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Fourth Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing

November 23-25, 2011, Linköping University

Call for Papers and Submission Information

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries to present and discuss recent work in the area of multi-core computing. The workshop is organized as an activity within the network "Swedish Multicore Initiative".

Topics of interest

The scope of the workshop is both hardware and software aspects of multicore computing, including design and development as well as practical usage of systems. The list of interests includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
  • Architecture of multi-core processors, memory systems, and interconnect and on-chip networks
  • Parallel programming models, languages, environments
  • Parallel algorithms and applications
  • Compiler optimizations and techniques for multi-core systems
  • Hardware/software design trade-offs in multi-core systems
  • Operating system, middleware, and run-time system support for multi-core
  • Correctness and performance analysis of parallel hardware and software
  • Tools and methods for development and evaluation of multi-core systems
  • Embedded, reconfigurable, accelerator-based, GPU and hybrid parallel computing
For a special session about on-going European projects in the multi-core area, we explicitly welcome submissions of survey papers about related EU FP7 projects where partners from Nordic countries are involved. Reports on early results and position papers are also encouraged.


Participants willing to give a 20 minutes presentation are asked to send an electronic version of a paper presenting original work that does not exceed four pages using the ACM proceedings format (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) as a PDF document (with all fonts embedded, please) to Each submitted paper will be read by the program committee and designated reviewers and judged on scientific merit, readability, originality and relevance.


Workshop proceedings with the camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be available at the workshop. Because the proceedings have a small and limited distribution, contributions will not disqualify subsequent publications in conferences or journals.

Author information regarding camera-ready versions:

The final versions of papers accepted for regular presentation can have up to 6 pages in ACM SIG Proceedings style, papers accepted for poster presentation have 1 page (same style) in the MCC proceedings.
If short of space, it is OK to use the tighter alternate version of the ACM SIG Proceedings style. Note also that the copyright box is not needed so you could remove it to gain space.

Information for the poster presentations can be found here.

Page responsible: Christoph Kessler
Last updated: 2012-07-13