience to sleep. Superfluous clip art is discouraged, but graphics that help orient the audience can be engaging.
  • Try to eliminate complex logos from appearing on the slide master, as they can distract the audience from the material you are presenting. Instead, include your website on the slide master, since that will matter most to those you are motivating to be interested in following your work!
  • Remember, many people will be attending the talks that are not deeply engaged in your research topic. Orient the audience as to why your work is important and unique.
  • Any graphic that is pertinent to your paper (and not just to increase the visual presentation) should be explained, especially experimental results.
  • Try to limit colors to no more than 6-8. Too many colors can be distracting.
  • Remember that your audience will be sitting through many talks. What are the most important points they will take away from yours? In general, this is only 2-3 main points. Everything on your slides should support those points.
CODES+ISSS is part of the
Embedded Systems Week.


  • ESTIMedia'07
    5th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, Oct. 4-5
  • WASP'07
    Workshop on Application Specific Processors, Oct. 4



Hotel online booking
Day Month Year
Nights Rooms Persons
per room
(Provided by Salzburg Congress)

Sponsoring Societies
Industrial/Academic Contributors
Technical Sponsors
IFIP Working Group 10.2 on
Embedded Systems
IFIP Working Group 10.5 on Design and Engineering of
Electronic Systems