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TDDI07 Distributed embedded software and networks (4 ECTS)

Ht2 2020

Computer systems are becoming a core part of almost every aspect of society. Hospitals, cities, buses, cars, banks, factories, houses, all are being monitored and controlled by computer systems. Most of these systems are embedded (built into another system) as well as networked. This course is about those systems. How to analyse, design and implement systems of small networked computers that monitor and control critical physical systems.

Latest News...

2020‑11‑10  Signup for seminar 1 papers now available (from 11 today).

See the seminars page.

2020‑11‑05  Instructions to run labs in virtual machine

There are now instructions available for how to run the labs on your own machine in VirtualBox.

2020‑11‑02  Course start

Welcome to the 2020 run of the course! Due to increased Corona restrictions, the first lectore on Tuesday November 3 at 8.15 will be held in Teams. If you are not already a member of the Teams group, send an email to mikael.asplund@liu.se.

Page responsible: Mikael Asplund
Last updated: 2020-11-02