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TDDC88 / TDDC93 - Software Engineering (Ht1-Ht2 2024)

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2024‑08‑06  The course is given on campus

The course is given on campus with lectures in the lecture halls at Campus Valla and a written exam on site. For those of you taking the project part of TDDC88 and 725G64, there are on-campus mandatory project meetings Thursday afternoon each week. September 4th and 6th there are also mandatory project meetings 10-12. The labs of TDDC88 and 725G64 are on Monday or Thursday evenings.

Read our policy for generative AI, here

There are three parts of the course package:

parts and codes

The theory part is a 4 hp course with lectures and a written exam. There are five optional lecture exercises that can give extra credits on the written exam. Included for course codes TDDC88, TDDC93, and 725G64.

The laboratory work is 2 hp and will give practical examples of software engineering tools and important software solutions. 24 hours are scheduled in the laboratory and you get examined by showing the work to the assistant. Included for course codes TDDC88 and 725G64.

The project is performed in groups of about 25 students each, during the entire semester. Each such group is called a company and there will be 3 companies in 2024 making software for a customer. The goal of the project is that students will get experience from software engineering challenges that can be useful in the "real world" after graduation. The grade for this 6 hp part is calculated both on the performance of the company and the individual.

NOTE! This course requires active participation in the project work including presence in meetings. In our present block schedule, most of these meetings occur on Thursdays 13:15-17:00 each week. To be able to be part of this course we have a hard registration deadline: 2024-09-09. You must be both registered on the course AND member of one of the project teams at that date. If not, you will not be able to participate in course in 2024.

TDDC88/725G64 - Software Engineering, 12 hp (I, Ii, DAV, CS, MMAT, Y, Yi, SVP, MIT)

TDDC88 consists of all parts: Theory, lab, and project.

Students from SVP use the code 725G64 in their curriculum, but the course work is identical to TDDC88.

TDDC93 - Software Engineering Theory, 4 hp. (For D, U)

The course TDDC93 covers only the theory part, i.e. TDDC93 does not contain any project work or laboratory exercises.

Examiner for TDDC88/725G64 is Kristian Sandahl.

Examiner for TDDC93 is Daniel Varró

Welcome to the course!

Page responsible: Kristian Sandahl
Last updated: 2024-08-06