TDDD43 Advanced Data Models and Databases
Introduction (pdf)
Theme 1: Information Retrieval
In this theme we introduce ways to store and access textual data. We introduce storage models as well as conceptual models.
- 1 lecture
- Lecture 1: Classic Information Retrieval Modeling (pdf, pdf2)
- Reading material
Theme 2: Semi-structured data, XML and RDF
This theme gives an introduction to semi-structured data in general. Further, we introduce XML and RDF. The theme also introduces query languages for semi-structured data, as well as query languages and technologies for management of XML and RDF.
The lab exercise consist of two parts. The first part involves creating a data model for a social network application as a relational database, XML and RDF and reflect over differences and similarities of the models. The second part of the exercise consist of querying your data models.
- 3 lectures
- 2 lab exercises (6 scheduled hours each)
- Lecture 1: Semi-structured data (pdf, Solutions to excercises (ppt)).
- Lecture 2: XML (pdf)
- Lecture 3: RDF (pdf)
- Reading material
- Lab: Semi-structured data (see labs)
- Lab: Querying Semi-structured data (see labs)
Theme 3: Semantic Web, Ontologies and OWL
This theme introduces the Semantic Web as an extension of the Web where information is given semantics. We also introduce ontologies as a key technology for achieving this. Further, we discuss description logics as the basis for the Semantic Web knowledge representation language OWL.
- 3 lectures
- 1 lab exercise (2 scheduled hours)
- Lecture 1: Semantic web and ontologies (pdf)
- Lectures 2-3: Description Logics and OWL (slides - pdf, interpretation (docx))
- Reading material
- Lab: Ontologies and OWL (see labs)
Theme 4: NoSQL databases
In this theme we will introduce a new kind of databases, NoSQL databases, that are currently used for storage and management of huge amounts of data.
- 2 lectures, slides will be updated
- 1 lab exercise (4 scheduled hours)
- Lecture 1: NoSQL Databases (pdf), HDFS and MapReduce (pdf)
- Lecture 2: Graph data systems (pdf)
- Reading material
- Lab: NoSQL databases (see labs)
- NOTE! This lab will be conducted on the Tetralith cluster on SNIC-provided supercomputing resources at NSC and you will need a special account. Information on how to obtain this is available here. Note that the teachers in the course may require access to a special directory in your account for grading your exercises. Note also that you need to apply for the account well in advance since there are manual steps for granting it.
Theme 5: Data integration
This theme contains two topics. The first topic discusses ontology alignment, and in particular ontology alignment strategies, evaluation, and current research issues. In the lab exercise we study the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative and implement an ontology alignment strategy. In the second topic we discuss the integration of data sources, and in particular link driven federations and mediation systems using global as view and local as view integration.
- Lectures 1-2: Ontology alignment and ontology debugging and completion (pdf)
- Introductory video about ontology debugging and completion (does not contain the algorithms) (youtube video)
- Lecture 3: Integration of data sources (pdf)
- 1 lab exercise (4 scheduled hours)
- Reading material
- Lab: Ontology Alignment (see labs)
Page responsible: Patrick Lambrix
Last updated: 2015-08-31